Тема: Home and Houses, 5 th Form
Навчальна – розвиток мовленнєвих навиків (діалогічне, монологічне мовлення);
Розвивальна – розвиток навиків до узагальнення, розвитку пам’яті та уваги;
Виховна – формування навиків активної співпраці на уроці, любові до рідного батьківського дому, усвідомлення його значимості.
Тип уроку: вивчення нового матеріалу
Оснащення уроку:
Постери: «Houses», «Rooms», «Furniture»; макет будинку, роздатковий матеріал з вправами, мультимедіа, смайли.
Хід уроку
І. Організаційний момент
Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you? ,
Warming up:
Pupils tell about their mood using the smiles
(I am good, I am bad, I am so-so)
What day of the week is it today?
What season is it now?
Look at the window, children, you can see beautifull nature there, what can you tell us about it?
Pupils describe the weather.
ІІ. Актуалізація опорних знань
Dear, boys and girls, at the previous lessons we’ve learned about your family, let’s revise some poems about it.
Pupils tell poems about family.
III. Вивчення нового матеріалу
You must understand that the family is happy when all members are together. Today we'll talk about home. We'll talk about your houses and home. You'll describe your rooms. OK?
Do you know the difference between the words "a house" and "a home"?
a home - is a place where you feel comfortable and safe.
a house - is a building which people live in.
Phonetic Exercise 1.
“East or west home is best” the folk proverb says, and I quite agree with it. Because wherever you go your heart want to come back home.
Now I want you write down the date and class work in your copybooks and we start hard working.
So, as I have mentioned we would talk about houses and I want to represent you some kinds of them:
(Постер 1 «Houses» Pupil’s Book)
Учні з учителем опрацьовують вимову назв будівель.
T. Let’s make some sentences with new words: This is a …
And now, let’s try to make more sentences with new words. Look at our train, there are some useful phrases here. Please, listen and do like me:
Pupils make sentences using I like…, I dislike…
All of you know that house has glass windows, a roof and a front door. Now we’ll do an exercise № 2. We combine in two groups, please, read these texts, and fill the list under them they haven’t:
(Exercise № 2)
Учні читають тексти, заповнюють таблицю.
It was interesting to know about such houses, but you are happy when you have comfortable room in your house. Look at the blackboard and name these rooms:
Poster 2 “Rooms”
Учні називають кімнати.
Children,let’s make sentences with the word combination “My favourite room is … ”
Pupils we remind the names of houses and rooms. But to have comfortable life we need furniture, let’s remind some of them:
Poster 3. “Furniture”
Учні пригадують за вчителем назви меблів.
Slide 2.
You will be very clever boys and girls when you learn to use preposition in the word combinations.
Засвоєння конструкцій There is… та There are..
When we talk about the house we can’t but mention about the constructions There is… and There are…
Slide 3
To improve our knowledge we’ll do Exercise № 3
Write the words in three groups:
Учні виконують вправу
Dear children you can see different rooms on the photos. Now I’ll read the sentences and your task we’ll be answer the question “What kind of room is it?”
1.There is a bath in this room.
2. There are three chairs and a lamp on the table.
3. There is a TV in this room.
4. There is a comfortable bed in the room.
5. There is a cradle in this room.
6. There is a wardrobe in this room.
7. There is a refrigerator in this room.
Учні вибирають правильні варіанти відповідей і наклеюють їх на макет будинку.
III. Заключна частина уроку
Домашнє завдання:
Write down some sentences about “The House of my Dream”