Урок " 1b Grammar Past Simple affirmative

Про матеріал
Методична розробка уроку з англійської мови за підручником "Solutions" рівня pre-intermediate. Це урок з першого розділу під номером 1В. Писала для вчителів, які викладають англійську в старших класах шкіл та працюють індивідуально з учнями за цим підручником.
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Past Simple (affirmative)


Topic : Lottery

Grammar:  Past Simple affirmative


Educational-Past Simple – ствердження

Developing - читання – стаття про лотерею

Speaking - розмова про те, коли учні відчувають різні почуття

Type of the lesson: combined

Main terms: lottery, charity, troubles

Equipment: notebook, TV, speakers

The slogan of the lesson: a fool and his money are soon parted (у дурня гроші довго не тримаються)

Lesson Plan


Hello, students. What’s up today? Nice to see you! Let’s continue to learn English. Look at the blackboard, my dear students! You can see today’s slogan. A fool and his money are soon parted and the man quickly spent the money that he had won in the lottery.
У дурня гроші довго не тримаються, і чоловік швидко витратив гроші, які виграв у лотереї.

What is the topic of today’s lesson? Who knows? It’s …

II. Gain attention

Write the word “Lottery” on the blackboard.

What does it mean? What’s this? (It means of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers drawn at random.)

Imagine you have won the lottery. How do you feel about it? What do you want to do with your money?

III. Exercise 1.

Let’s discuss this exercise in pairs. Is there a lottery in our country? Do you think it is a good idea to buy tickets? Why? /Why not?

(Lottery tickets are a waste of money because you never win anything. A lottery ticket is a chance of a better life.)

IV. Inform learner of objectives

Main task of our lesson will be to learn how to use Past Simple affirmative. We also will read texts about the lottery winner.

V. Exercise 2

You shoud read the text quickly and not worry about unknown words at this stage. Then answer my question – why is it sometimes unlucky to win the lottery? (People buy silly things they don’t really need. People become envious of them. Other people ask them for money. They can have terrible arguments with family and friends.)

(Help students with unknown vocabulary and check it.

VI. Culture note: lottery

The UK National Lottery was launched in 1994. To date, the largest amount of money won is £35,133,888. In 2013, 50 % of all the money spent on the National Lottery was used for prizes and 28% funded good causes such as sports, health and educational projects.

VII. Prior learning

  •                 Let’s go through the Learn this box together. Answer please, when you use the past simple.  (to describe events that started and finished n the past).
  •                 Practise the pronunciation of the verbs in the box.
  •                 Ask students to think of more examples for rules 1-3, e.g. a) wait – waited; b) stop – stopped, carry – carried, like – liked; c) find – found, think – thought.
  •                 Students read the text in exercise 2 again and find the past simple verbs. They then match the verbs with the rules.
  •                 Check answers as a class.

VIII. Provide guidance

(Give each student a handout. Student work alone or in pairs.)

The verbs are in the infinitive form and you have to put them into the past simple form. First let’s identify regular verbs ( compared, looked, moved, studied, dropped). If you don’t know the past simple, look it up.


IX. Practice

Exercise 5

Read the text quickly. Tell the basic story. Is Michael Carroll happier now that he has lost all his money? (Yes)

Complete the text.

Listen to the recording and check it. (Audio)

(Check answers as a class)

X. Provide feedback

Exercise 7.

Разом читаємо інструкцію та перевіряємо, чи зрозуміли учні завдання.

Write the verbs first and then let’s go through them and add the correct adjectives. (Check answers as a class)

XI.Assess performance

Exercise 8

Now think about situations in their lives when they experienced the feelings. You should tell about it each other. Use modifying objects where possible. (From the previous lesson). (Monitor and check pronunciation and grammar.

XII. Lesson closure

What have you learned today? Write down on a piece of paper what you think were the main points of the lesson.

XIII. Hometask

  1.               Ex. 4 p. 10 -  to write
  2.               Ex. 6 p.10 - orally


Baranova Irina
18 липня 2022
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