Урок англійської мови "Ways of travelling"

Про матеріал
Objectives: - to teach pupils to work in groups; - to teach pupils to gather additional information on the topic; - to practice speaking; - to develop pupils language skills; - to practice listening, speaking, reading on the topic; - to deepen pupils’ knowledge about problems; - to develop pupils attention, memory and initiative; - to sum up why the people travel.
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My favorite place of travelling


                                                 Підготувала і провела

                                                        вчитель англійської мови

                                                        вищої категорії,


                                                        СШ №252 ім. В. Симоненка

                                                        Гур'єва  Тетяна  Яківна









Objectives:     -    to teach pupils to work in groups;

  • to teach pupils to gather additional information on the topic;
  • to practice speaking;
  • to develop pupils language skills;
  • to practice listening, speaking, reading on the topic;
  • to deepen pupils’ knowledge about problems;
  • to develop pupils attention, memory and initiative;
  • to sum up why the people travel.



Equipment:    -   a screen;

  • a computer;
  • presentations;
  • handouts with the tasks;
  • a tape recorder.



Teaching techniques: - warming-up

  • crossing group activity
  • role-play
  • evaluation
  • elicitation
  • loop-input
  • brainstorming
  • wordseach


  1. Greetings.

T: - Good morning, pupils!

P: - Good morning, teacher!

T: - Glad to see you!

P: - Glad to see you too!

T: -   How are you today? Are you in a good mood?

P – Yes, we are.


P: - Fine, thank you. And you?

T: - Fine, thank you.

       Pupils, today at the lesson we have guests. Greet them.

P: - Good morning! Glad to see you! Welcome to our lesson!

T: - We hope our guests will enjoy our company.

       The motto of our lesson is:

 P:            “The more we travel, the more we know”. 


  II. Phonetic Drill

T – Have a look at the thoughts of famous people and repeat after me :

“ Travelling is one way of lengthening life”

                                    ( Benjamin Frankling)

“ He who travels far, knows much”

                                              ( John Clarke)

“ The world is a book, and those who do not

   travel, read only  a page”

                                               ( St. Augustine)


 T - And now, my dear friends, do you agree  with these statements?

 Ps – Yes, of couse.

 P – It is very interesting to think it over and find the truth. I’m totally agree.

 T – I’m happy with your reasoning and want you to give me one more your own thought according to our topic.

 P – « Tourism influences on the modern life-style»

 T – Right you are. I like this one 

«If you look like your  passport picture, you probably need  the trip.»


III. Introduction.

T: - The theme (slide 1) of our today’s lesson is “Travelling.

My favorite place of travelling”.                                                     

At the lesson we are going to speak about travelling and visit some interesting places. We shall learn a lot of interesting information about history, sights, customs and leisure. We’ll speak, work with presentations, listen to the text, read, make up a dialogue. At the end of the lesson you must give the answers to the question “Why do the people travel?”

IV. Warming-up. 

 T: - Travelling is the modern disease, which started long ago and is still spreading.

       (slide 3)   What is traveling? 

  • holiday
  • fantastic rest
  • sweet dreams
  • new expressions
  • relaxation
  • free time
  • new countries, cities
  • means of transport
  • tickets
  • packaging
  • problems

T: - I must say that travelling is the most exciting, thrilling and useful way of  spending someone’s time. People have been travelling since ancient times. Hundreds of years ago there were no trains, ships or liners. People used to cover the distances in different ways.

        How do the people travel in those times?

P1: - walking, riding a horse. (slide 4)   

P2: - going in carriages

P3: - The first explores discovered new places and continents sailing by ships.     

P4: - Expeditions went to the North Pole, Artic using dog’s and deer’s draughts.     

P5: - In India – riding elephants    

P6: - In deserts the only way of moving around was a caravan of camels.  

T: - Nowadays travelling has become more developed and modernized due to the technological progress.  Look at the smart board and say: « How do the people travel nowadays?»   (slide 5,6)   

V. Loop-input.

T: During our lesson we are going to travel from station to station in different ways, and now let's begin.

Have a nice travelling! (slide 7)

First jorney is…..

P1: by plane to the Station «Airport»   (slide 8)


 (Give advantages and disadvantages)

P1: - by plane     

+ it is the fastest way of travelling

- we can see only the clouds

T: But you know - to get on a plane you need……

P1:  to go through passport control

Listening.   Pre-listening  

T: OK. We'll try to do it. Watch the video and do ex. 1 on the copies. (Pupil should read the task). (slide 9)

Checking in at an airport (Video)

Post-listening.  Answer the guestions.


T: Excellent work!


We continuous to travel. And now we are travelling ……..   (slide 10)


P2: by train.

T: by train to the Station «The Railway station»

(Give advantages and disadvantages)


+ it is comfortable

+ we can see the countryside

- slower than by plane

T: At the Railway station you can see different sighs. Do you know what are they mean?

Work with groups.


Next task is – match two parts of the columns, put the numbers according the pictures. (slide 11)


T: travelling  by train needs buying the ticket – it can be single or return tisket

Listening to the song and put the words into the correct place. ( Ex.2 on the copies).    (slide 12, 13)

T: Very nice work!


T:  Next our way is…..   (slide 14)


P: by car  

T: : by car  to the Station «A luxury hotel»


(Give advantages and disadvantages)


T: And we can drive where we want. Imagine our jorney was finished near a beautiful hotel where to stay was you dream. But sometimes dreams are broken, because not all always well. Do you have some problems during the holiday?

-What kind were they?

( st.b. p. 80)

 Task : complete the dialogs on the topics.

  1. The air condition   – no working.
  2. Dirty swimming pool.
  3. There is no  the children place area.
  4. Disappointing with the room.
  5. Rude staff.
  6. Disco for all day and night.


T: The most popular way of travelling to the nearest countries is …… (slide 15)


P4: -  by ship  

T: : by ship    to the Station «A travel agency»

+ breath fresh air

+ dream a lot

+ watch the marvelous sea-sunset

- see very little


T: A lot of travel agensy present different types of trips. Every person chooses the best way. (Pupil’s presentation)   

Now, let’s start to work.

Imagine. You are the manager of a big famous travel agency. You task from the top manager was to describe the place where you had the rest and prove  that it is the best place for having a good time.

Our pupils are the customs – and you should choose the best way of travelling for you / do monitoring reseaches of the best way of travelling/ Діаграмма.

T: So the the best way of having a holiday is _____________________________



T: And  in the end we are travelling by…….   (slide 16)


P3: - by bus

(Give advantages and disadvantages)


+ we can stop if we want

+ we can see beautiful landscapes

- not very fast


T: - Every person chooses the best way.  

Now, let’s go to the last trip – to V.Simonenko's place. Groups write an  announcement  for  the trip to his motherland village Biyivka, Poltavskyi region. Their task was to describe about sights, traditions and leisure activities and do it   interesting for people. Let’s start.   Watch the presentation, read the information and do the tasks on your papers.  When  you should present the announcement .Well, we’ll start.  (s.b. p.41)

VI. The presentation.

Pupils show theirs announcements.


T: Thank you. Now we know more about the travelling and what we can do in free time.

 VII. Elicitation. (slide 17)

T: - Our lesson comes to the end. I want to hear your answers to the question

Why do the people travel?

P1: - It is interesting to know more about other countries, traditions, customs.

P2: - Travelling develops our imagination.

P3: - Travelling gives us knowledge and knowledge is power.

P4: - I think travelling develops our outlook.

P5: - It seems to me that travelling is exciting because it means adventure.

P6: - I want to say that travelling helps us to study foreign languages. We can improve our knowledge.

P7: - People can meet different people and make friends. I think it’s great to have friends in foreign countries.

P8: - When you travel you have a chance to change your style of life.

P9: - I want to answer the question with the help of a quotation “He that travels far knows much”.  

VIII. Summing-up.

T: - Our world has many faces. It is different in its beauty. There are lots of wonders in the world.   So, travel and enrich your outlook;   because the more we travel, the more we know.

Thank you for your work at the lesson.  Your marks are ….

IX. Home Assignment.  

Write a letter about you last travelling to your friend.

Good-bye! Have a nice day












Copy 1


1)Where  is  the man  flying


2) What does  the  wait staff want  to see  firstly?   


3)What happened  to  the  flight?


4)How many luggage  the  man prefers?       


 5)What  seat  does  the man  prefers?  


6)What is the  gate  number  for  flight?             



Copy 2





























No exit

trolly cart





exit door












Copy 3


One Way Ticket

Ticket,  track,  travel,  go on,  gonna,   comin',  hotel.,  one way,  tear,  never,   blues,  down


One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
tuckin' down the __________ gotta ________ on it
never comin' back
ooh got a one way ticket to the ________________

Bye bye love
my babe is leavin' me
now lonely _________ drops
are all that I can see.
got a one way _______________

to the blues

gonna take a trip to lonesome town
gonna stay at heartbreak __________ A fool such as I there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.


Choo choo train
tuckin' ____________ the track
gotta travel on it
never __________ back
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Gotta __________ gotta truck on
got a one way ticket to the blues.

I gotta take a trip to lonesome town
______ stay at heartbreak hotel
a fool such as I there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
__________ comin' back
ooh got a ______________ ticket to the blues.

Got my ticket...

One way ticket...   One way ticket to the blues.


Blues – печаль   

leavin' - кидає

gonna –збиратись щось робити

tuckin' down the track – мчатись по залізній дорозі









Copy 4


An  announcement  for  the trip to the Simonenko's motherland village Biyivka, Poltavskyi region.


  • Begin from the exiting title.
  • Inform people what the place it is.
  • What can you see there and why it is interesting.
  • Inform people what the activities are and describe them briefly.
  • Say about the time, place and cost of tour.
  • End with a strong and memorable final message.



Василь Симоненко



«витязь молодої української поезії»

Народився 8 січня 1935р. у с. Біївцях на Полтавщині в селянській родині.

У три роки почав опановувати грамоту, у п’ять написав першого віршика.

Після закінчення десятирічки у с. Тарандиці протягом 1952-1957рр. навчався на факультеті журналістики Київського державного університету.

Після закінчення навчання одружується на черкащанці Людмилі Півторадня.

Працює журналістом у редакції газет «Черкаська правда» й «Молодь Черкащини».

На початку 60-х стає активним членом Клубу творчої молоді. Потрапляє під нагляд КДБ.

1962р. з’являється його перша збірка «Тиша і грім».

Улітку 1962р. міліціонери заарештували та жорстоко побили його. Відмовлялися друкувати твори, друзі відвернулися. Восени 1962р. починає щоденник «Окрайці думок».

На початку вересня 1963р. ліг у лікарню із раком нирок. У ніч з 13 на 14 грудня 1963р. помер.


-         перша збірка «Тиша і грім»

-         цикл «Мандрівка по цвинтарю»

-         цикл «Заячий дріб»

-         оповідання «Вино з троянд»

-         оповідання «Кукурікали півні на рушниках»

-         оповідання «Весілля Опанаса Кровки»

-         оповідання «Лебеді материнства»

-         оповідання «Ти знаєш, що ти - людина»

-         казка «Подорож у країну Навпаки»

-         казка «Цар Плаксій і Лоскотон»

-         щоденник «Окрайці думок»

-         посмертна збірка «Земне тяжіння»

Answers to copy 1


1)Where  is  the man  flying?                      (to Stockholm)

2) What does  the  wait staff want  to see  firstly?    /a passport/

3)What happened  to  the  flight?                       /it has been delayed/

4)How many luggage  the  man prefers?       /one bag to check – one bag to carry on

 5)What  seat  does  the man  prefers?        /the  aisle [ail] seat/

6)What is the  gate  number  for  flight?             /P 25/


Answers to copy 2



























trolly cart






exit door
No exit









Answers to copy 3


One Way Ticket

Билет в один конец

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Bye bye love
my babe is leavin' me
now lonely tear drops
are all that I can see.
got a one way ticket to the blues

gonna take a trip to lonesome town
gonna stay at heartbreak hotel.
A fool such as I there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Gotta go on

gotta truck on
got a one way ticket to the blues.

I gotta take a trip to lonesome town
gonna stay at heartbreak hotel
a fool such as I there never was
I cry my tears away.

One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket
one way ticket.
One way ticket to the blues.

Choo choo train
tuckin' down the track
gotta travel on it
never comin' back
ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.

Got my ticket...

One way ticket...

Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец, в печаль.

Ту-ту поезд
мчится по железной дороге
я путешествую по ней
и никогда не вернусь обратно
оо у меня билет в один конец, в печаль.

Прощай моя любовь
мой малыш меня покидает
теперь одинокие слезы
это все, что я вижу
у меня билет в один конец, в печаль.

поеду в путешествие в одинокий город
остановлюсь в отеле разбитых сердец
Как жаль, что раньше я там не бывала
Я плачу и слезы капают.

Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец, в печаль.

Ту-ту поезд
мчится по железной дороге
я путешествую по ней
и никогда не вернусь обратно
оо у меня билет в один конец, в печаль.

Я еду

я еду
у меня билет в один конец, в печаль.

Поеду в путешествие в одинокий город
остановлюсь в отеле разбитых сердец
Как жаль, что раньше я там не бывала
Я плачу и слезы капают.

Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец
билет в один конец
Билет в один конец, в печаль.

Ту-ту поезд
мчится по железной дороге
я путешествую по ней
и никогда не вернусь обратно
оо у меня билет в один конец, в печаль.

У меня билет…

Билет в один конец…


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