Урок " Ambitions and Plans"

Про матеріал
Даний урок розширює знання учнів про різні професії і заняття. Він спрямований на збагачення словникового запасу та розвиток учнівських навичок читання і говоріння.
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Ambitions and Plans. 9 Form.


Objectives : - to extend pupils’ knowledge about different jobs and professions;

  •         to enrich pupils’ vocabulary;
  •         to develop pupils’ speaking and reading skills.


“ If you don’t think about the future, you will not have one “.

I. Warming – up.

Match the Ukrainian equivalent to the English proverb.

  1.     Jack of all trades is a master of none.
  2.     No pains, no gains.
  3.     Actions speak louder than words.
  4.     Practice what you preach.
  1.      Не по словах судять, а по ділах.
  2.     За все береться та не все вдається.
  3.      Не на словах, а на ділах.
  4.     Без труда – нема плода.

Keys : 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c.

II. Main part.

1. Brainstorm. Teacher :

  •         What jobs are shown in the pictures ?
  •         Make up the Mind – Maps :
  1.      Occupation;
  2.     Factors that influence our choice.












Mental skills


Manual skills

The work that a person does regularly in order to earn money

Teacher, lawyer, doctor, engineer…

Turner, builder, driver, fitter, hairdresser, dressmaker…







Factors that influence our choice :


  • person’s vocation, abilities and talents;
  • the level of mental skills and basic knowledge;
  • the knowledge about profession;
  • the traits of character;
  • our health;
  • advices of parents, relatives and teachers;
  • the family dynasty;
  • the demands and requirements of our country;
  • the material possibilities of our parents.


2. Speaking.

Teacher : Look at these words for jobs.





Journalist, designer, hairdresser, secretary, teacher, vet, nurse, bank worker,

farmer, police officer, gardener, waitress, photographer, architect, chef, computer programmer, dentist, doctor, lawyer, electrician, plumber, shop assistant, surgeon, pilot, mechanic, lifeguard.


Teacher : What do you need to be to do these jobs ?






Hardworking, imaginative, reliable, lively, funny, intelligent, sociable, kind, fashionable, sensible, sensitive, practical, young, patient, fit, efficient, courageous, organized, helpful, creative, careful, strict, attentive, fair.


e.g. You need to be creative, intelligent, attentive, fair, careful and patient to be a teacher.

Teacher : What would you like to be and why ?

e.g. I’d like to be a vet because I like animals.


3. Questionnaire ( Group – Work )





In your future job…


Do you work…?

inside/ outside

in fn office

at home

 on your own

other variants

Do you need to be…?




physically fit



other variants

Do you…?


need to drive

wear a uniform

work with your hands

work with people

use a tool

other variants

Do you have to…?

talk a lot

meet a lot of people

have special qualifications

speak a foreign language

give orders or instructions to others

other variants





4. Reading.


Teacher : The passage below consists of two texts in which two people talk about their jobs. The texts have been mixed up. Read the passage and decide what the two jobs are. Separate these two texts.


It can be very tiring and the hours are very long because some people don’t leave until two or three in the morning. People think it’s an exciting job, but it’s not really, just hard work. I usually get to the studio at about ten in the morning, and open the mail, make a few phone calls, plan my works for the next few months. Then you have to get some sleep and be ready to start again at about half past eleven the next morning. Then my assistant arrives and he starts getting the equipment ready for the session which usually begins at about eleven o’clock. Some of the customers can be really difficult, complaining about everything, but usually they are only showing off to their friends. The most interesting ones are the fashion shoots, but the ones I do most often are what are known as pack shots, where I take photos of objects. For example, it could be an advertising campaign for a brand of soap powder or maybe a new car. For example, we had one man here who sent back three bottles of wine, saying that they were no good. The manager had to tell him the wine was fine, which the man didn’t like at all. Two or three times a year I travel abroad, and do some location work, which I enjoy. We don’t get paid very much and people can be very mean with their tips. But on a good night it can be good fun.


  1.     Writing.

Teacher : Choose the correct word for each space to fill in.


Becoming a costumer designer

It is difficult to find a job in costume design as it is very (1)……… . But (2)…….. you work hard and you are good (3)……… it, you’ll do well. Costume designers research, design and prepare costumes, mainly for theatres but also for film and TV productions. To be a costume designer, you have to be (4)…….. in theatres, film and drama and drama and have a knowledge of fashion and art. You will (5)……… meetings with directors and managers to (6)…….. the costumers and how much it will be (7)………. on them. You (8)……… to be able to draw and work hard because costumers are often produced in a very  short time.

    There are (9)………. ways of learning how to be a costume designer. Some people (10)……… a job with a company and learn while they are working. Others do a course at an art school.


  1.     a) popular b) liked c) satisfied d) known
  2.     a) although b) if c) while d) unless
  3.     a) to b) by c) from d) at
  4.     a) excited b) keen c) interested d) pleased
  5.     a) go b) stay c) attend d) come
  6.     a) discuss b) talk c) argue d) chat
  7.     a) paid b) charged c) bought d) spent
  8.     a) need b) should c) must d) can
  9.     a) lots b) plenty c) much d) several
  10. a) search b) get c) become d) look


  1.     Listening.


Teacher : Listen and fill in the missing information.









travel around the world and meet lots of 2)……

the news stories I do are 3)……..every day







have to do everything in a very 4)……. time

often work in places where there are wars











the job needs a lot of skill

it’s great being able to 7)………. people’s lives







work long unsteady hours

responsible for people’s lives



Key : 1. exciting ; 2. people ; 3. different ; 4. dangerous; 5. short ; 6. well – paid ; 7. save ; 8. tiring.

Teacher : Tell me your own ideas as to the advantages and disadvantages of being a reporter or a surgeon.




Teacher : as a part of our career’s advice week we have two guests with us here today to tell us a bit about their work. Our first speaker is Miss Rachel  Banner who’s going to talk about her work as a news reporter.

Miss Banner : thank you for inviting me here today, Mr Peacock. Well, first of all, I’d like to say that one of the best things about being a news reporter is that  it’s so exciting. I get to travel around the world and meet lots of people. My job is interesting too. The news stories I do are different every day, so it never gets boring. Of course, there are disadvantages – as there are with any job. It is often very stressful as we have to do everything in a very short time. It can be dangerous, too, because we often have to work in places where there are wars.

Teacher : Thank you, Miss Banner. Next we have Dr Geoff Chalmers who is a surgeon at Branston City Hospital. Thank you for coming, Dr Chalmers.

Doctor : Thank you. Well, I must admit that I am very well – paid, but there’s a good reason for that : the job needs a lot of skill, and for that you need to spend many years studying. It’s a very rewarding job too as it’s great being able to save people’s lives. Unfortunately. There are also a couple of things that I don’t like much about my job. Firstly, it is tiring because we work long unsteady hours. It can also be stressful as you are responsible for people’s lives.

Teacher: thank you Dr Chalmers. Now, if you have any questions…


  1.     Home assignment.

Teacher : Imagine you are being interviewed by a career officer. Complete the conversation and act it out with your partner.

Career officer : Please take a seat.

You :

Career officer : Now, what’s your name ?

You :

Career officer : Where do you go to school ?

You :

Career officer : Which are your favourite school subjects ?

You :

Career officer : Do you have good marks in those subjects ?

You :

Career officer : Which subjects are you really good at ?

You :

Career officer : Which subjects are you not so good at ?

You :

Career officer : Do you have any hobbies ? Something you like doing ?

You :

Career officer : What sort of job would you like to do one day ?

You :

Career officer : Why do you think you’d like doing that ?

You :

Career officer : Thank you very much. I’d like you to take this test now…


  1.     Feedback.

Teacher : I like your work very much.

Your marks are…

Our lesson is over. See you tomorrow. 


Good – bye !


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 жовтня 2021
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