Уільям Голдінг. Алегоричний роман “The Lord of the Flies”

Про матеріал
Пропрацьовуємо класику американської літературу у контексті підготовки до ЗНО
Перегляд файлу


Навчальний предмет. Англійська література. 11клас

Розділ. Американський постмодернізм в літературі другої половини XX ст.

Тема. Уільям Голдінг. Алегоричний роман “The Lord of the Flies”

Тип уроку: урок практичного застосування знань і умінь.

Програма для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов. 1–11 класи. Іноземні мови [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : old.mon.gov.ua/ua/activity/education/56/692/educational_ programs/1349869542/

Практична мета:

  1. Практикувати учнів в діалогічному мовленні.
  2. Активізувати навички читання.
  3. Практикувати учнів в виконанні завдань у форматі ЗНО.
  4. Практикувати у виконанні лексичних вправ.

Розвиваюча мета:

  1. Розвивати вміння учнів працювати в різних режимах навчання.
  2. Розвивати вміння логічно передавати та аргументувати свою думку.
  3. Розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів.

Загальноосвітня мета:

     1.Розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів.

     2. Ознайомити дітей з культурою та реаліями країни, мову якої вони                    вивчають.

Виховна мета:

  1. Виховувати у дітей поважне ставлення один до одного.
  2. Виховувати гуманне ставлення до людини.

Обладнання: підручник “Solutions. Advanced”, роздатковий матеріал, відео презентація.










T: Dear students! Today we will talk about famous English writer, William Golding, whose novels were highly praised in America. And one of the bestsellers written by him – “Lord of the Flies”. So I`d like to ask some questions. Are you adventurous? Do you dream about challenges in your life such as surviving on a desert island in the middle of the ocean? How to cope with the difficulties, struggle to survive and still remain a person inside? These are the questions we are going to answer at the end of our lesson.


T: Work in pairs. Imagine you and a group of friends were marooned on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Discuss the questions:

1 What would you do in order to: (a) survive? (b) get rescued?

2 What rules, if any, would you establish? How would you agree on them?

We will reflect the results of your pair work on this poster. (sl.1)

(Students work in pairs. Then we hold a class feedback)

          ІІІ. MAIN  PART



T: The same situation was described in the novel “Lord of the Flies”. You can see a short notice about the novelist and his masterpiece.

Think and fill the gaps with the dates 1993, 1954, 1911.

William Golding Born …., died ….., Golding was a British novelist and poet. He won both the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Booker Prize. Lord of the Flies is his best known novel, published in …...

Think and choose the correct option for numbered gaps:

  1.  big; desert; huge;
  2. behavior, dwelling, appearance;
  3. plays, programmes, films.

Lord of the Flies. The book is about what happens when a group of boys are stranded on a 1 island. It covers themes such as leadership, moral choices, civilised versus animal 2 and the group versus the individual. Two 3 of Lord of the Flies have been made - in 1963 and 1990.


T: Watch the trailer of the film shot in 1990. And then you will answer some questions.

(Students watch the trailer of “Lord of the Flies”) (sl. 2)


The questions are:

  • How old are the boys?
  • How many leaders are there among boys?
  • What do boys use to make fire?
  • What do they use as a symbol of beast?

(Students answer the questions)


Pre-reading= checking the home task.

T: Open your textbooks at page number 18, exercise 2. You have read the copy of this text and have worked with the new vocabulary at home. It is time to revise the words and phrases you learnt at home. Choose the piece of paper, read the definition or synonym and try to match them to the words you learnt at home.


I. ( to)wail= (make a) long, high cry of pain or sadness

2 dismal =miserable

3 to hack= cut with rough, heavy blows

4 baffled= confused

5 to smudge = make a dirty mark

6 vicious =cruel and aggressive

7 ( to) tinkle= (make) a light, high ringing sound

8. to sramble= move quickly and with difficulty , using your

hands to help

9 mimic= copy in a funny way the way sb speaks and acts

10 a gale of hysteria =the sound of people laughing


11 ( to) twitch= (make) a sudden, small movement without

meaning to

12 to draw oneself up = stand up to one's full height

13 obscurely = for a reason that was difficult to identify

14 ungracious =ill –mannered and unfriendly

15 a snub= an insult


T: Look this text through one more time and then you will try to answer the questions.(sl. 3)


T: So try to answer the questions remembering that the questions are not in the same order as the text. (Exercise 2, page 18)

(Students answer the questions)

Exercise 3 page 18

T: Match the sentences (a-h) with the gaps (1-7) in the extract. There is one sentence that you do not need. I would like to remind how to approach this kind of reading task: re-read the text up to line 12 carefully, stop at the gap, look at the sentence after the gap and try to predict what kind of information might come in between. Then refer them to sentences a-h to see if the idea they predicted is there (d - it relates to the sentence after the gap and mirrors its language). Explain your choice.

 (Students continue alone. We discuss the results in class).

The key:

1 d

2 h (then his voice came after being silent for a moment)

3 b (being hit in the stomach by Jack made him sit down with a grunt)

4 a (glasses - specs (spectacles))

5 f (laugh - laughter rose ... )

6 e (in the wrong - an apology - pronoun one refers to apology)

7 g (Jack loud and active - gave orders, sang, whistled)

Exercise 5 page 19

T: Now I will ask you to find examples of the following behavior in the text. Underline the relevant sections of the text.

(Students do the task individually and then compare their answers with a partner.)


T: So I would like to refer you to the questions which I asked at the beginning of the lesson. Are you adventurous? Do you dream about challenges in your life such as surviving on a desert island in the middle of the ocean? How to cope with the difficulties, struggle to survive and still remain a person inside? And one more question – what was the end of this story to your mind?

(Students answer the question)

T: Your home task is to do exercise 4, page 18 in Students` Book, then you will read the summary of this book. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical tale: a story in which characters, setting and plot represent a meaning outside the story itself. What do you think are the themes underlying the story? Write your opinion in a short essay.



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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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