Урок англійської мови у 6 класі
Тема: «Визначні місця Лондону»
Тип уроку: комбінований,з використанням ІКТ та методів особистісно орієнтованого навчання.
Цілі:-удосконалювати навички аудіювання,говоріння та читання про визначні місця Лондону;
Обладнання:комп’ютер, телевізор,роздавальний матеріал, карта Лондону, постер.
Хід уроку
І.Вступна частина уроку
2. Введення в в іншомовну атмосферу.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T. Good morning boys and girls! Glad to see you! You look wonderful today!
Let’s start our lesson with the poem.
We go by car and we go by train.
We go by boat and we go by plane.
We go by land and sea, and air,
We go, go, go, from here to there.
T. So, we are going to travel today, but where? Look at the screen and guess the country and then the city.
P.1 This is Great Britain.
P.2 This is London- the capital of Great Britain.
T. You are right. We are going to make a virtual trip around London, to see it’s places of interests. We shall learn to use the map for travelling , compare different places. We are going to listen to real Londoners, play a game, learn a lot of new information about this beautiful city.
All of you have papers on your desks. Choose what do you expect from your journey? ( Pupils choose the card with the expressions and stick to the poster with the tree of expectations on it)
ІІ Listening
T. Watch the video (Відеоматеріал з посібника”World On The Street” by British Council, episode 5). Listen to the real Londoners and try to understand what kind of transport we can travel around London.
P1. We can travel by train.
P2. I can travel by taxi.
P.3We can travel by underground.
P4.The best way to travel around this city is by boat along the river Thames.
Т.There are a lot of places of interests in London. What are they? Let’s play the game “Travellers”(Учні по черзі вибирають зі столу картки тільки з визначними місцями Лондону, називають їх ,а решта дітей кажують правильно це чи ні)
ІІ Основна частина уроку
Group work. Scrambled reading.
T. At home you have read interesting information about Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace. Unscramble the information. The first group will choose sentences about Westminster Abbey, the second- about Buckingham Palace, the third- about St. Paul’s Cathedral. Check in the book. Read the information. Let’s make a vіrtual excursion around these places. Look at the screen.
Speaking and presenting posters.
T. Children, what places would you like to visit in London? (Відповіді учнів) I know some of you have found additional information about your favourite sights of London and made the posters.Present them to the class
Using as…as and not as … as
T. Look at the photos on the screen and talk about them using as…as and not as … as
Example: Westminster Abbey is as popular among tourists as St. Paul’s Cathedral.
The London Eye is not as old sight as Big Ben.
T. Write the sentences as in the example. Use as…as or not as…as ( See the book by A. Nesvit , 6th form,Ex.6 p.129)
Pair Work.
Making dialogues about places of interests in London using the map of London.
T. Look at the map of London. Find one of the famous places and ask and answer the questions about it. Use the example of Ex.1 p.127 in your book.
III Заключна частина уроку
T. It’s time to sum up. You‘ve worked hard today. We’ve visited a lot of famous places of London. We learned many interesting things about their history. We’ve practiced in using as…as or not as…as to compare different places.
Your home task is to write a composition about your favourite place of interests in London (8-10sentences), Ex.1p.130- revise the expressions about asking the way.
Now let’s see if your expectations and hopes about our lesson came true.(Учні коментують написи на дереві «сподівань»)
T. Pupils, thank you for your work. See you next time.
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Розробка уроку англійської мови з теми «Визначні місця Лондону» 6 клас
Інноваційна ідея : використання ІКТ з метою реалізації особистісно орієнтованого підходу до навчання,сервіси Google.
Шлапак Тетяни Іванівни
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ШЗШ №12
Шостка 2017