Урок англійської мови у 5 класі на тему "Seasons and the weather"

Про матеріал

конспект уроку для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів містить цікаві завдання та вправи по даній темі для розвитку здібностей учнів в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності

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Topic :  «Seasons and the weather»


- to develop pupils' speaking,reading, listening and writing skills;

- to practice lexical material on topic “Weather”;

- to use the lexical material on topic “Seasons”;

- to describe different types of weather;

- to use Present Simple;

- to develop pupils' speaking,reading, listening and writing skills;

- to train pronunciation by practising a song and a poem;

- to sum up the knowledge about the weather;

- to speak about typical Ukrainian weather;

- to teach children to love and care about nature;

- to bring up a positive attitude towards the world we live in and nature we can admire.

Type of the lesson: combined lesson

Materials: multimedia presentation, computer, CD player, CDs, cards, pupils′ book,

                   the map of  Ukraine, weather table, riddles′ cards.

Procedure :


1.Greeting, reporting the aims and subject of the lesson  

Т:Good morning, pupils.How are you?

Today we will continue speaking about seasons and weather.

2. Organizing the class

 - Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

-Who is absent today?

-Thank you. Sit down, please!

3. Warming-up

T: Let us listen to the song about the weather and practice sounds


How’s The Weather?

How’s the weather?

 How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?

Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it sunny today?

Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it rainy today?
Let’s look outside.
How’s the weather?
Is it cloudy today?
Let’s look outside.
Is it snowy today?

How’s the weather? How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today


4. Checking home work

T: What was your home task for today?

P: The home task was to translate some sentences into English

T: OK, first of all let’s check our homework


ІІ. The main part of the lesson

1.Vocabulary Practice. (Exercise 1 page 180)

Т: What’s the weather like today?

What season is it now?

What is the temperature?



Game : «Guess the season». Choose the card, read and solve the riddles.

Hot sunny weather – you will probably wear shorts and T-shirts durind this season.

The days slowly cool down and get shorter and shorter.

The leaves turn from green to red, orange and brown.

It can be sunny one moment and rainy the next.

The leaves change colours and fall from the trees during this season.

People often sit in the shade to cool themselves.





You can gather mushrooms.

You can make sandcastles.

This season is a good time for plants and flowers to grow – it has warm weather.

You have to put on warm clothes to warm yourself.

It is a season of thunderstorms.

It is cold outside during this season, in some areas of the country, it snows during this season.

Snow melts and flowers bloom.






Listen and guess the season

(Exercise 2 page180)


Game «The detector of lie».

T: Now you all are the detectors of lie. Each of you should say one sentence about seasons. The sentence may be true or false. Others should identify the lie. Put your thumb finger up if the sentence is true and down if it is false.

P1: It’s hot and sunny in winter.

Р2: We can sit in the shade when it is hot in summer….


1) Work in pairs(Ex.3 p.180):

«What’s your favourite season?» - «My favourite season is… because…»

4. Writing. Project work (work in group).

The pupils are divided into groups of 4. They choose the season and complete the table with information about it. Present it in class





















  5. Speaking

Talk about your most favorite month of the year. Use the example below (Ex.4 p.181).

6. Listening and reading

 Listen and read the poem ex.5 on page181, then discuss the questions.

ІІІ. Summarizing.

Thank you very much for your nice work. I hope the lesson was interesting for you.

Your marks are …..

1.Home work.

Speak up about your favourite season.

The lesson is over. Goodbye, children. Have a good day!





5 березня 2018
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