Урок англійської мови з теми "I go to school" за підр. Несвіт А.

Про матеріал

Конспект розроблено за підручником А.Несвіт, включаючи розробки на основі нового Державного стандарту. Конспект може бути використаний як оснва для розробки подібних конспектів з інших тем.

Перегляд файлу

Topic: I like to go to school

Objectives: presenting and practicing new vocabulary;

  practicing language chunk “I see …” “Do you like …” “Yes, I do/No, I don’t”;

  developing speaking skills;

  developing writing skills;

revising alphabet;

  developing interest in studying.




Good morning children. (Let’s shake hands” song)



Today we start new topic “I go to school”. We are going to revise words which we know and we’ll learn some new ones. Also we are going to revise English alphabet. In the end of our lesson you’ll be able to say “I see.. “ and name what can you see, also you’ll know English letters better. So, let’s start.

Warming up


Before we start, let’s revise days of the week. Who can try to name them? … Great. Let’s sing our “Days of the week song”(for kids)

Pronunciation practice

[ɔ:] – door, floor

[u:] – room, school

[] – chair, teacher

Vocabulary presentation and practicing


Ex. 1  p.70

1)Steak each picture on the board( the words are under the picture) and name it in several different ways(quiet, loud, two times…), pupils repeat. Steak a new one and do the same. Then repeat with pupils two words and so on. In the end pupils have to name all words themselves.

2)”Disappearing word”

Ask pupils to close their eyes and remove one picture, pupils have to name all words with the missing one. Do it several times unless all picture are gone.


The teacher points to the picture and say “I see a …”(names the word), all words, pupils repeat after the teacher.

“I see…” Game

The teacher divides the class into two teams. The task is one team shows a picture and another team says “I see…” and wise verse.

Physical activity

“Baby shark” song

Revision of English alphabet

1)“ABC Song” Phonics Song with TWO Words

2)Then pupils repeat it themselves.

3)Revision of the letters Q R S T U V (pictures on the board)

4)Match capital letters and small ones

5)Revision of the letters A – P


p. 72

the teacher read and pupils repeat, then they try to read themselves


Ex. 6 p. 72

Pupils say on which days they go to school


What have we learned today? What were we talking about? What letters did we revise?


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
15 квітня 2018
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