Урок англійської мови "Опис зовнішності людини"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі з використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій
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Розробка  уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі з використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій

Тема уроку: Опис зовнішності людини. Розвиток навичок читання та говоріння.

Мета :

 Практична: активізувати  навички вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць по темі, розвивати навички читання та говоріння, тренувати у вживанні граматичні структури have got/has got.

 Розвиваюча: розвивати логічне мислення та навички роботи в групі, розвивати в учнів такі компетентності, як: соціальна і громадянська, спілкування іноземною мовою, екологічна грамотність і здорове життя; компетентність особистісного самовдосконалення - уміння навчатися впродовж життя.

Виховна: виховувати повагу один до одного при спілкуванні англійською мовою.

Форма проведення: урок-квест.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійна дошка, презентація, програма зчитування QR кодів.

Хід уроку


І. Організаційна частина уроку


Т-Good afternoon,children. Let us sing a Greeting song today. Sit down please. Is everyone present at the lesson? Who is absent today? Let’s start our lesson.

How are you? Ask your friends.

2.Фонетична зарядка. .(Рис.1.)

Т-Smile at me please. “Smile a while and while you smile, others will smile. And there will be miles of smiles”. Let’s say it together. Read it one by one. I am sure your mood will not change to the end of the lesson.



Рис.1.Фонетична зарядка



3.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

 T: Look at the picture, listen to the poem and try to guess the topic of our today's lesson.

Mr. Holmes is very tall. Who is tall?

Mr. Cort is very short. Who is short?

Mr. Leight is  overweight. Who is overweight?

Mr. Lymm is very slim. Who is slim?

Learning Outcomes

T: Тoday we will  learn to: use the vocabulary on the topic ‘Appearance’

-describe a person’s appearance

-compare people’s appearance

And remember the rule that English is spoken here!

ІІ Основна частина уроку

4.Перевірка домашнього завдання

Т-But before we start working let us see if you have done your homework .(W.b. Ex. D p.23)

5.Ведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т-My dear children ,can you hear the music? Do you know this melody? This melody is from a well-known film about Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes was a detective. He lived in London and his favourite musical instrument was a violin. He played the violin well. Sometimes he had a lens with him. He sent this box to you but try to guess what is inside.You are right, this is an e-mail from the detective. He also has some tasks for you in these envelopes. He wants us to help him  find a robber. A robber is the person who steals things. But, wait there is something wrong with it. There are no capitals and no punctuation in it. Read the e-mail and add punctuation and capital letters..

T-Read the e-mail



Subject/About Myself

hello my dear friends let me introduce myself im sherlock holmes I live in london in baker street i am a detective and I look for a robber please help me

T-So we must help the detective find the robber of the bank and you will work in 2 Detective Agencies ‘ Stars’ and ‘Moonlight’ You will be my special agents.

6. Активізація лексики.

6.1.Т-At first let’s review the words on the topic. Say after me. (Рис.2.)

 Рис.2. Хорове опрацювання слів

6.2 Complete the chart picture using these words. . (Рис.3.)

  Рис.3. Доповнення речень


6.3 Вправа-тренажер з використанням QR-кодів. .(Рис.4., Фото 1.)

Посилання на вправу  https://learningapps.org/1867388

T-The 1 task from the detective is in this code. Scan it with your phones and list the descriptions under the headings.


 Рис.4. Вправа-тренажер з використанням QR-кодів.

G:\уроки\урок 5г клас\DSC04487.JPG

Фото 1. Виконання учнями вправи з використанням QR-кодів



T-There was a woman who saw the robber and she can help you. Her name is Linda and she is a witness. Which woman out of these 3 ones is the witness?

-While-listening. .(Рис.5.)

T-Listen to the dialogue between two policemen and decide which woman is the witness. Tick A, B or C.

Рис.5 Прослуховування аудіозапису з використанням мультимедійної дошки.

T-What are your ideas?


T-Now I’ll give you 2 min to describe Linda’s appearance according to the plan.


T-So we have got so much work as detectives, it’s time to do some physical exercises and then continue our work


Clap your hands and count to 8 …..

Tap your head 8 times …..

Tap your eye-brows 8 times…

Tap your cheeks and smile …

Tap your nose 8 times …

Tap your chin 8 times …

Tap your shoulders 8 times…

9.Читання (“Jigsaw reading”)

Т-Linda has got a description of the robber, but this file was damaged by a virus. Each detective agency has the same text. But some information is missed.There are some gaps in the text. Ask your partners questions to get the information. But do it as quickly as you can. Ready! Steady! Go!



The robber is not tall and not short, he is medium-height. He is middle-aged so I think he is 50 .He is overweight. He has got short, dark hair, a round face with dark, thick eyebrows. I remember that his arms are very plump. And one more thing, his nose is very big and turned-up.

T-Now read the texts that you’ve completed

10.Письмо. Running Dictation.

Т-But you see, there is still some missed information. There are a few more details which describe the robber. The sentences for your group are here and for yours are over there. Run to the board, read the sentence try to remember it, go back to your group and clearly dictate your sentence. Let’s start.

T-Let me see first.Now read what new details you have got.


Т-So we have got photos of 3 suspected men. Which of them is the robber? Is it A, B or C? Look at the photos and the description of the man very attentively. Choose the robber and describe him

Т-Hooray, you have found the robber. Great work. Applaud each other. Sherlock  Holmes will be very pleased with your work.


II.Заключна частина уроку

12.Підсумок уроку. Домашнє завдання

Вправа «Мікрофон»

Т-  What is Sherlock  Holmes? What instrument can he play? Where did he live? Who found the robber?  Why? At home you should write the description of the robber to Sherlock Holmes.

13.Підсумок уроку.

 T-You were real detectives today, because you have found the robber. Your results today are the following.But everyone today will get a badge of a real detective. Thank you for your work today.










До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 жовтня 2023
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