Урок англійської мови у 6 класі ( ІІ семестр) Topic. Easter symbols in Ukraine

Про матеріал

Мета уроку: повторити слова з теми „Свята”; розвивати навички читання та говоріння; розвивати учнівську творчість; практикувати учнів у висловлюванні своєї думки; розвивати міжкультурну компетенцію; виховувати в учнів глибоку зацікавленість до вивчення англійської мови, звичаїв та культурних традицій.

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Урок англійської мови у 6 класі ( ІІ семестр)

Lesson 5

Тема. Свята та традиції 

Topic. Holidays and traditions

Підтема. Пасхальні символи в Україні

Subtopic. Easter symbols in Ukraine


повторити слова з теми „Свята”; розвивати навички читання та говоріння; розвивати учнівську творчість; практикувати учнів у висловлюванні своєї думки;  розвивати міжкультурну компетенцію; виховувати в учнів глибоку зацікавленість до вивчення англійської мови, звичаїв та культурних традицій.


 to revise vocabulary; to develop  students’ reading  skills; to develop  students’  creativity; to develop  students’ skills of  giving opinions; to develop  сross-cultural competence; to bring up interest in learning  English, customs and cultural traditions.

Тип уроку:

урок застосування умінь та навичок.

The type of the lesson:

the lesson of using skills.

Форма уроку:

нетрадиційний урок.

The form of the lesson:

nontraditional  (lesson- exhibition)


 пасхальні вірші, презентація, схема, роздавальні картки, тексти для читання, виставка " Пасхальні символи ".

Materials required:

 Easter poems,  presentation ,,Easter symbols in Ukraine’’, handouts, texts for reading, exhibition " Easter symbols ".

Очікувані результати:

наприкінці уроку діти навчаться застосовувати навички читання та слухання на практиці, висловлювати власну думку.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  •   practisе listening skills;
  •   practise reading skills;
  •   practise expressing opinion.






















План уроку

І. Введення у сферу мовленнєвої діяльності

1. Організаційний момент. Вступне слово вчителя.

2. Мовна розминка. Робота з дитячими віршами.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

2. Перевірка виконання учнями домашнього завдання.

3. Розвиток навичок читання. Індивідуальна робота.

ІІІ. Підсумок уроку

IV. Домашнє завдання


The plan of the lesson

I. Introduction

1. Greeting and aim.

2. Warming-up

II. The main part

1. Speaking.

                   2. Check on homework.

                   3. Reading.

III. Evaluation

IV. Home assignment











I. Introduction

1. Greeting and aim.

Teacher: Good morning children! Today our topic is ,, Easter symbols in Ukraine’’, the aim of our lesson – to describe all Easter symbols in Ukraine. ( Слайд1 )




Teacher: Winter has passed, the birds return,

               There is the end of winter’s reign.

               There is a way to the light!

               Easter is a festival of hope and joy,

               It’s a festival of awakening life!

2. Warming-up.

Pupil 1:    Spring is coming!

                  Do you hear?

                  Birds are flying?

                  Smiles appear.

                 Clouds flow,

                   Trees are budding,

                  Tulips grow

                  In the  gardens.

                  Clear feelings

                  Carry spring!

                  Happy greetings

                  Voices ring.

 Pupil 2:    Souls are flowering,

            Being unspotted,

            Looking for bower

            Of calmness’ profit!

            Souls are looking

            For pure intentions!

            Souls are blooming

            And send invitations!

            Sing in the passion:

            “You souls are saved!

             Christ’s resurrection

             The Heaven’s path made!”

 Pupil 3 : The God sent his son

         To teach us to live,

         Without a gun

         He made us believe.

         He gave us a lot

         Of kindness and love!

         The faith in the God

         Is like a white dove!




ІІ. The main part

3. Speaking .

а) pre - speaking  activity.

Teacher: Answer the questions. What do you know about Easter? Do you celebrate Easter in your family? Can you colour eggs? Can you bake Easter cakes?

 b) speaking activity.                                                                                                  Teacher: In Ukraine Easter is called Velykden. Velykden was celebrated thousands of years ago as the victory of the Light over the Dark, Day over Night, Spring over Winter. The Resurrection was celebrated only from 988 when Kiev Rus was baptized. (Слайд2 )

Pupil 4 : The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday (Verbna nedilia). On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church. The people tap one another with these branches repeating the wish: “Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the earth. Not I am tapping, the willow is tapping.  Easter is in a week!”.   Слайд3


Pupil 5 : The week before Easter, the Great Week, is called the White or Pure Week. On the evening of the Pure Thursday the Passion service is performed, after which people return home with lighted candles. ( Слайд4)


Teacher: Paska, krashanki  and  pysanki are the symbols of Ukrainian Easter and obligatory food on the table this day.


Pupil 6 :  Paska is baked from yeast dough in the form of cylinder. This is one of the recipes of the traditional Ukrainian Paska. (Додаток2,а)

Pupil 7 :  On this Day Ukrainian kids play their favorite Easter game: knocking the eggs. If you knock somebody’s egg and your egg is not broken than you are the winner.

Teacher: Our town has the Easter symbol too. It’s a bright, colourful pysanka near Saint Paul’s and Peter’s church. ( Слайд5)

c) post-listening activity.

Teacher: Complete the table ( Слайд6)

 4. Check on homework.

Pupil 2: There is a legend about the pysankas’ appearing. After Christ’s death the Virgin cried a lot and her tears became coloured and painted eggs. Coloures and figures on pysanka have the magic meaning.


A yellow colour is the symbol of sun.

A red colour is the symbol of love and life.

A green colour is the symbol of spring and awakening.

A blue colour is the symbol of health, water and air.

 Fish is the symbol of health.

 Grain is the symbol of wealth.

 Flowers are the symbols of love.

 Oak leaves and willow branches are the symbols of strength.

 Cross is the symbol of eternity.

5.  Reading

а) pre-reading activity.

Teacher: Taras Shevchenko, the great Ukrainian poet, artist, wrote the poem about Easter as seen through the eyes of a poor orphan. How many years did  we celebrate from the day of his birth?  ( Слайд7)

b) reading.  

On Easter Sunday among the straw

Out in the sun the children played

With Easter eggs in colors braw

And each of them loud boasting made

Of gifts received. One, for the feast,

Was given a shirt with sleeves of white;

One with a ribbon had been pleased,

One with a garment, laced and tight;

This boy was given a lambskin cap,

That one a pair of horsehide boots,

And one a jacket to unwrap.

Only one child among their bruits,

An orphan, had no gift of bliss;

Her hands are hidden in her sleeves.

She hears: "My mother bought me this,

My father got me that." (She grieves.)

"My good godmother made a blouse

Embroidered gay with dainty thread."

"The priest has fed me at his house,"

At last the little orphan said.

c) post-reading activity.

Тeacher: Complete this poem:

 On … Sunday among the straw

Out in the sun the children played

With Easter … in colors braw

And each of them loud boasting made

Of … received. One, for the …,

Was given a shirt with sleeves of white;

One with a … had been pleased,

One with a garment, laced and tight;

This boy was given a lambskin cap,

That one a pair of horsehide …,

And one a … to unwrap.

Only one child among their bruits,

An orphan, had no … of bliss;

Her hands are hidden in her sleeves.

She hears: "My mother bought me this,

My father got me that." (She grieves.)

"My good … made a blouse

Embroidered  gay with dainty thread."

"The … has fed me at his house,"

At last the little …  said.                                                  

ІІІ. Evaluation

1. Summary and feedback

Teacher: So, let’s summarize – complete the sentences:

(The major Eastrer symbols are… 

Easter is…

Holidays are…)

T: Thank you for attention! You will get excellent marks.  Let your Easter will be decorated with love, peace, joys of spring and season’s blessings! Christ is risen!

 Слайд 9

IV. Home assignment

Похожее изображениеT: Your home task is to write a letter to your English penfriend about Easter symbols in Ukraine . ( Слайд10)











               1 egg

1 egg yolk

2 1/2 – 3 1/2 cups  flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon active dry yeast

1 teaspoon grated lemon peel

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup golden raisins

1/2 cup milk

4 tablespoons unsalted butter

       melted butter, if desired




                    Beat egg and egg yolk until fluffy and light.

                               Add 2 cups flour, sugar, salt yeast, lemon peel.

                              Mix thoroughly.

                       Heat  milk and butter to hot.

                               Add to flour mixture. Mix thoroughly.

            Add enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.

                Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth.

                       Place in greased bowl, turning to coat top.

                            Cover; let rise in warm place until double.

. .                             Set aside the dough for the decoration.

                                             Shape the rest into a ball.

                                        Cover; let rise in warm place until double.

                                Bake in a preheated oven until done.

                                    While still warm, brush with melted butter if desired.                  

                                                                             Bon appetit !





Фотогалерея  до  уроку


Exhibition " Easter symbols "



Pupil’s project ,, My Easter egg”



Pupils read Easter poems








Дидактичні матеріали до уроку  в електронному вигляді


  1.  Презентація ,,Easter symbols in Ukraine’’.




























1. Бехтер Т.В. Easter //Англійська мова та література.-2011.-№11(309).-С.36-39.

2. Каретникова А.А. Весёлый английский в начальной и средней школе.-Ярославль: Академия развития - 2010.-288с.

3. Навчальні програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Іноземні мови 5-9 клас -  К.: Генеза,  2013.

4. Пісня ,, Easter song’www.youtube.com/watch




Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Сіра Лідія Петрівна
    Чудовий, насичений урок.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
6 березня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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