Урок англійської мови 6 клас "Транспорт для подорожей. Уживання прийменників з дієсловами"

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Урок засвоєння нових знань на тему:"Транспорт для подорожей. Уживання прийменників з дієсловами", покликаний формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць теми "Транспорт. Подорожування"; формувати граматичні навички вживання прийменників з дієсловами; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання.
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Тема: Транспорт для подорожей. Уживання прийменників з дієсловами. Мета: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць теми «Транспорт. Подорожування»; формувати граматичні навички вживання прийменників з дієсловами; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника, зацікавленість  у розширенні своїх знань.                                           

Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер для прослуховування аудіозаписів, картки, схеми, таблиці.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


  1. Привітання

T: Good morning, children! Im glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too!


  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: Today we’ll speak about the means of transport which exist and think about their advantages and disadvantages and we also explain our favourite ways of transport.

Today you will:

  • Practise your vocabulary on the topic;
  • Listen and read the information about the means of transport;
  • Speak about their advantages and disadvantages;
  • Discuss our favourite ways of transport.
  1. Warm-up

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Read the poem using pictures and then learn it.

We go by car

And we go by train.

We go by boat

And we go by plane.

We go by land,

And seа and air.

We go, go, go

From here to there.

Work in a group

    Imagine you are going to travel.

    First you should pack your things. Read the words on the blackboard and say what you are going to take and why? Start your answer with the phrase: “I’m going to take…” Ask any person in your group. Follow this model as an example:

    P1: I’m going to take a camera, a swimming costume, sunglasses, money with me. What are you going to take?

    P2: I’m going to take a passport, a phrase book and money. I’m going to take a swimming costume because I’m going to swim.

    WHAT : a camera, a penknife, a radio, a swimming costume, a pair of sandals,  sunglasses, a warm sweater, an anorak, a big warm coat, a tennis rocket, trainers, a football, a dressing gown, a pair of pajamas, jeans, T-shirts, socks, a pair of walking boots, a dress, a towel, books, a clock, a passport, money, a phrase book.

    WHY : go sightseeing, visit museums, swim, sail, sleep, sunbathe, play tennis, see friends, go fishing, climb, go to the theatre, camp, walk, learn English.


 ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1. Listening

Listen to the story and do the task.

    Many years ago Fast Airlines was a small, very new company. It had very little money and its airplanes were very old. Mr White flew by Fast Airlines once. That day he went to the airport, got on the Fast Airlines airplane and waited.

     After a few minutes there was a lot of noise, and then the captain came out and shouted, “I’m not going to take this airplane up! One of the engines is broken, and they aren’t going to get a new one”.

     The passengers got out, and then, an hour later, an air hostess said, “The airplane is ready again now”. The passengers walked past her to the aero plane again.  

     “Did you get a new engine?” Mr White asked her. 

     “No, we got a new captain”, she answered.

True or False

1) Fast Airlines was a big rich company.

2) Its airplanes weren’t old.

3) One day Mr White decided to fly Wonder Airlines plane.

4) The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because he was a bad captain.

5) The captain didn’t want to take the plane up because the plane had a bad engine.

6) The passengers had to get out and wait for two hours.

7) After that the plane had a new engine.

8) After that the plane had a new captain.

2. Speaking

1) Practise the new vocabulary.

Match the pictures with the words - ex.1, p.142.

2) Think and say where you can go in summer and how you’ll get there. - ex.2, p.143.

Example: I can go to the seaside, I’ll travel there by plane. I can go to my relatives in summer, I’ll travel there by train. etc.

3. Grammar practice

Remember! p.143.

Get into/out of a car (a taxi)

Get on/off a train (a bus)

Take a taxi/a train/a plane

Catch/miss a train/a plane/a bus

4. Reading and Speaking

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the “Remember!” box.  - ex.3, p.143.

1. This is my stop. I have to … .

2. I have to get from London to Paris quickly, so I … .

3. I missed the bus in the morning, so I have to … .

4. I … the bus, because I was late.

5. The train arrived at the station and we … .

6. I think I can … to take me to the railway station.

5. Writing

Make up as many sentences as you can. - ex.4,p.143.


The train



the railway station


The plain



the airport

in time

The bus

didn’t arrive


the bus station


The car











6. Listening

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

    Mrs Walker lives in a big city and she works in a café. She has gone there by car every morning for twenty years. Then she was forty-five years old, and she said to herself, “I’m fat now, because I go everywhere by car. I’m going to buy a bicycle”.

    She bought one, and after that she always went to her café on that bicycle, and not in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she went quickly past them to the front, because her bicycle was narrow. Then she was happy.

     Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind her on another bicycle. He stopped too and said, “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?”

1) Does Mrs Walker work in a shop?

2) Why did she decide to buy a  bicycle?

3) Where did she stop one day?

4) Who came up behind her then?

5) What did he think about Mrs Walker?

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

8. Summary

Підведення підсумків уроку. Рефлексія. Оцінювання

1) What ways of travelling do you know?

2) Which of them do you prefer? Why?

3) Why are many people fond of travelling?

4) What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train? (by air, by ship, by car)

Answer the questions. Use means of transport (by bus, … on foot)

1) How do you get from your home to your school?

2) How do your parents travel to work?

3) How do you travel when you go on holiday?

4) How do you get to the cinema?

5) How do you go from your home to the supermarket?

6) How do you get from your home to the station?

7) How do you get from your home to the nearest airport?

8) How do you travel to the nearest foreign country?

9. Homework

Make up and write down 10 sentences using the grammar material on page 143.

Повторити правила вживання прийменників з дієсловами за таблицею Remember! p.143




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