Ток - шоу "In the world of profession" Конспект уроку для 10 класу

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Конспект відкритого уроку у 10 класі за темою "Професії" має на меті систематизувати вивчений матеріал з теми, розвивати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання та письма.

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Конспект уроку у 10 класі

Тема: The world of professions


  • to stimulate the using of vocabulary;
  • to develop creative thinking;
  • to develop reading, listening and communicative skills;
  • to develop imagination, initiative, to promote professional orientation;
  • to develop pupils’ independence and self-control in communicative situation;
  • to develop positive attitude towards life.


    Тип уроку: Урок застосування отриманих умінь і навичок на практиці.

Форма проведення: ток-шоу

Наочність та обладнання: підручники, таблиці, текстові завдання, ілюстративний матеріал, завдання на картках, контрольні запитання.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент

Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу

- Привітання:  Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? I'm glad to see you.

             Warm up : I’d like to start our lesson with the poem. Listen to it and be ready to name the professions you’ll hear in it answer my questions.

Just Me

Grown-ups always want to know,

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I’m never sure what to say, my answer changes every day.

May be I’ll be a detective on a TV show.

I might be a disk jockey on the radio.

I’ll be a pilot and fly through the sky.

I’ll be a dancer and leap way up high.

I’m never sure what to say, my answers change every day.

I’ll be an author and write a great book.

I’ll be a chef – the world’s greatest cook.

I’ll be a sailor and sail on the sea.

I think for now that I’ll just be me.



- What is this poem about?

- What professions have you heard in this poem?

- What are we going to speak about today?


The aim of the lesson

Today we’re going to have an unusual lesson – a kind of a talk-show. So welcome to our show “English Talks”. My name is Svitlana. Today’s our topic is “ The world of professions”.   

You will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech. The  aim of the lesson is to think about and to decide what professions are modern and challenging and at the same time suit you from the point of view of your abilities and individual traits of character. 

What  do  you  want  to  be  after  graduating? - You  have  heard  this  question  many  times  during  your  school  year. Perhaps, it  was  difficult  for  you  to  give  a  definite  answer  earlier. But  you  understand  that  the  time  to  choose  your  future  profession  is coming.


  1.                Main body

T: The ancient world was the world of seven wonders. The modern world is the world of computers. They have already revolutionized the way we live, work and even have a rest. It’s the world of engineering, marketing and information technologies. All this has changed different spheres of our life. There are a lot of changes in different areas.

In our studio we have some guests: information agents, experts in professions, phycologist, interweivers and a secret guest from Britain.

Work in pairs. Make a list of  jobs which are popular/not popular/well-paid/low-paid/ today.

Pupils work in pairs and make a list of some popular jobs.


Possible answers : a doctor , a lawyer, a designer, a politician, a computer programmist, an accountant etc.


T: You are right. A lawyer, a journalist, a politician, a manager, a computer programmist are popular nowadays.   But on the other hand you can’t do without daily bread, the ABC, the health protection. That’s why farming, schooling and medicine are also of great importance.

Our experts investigated this topic and ready to tell us the results.

(виступ експертів)

Активізація лексичного матеріалу. Гра «Відгадай професію»

Учитель: Now it`s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it?” I`ll describe you a profession and you will give me the word.

Slide. Here are some professions: dentist, bricklayer, architect, fashion designer, policeman, manager, secretary, cashier, programmer, mechanic, physicist, fireman.

Учитель: Listen to the definition of professions, try to guess and name them.

  1. someone who makes walls with bricks
  2. someone who designs clothes
  3. someone who writes computer programs
  4. someone who works at the cash register.
  5. someone who repairs cars
  6. someone whose job is to design buildings
  7. someone whose job is to manage a company
  8. someone who studies or works in physics
  9. someone who puts out fires and rescues people.
  10. someone who treats people’s teeth.
  11. someone who catches criminals and keeps people safe.
  12. someone who works in an office and types letters.


I wonder if you have made up your mind about which profession to choose?

Nowadays there is a great variety of jobs to any taste.

Our information agents are ready to tell us about new professions which recently appear in the world.

(виступи учнів про професії)


Teacher: Choosing a future career we should think about many things.

Look at the chart and fill in the missing jobs, skills and personal qualities with the words from the box: cook’s helper, using computers, easy-going, talkative, creative, energetic, stewardess, skiing, giving istructions





Personal qualities


Office worker

using computers

Well-organised, responsible


Children’s art teacher

Teaching, drawing, painting

Creative, easy-going


cook’s helper

Cooking, cutting

Hard-working, reliable


Ski instructor

skiing, giving istructions

Athletic, patient



Selling, convincing people

Talkative, energetic



Speaking foreign languages, serving food

Friendly, polite


What skills and qualities should people of different jobs have?

–Make up your own sentences using the words in the chart:

For example: Office worker must have skills of using computers and must be well-organised and responsible.


Teacher: It’s high time to adverts. Don’t change your channel, stay with us!


Teacher: It’s me again, Svitlana! Now I’d like you to answer some questions. Are you ready? Let’s start.

Teacher: Do we have your mobile phones in our studio? Do you have the Internet connection? We need your mobiles for our next task. Take your phones and do the next task.

Now we’re going to do a project “Job search”. First find http://www.jobs.ac.uk site in the Net, choose one job that you like and fill in the information about it in the grid.

Present your information to the studio and explain your choice.

Job name:

Company name:



Job description:

Job skills:


  • I’d really like to be a …
  • I think a … needs to be …
  • I want to be a … because I’m …
  • I like / enjoy … .

Teacher: Our next activity is to make up a dialogue based on some advertisements. I’ll give you the advertisements and you must role-play a job interview. One of you is the interviewer, the other wants a job.

Think about:

  • reasons for application,
  • qualifications,
  • work experience
  • expected salary.

These questions will help you:


  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • What kind of qualification do you have?
  • What kind of work experience did  you have?
  • What salary do you expect to have?
  • we’ll get in touch with you later.

Who wants to be the first to act out the dialogues?  Thanks! 

  • Good afternoon!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • I applied for this job because I thought it seemed really interesting.
  • What kind of qualification do you have?
  • I did my diploma 5 years ago. I’ve been working for the university newspaper. And I really like it.
  • What salary do you expect to have?
  • I expect to get a full-time job and get £400 a month.
  • Thank you, we’ll get in touch with you later.
  • Thank you, good bye.
  • Good bye.


  • Good afternoon!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • I applied for this job because I thought it seemed really interesting.
  • What kind of work experience did  you have?
  • I have been working at the Zoo while studying at the college.
  • What salary do you expect to have?
  • I expect to get a part-time job and to get money every day.
  • Thank you, we’ll get in touch with you later.
  • Thank you, good bye.
  • Good bye.



  • Good afternoon!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • I applied for this job because I thought it seemed really interesting.
  • What kind of work experience did  you have?
  • I played in Rock Band at school and then at the University. I professionally studied singing.
  • What salary do you expect to have?
  • Frankly speaking, I haven’t thought about money. I’d just want to express myself and to have a lot of fans.
  • Thank you, we’ll get in touch with you later.
  • Thank you, good bye.
  • Good bye.


Teacher: It’s me, Svitlana with new interesting guests.

What would you like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like to have? In our studio we invited a phycologist who will help you.

 (виступ психолога)


Психолог: You must put a cross in the box marked Yes or No.

1. Do you like to travel?

2. Do you prefer to work indoors?
3. Do you like talking to people?
4. Do you prefer to work alone?
5. Are you energetic?
6. Do you like organizing things?
7. Are you patient?
8 Do you like animals?
9. Are you noisy?
10. Do you like to work with your hands?
11. Are you artistic?
12. Do you like working with numbers?
13. Do you like children?
14. Do you like looking after people?
15. Are you calm?
16. Are you musical?
17. Do you like sport?
18. Do you like working at night?
19. Do you mind seeing blood?
20. Do you like talking on the telephone?

Check your answers and add up (підрахувати) your score.
           Yes -    points                      No -     points
1. 10 5                   2. 10 5                      3. 10 10

4. 2 2                   5. 20 5                      6. 1 0

7. 5 0                   8. 4 3                       9. 0 5

10. 1 2                   11. 5 5                       12.  2 2

13. 2 5                   14. 10 2                      15. 2 10

16. 4 2                   17. 5 4                       18.  5 7

19. 1 4                    20 5 4                      

If your score is between 5-45
You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zoo keeper, policeman

If your score is between 45-90
You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair-dresser, architect.
If your score is between 90-135
You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, fireman.


Well done! Now I hope it’ll be easier for you to choose future profession.



T: Imagine you are adults and do different jobs. You are representatives of different professions. You are flying in a balloon over the sea. And the balloon is slowly drifting towards the sea. It can carry only one person whose profession is the most important. Others have to jump out of the balloon. So just one can survive. You must persuade  that your profession is more important than others. The rest of the class must save all the people proving the importance of all professions.

7 pupils in turn tell about the importance of their jobs ( they tell about the professions of a doctor , a teacher, a lawyer a computer programmist, a psychologist , a scientist, a farmer). The rest of the class discuss the problem how to save all people in the balloon , they prove that all professions are important.


Well done, thank you very much!


  1. Summing-up.

Let`s sum up. Today we have spoken about the world of jobs. You`ve found out what is your profession. Of course it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become. I wish you to find yourselves, be kind, be honest, and be noble everywhere and in everything.


You worked hard and your marks are ...  

Home task: write a short essay (15 sentences) about your future profession.

Our talk-show is over. I hope it was interesting and useful for you. It was very interesting to listen to your point of view. Thanks for you work.

You are on the right way. Believe in yourself value life!


And what do you think about the problem of reading among teenagers? It will be the topic of our next show.

Write. Call. Ask.

See you on Monday. Forever yours, Svitlana.

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Всього відгуків: 1
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14 січня 2018
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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