Урок англійської мови у 2 класі "Clothes"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку англійської мови у 2 класі на основі Держстандарту початкової освіти НУШ. Урок включає складання пазлів-кімнат у групах і спільного пазлу-будинку.
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The subject: CLOTHES

Form 2


  • to train using the topical vocabulary actively in speaking;
  • to drill skills in listening;
  • to practice grammar and writing habits;
  • to drill skills in short dialogue and monologue speech;
  • to practice group work;
  • to enrich pupils’ knowledge about different clothes people can wear.


I Warming up

T: Today we’re going to use some letters at our lesson. So let’s start with TH.

1. Phonics

th [ ∂ ] this, these

This is my shirt

And this is your skirt.

These are my socks

And these are your shorts.

2. Lexical drill

T: Let’s speak about your clothes.

P1: This is my T-shirt.

Cl: This is your T-shirt.

II Vocabulary. Grammar

  1. Matching.

T: Let’s match your clothes to the clothes lines and name their colours.

This is


These are


P1: This is my dress. It’s violet.

P2: These are my shoes. They’re brown.

2.  Speaking

T: Our friends Ted (a bear) and George (a parrot) are studying with us as usual. It’s a pity but George doesn’t remember whose clothes they are. Help him, please.


George: Alex, are these your shorts?

P1: No, they aren’t. They’re Mark’s shorts.

George: Dana, is this your skirt?

P2: No, it isn’t. It’s Sophia’s skirt.

George: Thank you, children. You’re very helpful. Now I know whose clothes they are.

III Listening. Role play

T: Our friends Ted and George have a problem. Their clothes are mixed. Listen to their stories and help them chose and put on their clothes.

Ted: I have got a yellow T-shirt and yellow shorts. My socks are yellow and orange. And I like my beautiful yellow cap.

George: My favourite colour is green. So I put on my green jumper and trousers. I have got a nice green coat too. My hat is yellow and green.

P1: Ted, are these your trousers?

Ted: Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.)

P2: George, is this your jumper?

George: Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.)

T: Now say what Ted and George have got.

P1: So, Ted has got a yellow T-shirt, yellow and orange socks, yellow shorts and yellow cap.

P2: So, George has got a green jumper, green trousers, a green coat and yellow and green hat.

IV Dialogue speech (in chain)

T: Now we’ll speak about your favourite colours. So let’s use letter C (colour). Ask each other in chain. Ted, what’s your favourite colour?

Ted: My favourite colour is yellow. George, what’s your favourite colour?

(Pupils ask each other in chain)

V Speaking

T: But we don’t put on our favourite clothes every day. Let’s use letter E (every day) and say what clothes we put on every day.

P1: Every day I put on my jumper, my trousers and my shoes.             

(Pupils tell about their casual clothes)

Song “Every Day”

Every day,

I put on my socks,

I put on my socks,

Every day.

Every day,

I put on my socks,

I put on my shoes,

Every day.

Every day,

I put on my socks,

I put on my shoes,

I put on my coat,

Every day.

Every day,

I put on my socks,

I put on my shoes,

I put on my coat,

I put on my hat,

Every day.

Good bye, mum!

VI Listening. Role Play. Writing

T: Where do we usually go when we need new clothes? (To the shop)

  1.                Role play “At the shop”

Mum: Look at these trousers, Alex. And this coat. They’re nice.

Alex: I like these trousers, Mum.

Mum: Oh Alex. They’re orange. All your trouser are orange.

Alex: And I like these socks. And this T-shirt.

Mum: They’re orange too!

Alex: But I like orange, Mum. It’s my favourite colour.

Mum: Alex, try on this blue T-shirt and these green trousers. Blue and green are nice colours too.

Alex: But Mum, orange is my football team’s colour.

  1.                Writing

T: Circle the wrong word and write the correct word.

  1.   Alex is a girl.
  2.   All his shoes are orange.
  3.   Mum likes a yellow coat.
  4.   Alex’s favourite colour is green.




  1.   _________
  2.   _________
  3.   _________
  4.   _________

VII Speaking. Role Play

1. Short speech (Present Simple)

T: So Alex likes orange clothes. What about you? Let’s use letter L (your likes and dislikes). Speak for your dolls.

P1: I like green but I don’t like black.

P2: I like red but I don’t like grey.

2. Short speech (Present Continuous)

T: But what are your dolls wearing now?

P1: My doll is wearing a white dress and pink shoes.

P2: My Ken is wearing a blue shirt, black trousers and brown shoes.

P3: My Barbie is wearing a beautiful yellow dress and orange shoes.

VII Dialogue speech

T: Now look at the letter O and our picture. Let’s describe a person on it.

  •                 Who’s this?
  •                 Where’s he?
  •                 What’s he wearing?


  •                 This is my cousin.
  •                 He is in the dining room.
  •                 He is wearing a yellow jumper, purple trousers and blue shoes.

VIII Group work. Puzzle-projects

T: And now I’ve got a surprise for you. So it’s time for letter S. Join in the groups of 3.

Do the puzzles and describe the people on your pictures.

Group 1:

  •                 This is Billy.
  •                 He is in the bedroom.
  •                 He is wearing an orange jumper, blue trousers and blue and white sneakers.

Group 2:

  •                 This is Daddy.
  •                 He is in the living room.
  •                 He is wearing a blue shirt, black trousers and brown shoes.

Group 3:

  •                 This is Mum.
  •                 She is in the bathroom.
  •                 She is wearing a pink jacket, brown trousers and brown shoes.

Group 4:

  •                 This is Rosy.
  •                 She is in the kitchen.
  •                 She is wearing a green jumper, red trousers and green shoes.

T: Now let’s join our pictures together and do a big puzzle.

What can you see in the picture? (A house)

P1: I can see a big house.

P2: I can see four rooms and four people in the house.

Song “Come into my house”

Come into my house.

What can you see?

Upstairs and downstairs

Come, follow me.

Go through the door.

Go upstairs.

What’s in my bedroom?

Four teddy bears.

Go through the door.

Go downstairs.

What’s in my dining room?

Table and chairs.

IX Summarizing

T: It’s high time to join our letters together. So, we’ve talked about CLOTHES today.



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