Урок англійської мови у 5 класі "The Story about Dick"

Про матеріал
Мета:Удосконалювати техніку читання. Виховувати бажання бути справжнім другом. Розвивати мислення та увагу. Прищеплювати любов до читання. Обладнання:Текст для читання, картки для роботи, робочі зошити, дошка.
Перегляд файлу

Урок англійської мови у 5 класі                                       Вчитель: Кріль М. В.


Тема: Домашнє читання

Мета:Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Виховувати бажання бути справжнім другом.

Розвивати мислення та увагу.

Прищеплювати любов до читання.

Обладнання:Текст для читання, картки для роботи, робочі зошити, дошка.


Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Привітання

Hello? Children! I’m glad to see you!

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

- Today we are going to read and discuss the little story about one boy and his own dearly friend.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Phonetic drill: sound [æ] and [t]

A black cat sat on the mat

And ate a fat rat.


II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Подання тексту для читання
  1. Етап підготовки до читання
  • Введення незнайомих ЛО (слова записано на дошці, робота в словниках)

To be full of – бути наповненим.

To happen – траплятися.

To be pleased – бути задоволеним.

  • Мотивація.

 When we will read this story and do all tasks we’ll find proverb about friendship. So let’s start to read our story.  

  1. Етап читання




Dick was a little boy. His father and mother died. He was very poor. He had no friends. His only friend was a cat whom he loved dearly.

One day Dick heard that life was very easy in London, that all people in London were very good and kind, that the streets of Lon­don were full of gold.

"Let's go to London", said Dick to his cat.

           "All right, let's go there", said his cat.    


But when they came to London, they, of course, didn't see the streets full of gold. They didn't see anybody who wanted to help them.


At last Dick found a job on one of the ships.

"May I take my cat with me?" Dick asked the captain.

          "Certainly", said the captain.                         


The captain was a good old kind man. He told Dick stories about strange countries and strange people, about strange plants and strange animals. One day there was a storm in the sea. The ship got into a strange country. The people who lived in that country had red skins.

The captain of the ship sent beautiful presents to the King and the Queen of that country. They invited the captain to their palace.


It was a beautiful palace. There were a lot of different tasty things on the tables for the King, the Queen and the captain. But suddenly hundreds of rats ran into the room and began to eat all the tasty things.

"This happens every day", said the King. "We don't know what to do. Nobody can helps us".

So the captain sent for Dick and his cat. When the cat saw the rats, she jumped from Dick's arms and soon all the rats were dead.


The King and the Queen were so pleased that they gave Dick twelve bags of gold and many other presents.


When Dick came back to London, he was very rich and he had his cat with him. He married a beautiful girl. And the tree of them lived very happily together.

  1. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту
  1. Choose the correct sentence.

1.    a) Dick's mother was his only friend.

       f)   Dick's cat was his only friend.

       e)   A little boy was his only friend.

       c)   Dick was his only friend.


2.    k)   Life was very good in London.

 p)   Life was very poor in London.

 r)    Life was very easy in London.

 o)   Life was very hard in London.


3.    i)  Dick didn't see the streets full of gold in London.

 h)   Dick didn't see the streets in London.

 g)    Dick saw the streets full of gold in London.

 c)   Dick didn 't see anybody with gold in the streets of London.


4.    b) Dick told the stories on the ship and took his cat with him.

  c)   Dick saw strange animals on the ship and took his cat with   him.

 d)   Dick found one of the ships and took his cat with him.

 e)Dick got a job on the ship and took his cat with him.


5.    l) The ship got into a beautiful palace.

 m) The ship got to the King and the Queen.

 n) The ship got into a strange country.

 o)  The ship got into a sea country.


6.   f) There were a lot of presents on the tables for the King, the

          Queen and the captain.

k)There were a lot of different tables with tasty things for the King, the

Queen and the captain.

d)There were a lot of different tasty things on the tables for the King,

the Queen and the captain.

  1. There were a lot of beautiful tables with tasty things for the King, the

Queen and the captain.


7.    i) "Every day hundreds of rats eat tasty things and nobody can help us".

 s) "Every day the rats eat tasty things. Please help us!"

 t) "Every day hundreds of cats eat tasty things and nobody can help us".

 u) "Every day we eat tasty things. Can you help us?"


8.    w) The cat saw the rats, and jumped on Dick's arms.

  v)  The cat saw the rats, and they sent for Dick.

  n)   The cat saw the rats, and soon she was dead.

  y)  The cat saw the rats, and soon they were dead.

  1. Puzzle
  1. How many rats were in a palace?
  2. Where was a storm?
  3. What was the colour of the people’s skin in the strange country?
  4. Where did Dick come back after his travelling?




























When you guess the words across, you’ll find the hidden word down


  1. True or False
  1. Dick found a job in the hotel.
  2. Dick took his cat with him.
  3. The King and the Queen invited captain to the palace.
  4. Dick came back to London when he was a poor man.


  1. Match parts of the text with their names an find the next key word.
  1. A strange country.
  2. The King and the Queen are pleased.
  3. Hundreds of rats.
  4. A job on a ship.
  5. Dick is a poor boy.
  6. Dick is rich and happy.
  7. Life is not easy in London.
  1. Correct mistakes.

There are mistakes in these sentences. Correct them and write down found letters. Make the word with them.

  1. One day the shp got in a storm.
  2. The Kig and the Queen were so pleased.
  3. They gave Dick 12 bags of gol.
  4. He was vry rich when came back to London.
  5. He married in a bautiful girl.
  6. The captain was a good old kin man.


If you did all tasks correct you will have a proverb about friendship. Write down what you have.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(Друг пізнається в біді)

III. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Домашнє завдання

Повторити лексико-граматичний матеріал теми.

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
  • What story were we discussing today?
  • What did you like most?



  1. 1. f; 2. r; 3. i; 4. e; 5. n ; 6. d; 7. i; 8. n. (friend in)
  2. 1 – hundred; 2 – sea; 3 – red; 4 – London. (need)
  3. m – F; i – T; s – T; t – F. (is)
  4. 1 – a; 2 – f; 3 – r; 4 – i; 5 – e; 6 – n; 7 – d. (a friend)
  5. 1 - shp – ship; 2 – Kig – King; 3 – gol – gold; 4 – vry – very; 5 – bautifil – beautiful; 6 – kin – kind. (indeed)
31 серпня 2019
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