Урок. " Art. Paintint."

Про матеріал
Урок для поглибленого вивчення художників та стилів живопису. Розвиток мовлення, письма, читання.
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Тема: Art. Painting. Famous Painters.
Мета: активізувати вживания відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;
розвивати навички мовлення, читання,аудіювання,письма; розширювати знання учнів про живопис та відомих художників; виховувати позитивне ставлення до мистецтва.

Обладнання: підручник Калініної, репродукції картин, друковані матеріали

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент
             - Привітання.
Т: Good morning, сhildren! I am glad to see you.
Let's start our lesson. 
             - Оголошення теми, мети уроку.

Today at the lesson we’ll speak about art.

The aims of the lesson are:
(цілі уроку)
1. To summarize the knowledge which had been got at the previous lessons.
(підсумувати знання, отримані на попередніх уроках)
2. To point out the main features of the classi­cal painting and  learn more about famous painters  (виділити основні характеристики класичного живопису і дізнатися більше про відомих художників)
3. To improve the English language, describing pictures. (покращувати знання мови,описуючи картини)

ІІ. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

First, I want you to answer my question. What do we belong to art?

 Pupils: painting, sculpture, literature cinema and theatre belong to art.

 We’ll learn more about painting, painters and their masterpieces.

На дошці написи:
«A picture is a poem without words .» (Horace, 65 -8 BC)

«Artists  are the eyes of mankind.» (Maximilian Voloshin)

Look at these quotations. Are you agree?

Artists  express their feelings without words and it is their language. Sometimes to paint is easier than to say.

I think these words can be the motto of our lesson.

ІІІ. Актуалізація опорних знань.

You know that there are different styles of painting . What are the main of them?
Realism, Surrealism, Impressionism, Romanticism , Rococo, Cubism, Abstract, Pop Art and many others.

And now I propose you to fill the table using the styles of painting:



Definition (визначення)



It’s the art that does not represent real objects, artist uses assosiations.



It showes detailed depiction (опис) of nature, life.



Artist pays attention to effect of light.



Objects are shown in geometric forms.



Art in which common (звичні) objects are used to demonstrate something.


( Keys:1.Abstract, 2.Realism,3.Impressionism, 4.Cubism, 5.Pop Art)

На стіні 5 груп картин і  картки з назвами стилю –«зробити підпис»

ІV.Основна частина уроку

  1. Розвиток мовлення (введення до основної теми уроку), перекласти U-E:

-Many hundreds years ago people could not write, they had no cameras to take photos.

-So they showed their life in pictures.

-Some of them expressed feelings or depicted beauty of nature.

-Others painted portraits or scenes from life.

-Many artists made paintings to decorate churches.

-Now we have opportunity to learn our past on the monuments of history or in art galleries.

  1. Введення нової лексики
    a) In order to speak about art we need some specific vocabulary. Genres of painting.

Genres of painting (жанри живопису):

landscape               - пейзаж

seascape                 - морський пейзаж  

portrait                   - портрет  

still life                   - натюрморт  

historical  painting -  історичний живопис 

         b) Fill in the table

the depiction of natural scenes such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests.


artistic representation of the sea


a picture of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from life


a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things


used to describe the painting of scenes from history



A landscape is the depiction of natural scenes such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests.

A seascape is artistic representation of the sea.

A portrait is a picture of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from life.

A still life is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things.

A historical painting is used to describe the painting of scenes from history

When describing a picture one can use the following verbs:

to depict, to portray, to describe, to show.

(слайди картини різних жанрів: пейзаж, морський пейзаж, натюрморт, портрет, батальна сцена, жанрова картина)


3.Розвиток навичок читання

a)  Leonardo  da Vinci (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, and writer. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most talented person ever to have lived.

b) p.210 (Калініна) rhyme “ Mona Liza”

We look for something in her smile

We stand to study her awhile

Her face of beauty that we seek

What would she say if she could speak?


4.Розвиток навичок мовлення. Опис картини «Mona  Liza»

a) You have words and word combinations to describe

Mona Liza

  • in genre of portrait painting   - у жанрі портретного живопису
  • to be depicted                         - бути змальованим
  • to sit in half-turn                    - сидіти в півоберта
  • smooth and flat hair               - гладеньке і рівне волосся
  • enigmatic smile                      - загадкова посмішка
  • unsolved                                 - нерозгаданий
  • masterpiece                            - шедевр

b) tr. U-E using the words:

- Leonardo  da Vinci painted in genre of portrait painting.

- Nobody knows exactly who is depicted on the portrait.

- We can see a woman in black, sitting in half – turn.

- Her long black hair is smooth and flat.

- Her enigmatic smile is unsolved.

- This work has become the masterpiece of world classic.


5.Розвиток навичок аудіювання,читання.

Listen attentively to answer the questions after that.

Famous Painters

а) учні зачитують повідомлення про художників:

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) ,Dutch artist , is one of the central figures of art. Having good education he made a career of a painter. He managed to show in his works all spectrum of human feelings and emotions, which nobody could do before. Rembrandt opened his own studio and began to teach students. He became very rich and it allowed him to buy his own house which he filled with antique art objects (sculpture, weapons, musical instruments). He had a large family ,but was not happy because his 3 children died.

Van Gogh (1853 —  1890) Vincent Van Gogh - Dutch painter, draftsman, one of the leading representatives of post-impressionism. He was born in a family of priest and  lived only 37 years, of which only the last seven he painted. Hungry, almost miserable existence, full of loneliness . However, he painted  thousands of pictures and  paintings ,and even were the weeks when he wrote one or two pictures every day. His paintings are  full of love and suffering dialogue - with himself, with God, with the world. During his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting .

Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)  Spanish painter, sculptor, graphic artist,  and designer. He was the inventor of new forms of painting, an innovator of styles and techniques, and one of the most prolific (плодовитих) artists in history. Picasso was the founder of Cubism  created  more than 20,000 jobs. He lived long life creating the human suffering in the period of that history.. For nearly a century, he saw how the world  changed around him.

в) answer the questions:

- Who was the founder of Cubism? (Pablo Picasso)

- Who was the leading representative of post-impressionism but had  hungry, almost miserable existence? (Van Gogh)

- Who managed to show in his works all spectrum of human feelings and emotions, which nobody could do before? (Rembrandt van Rijn)

6. Розвиток навичок мовлення

a) tr E-U

Catherine Bilokur (1900 – 1961) Ukrainian artist,  master of folk decorative art.  She began to draw at an early age, but her parents did not approve and prohibited this activity  . Catherine continued to draw secretly from family, using canvas and a piece of coal. In the autumn of 1934 attempted to drown  herself in the river and only after that at father agreed to engage the daughter drawing. Soon was opened exhibition by self-taught artist, which had a huge success. She became the member of Artists' Union of Ukraine. When Pablo Picasso saw her works he said : “If we had the artist  of that level of skill, it would force the whole world to talk about her!” (Якби ми мали художницю такого рівня майстерності, то змусили б заговорити про неї цілий світ!)

b) Lets describe one of masterpieces of Catherine Bilokur, using the words:

to stress on  - наголосити на                             to fascinate with  - зачаровувати

harmony      - гармонія                                      shade                    - тінь

special          - особливий                                   to look as if          -виглядати наче

to evoke       -викликати                       unsurpassed impression     -неперевершене враження

c) tr. U-E

- Bilokur was an artist who knew much about flowers.

- In her works she stresses on beauty of nature.

- The painting fascinates (зачаровує) with harmony of colours.

- Colours and shades make picture special.

- Flowers look as if they smell.

- The work evokes (викликає) romantic feelings.

- General impression is unsurpassed (неперевершене)

7. Розвиток навичок письма. С.216-217 (Калініна)

Склаcти порівняльну таблицю , яку потрібно буде закінчити дома

Make up a comparative table that you are to finish at home:




known for






8. Розвиток навичок аудіювання. It is interesting to know

-  The first pencil was invented in England in 1565, but people have been painting things for the past 20,000 years.

-  Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa's lips.

- When Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1912, 6 times they were sold as the original, each at a huge price, in the 3 years before the original was recovered.

- Picasso could draw before he could walk.

-  Pablo Picasso loved animals. Through his adult life he owned a pet monkey, an owl, a goat, a turtle and packs of dogs and cats. He was known to leave his studio windows open and to paint the pigeons that flew through.

- Leonardo Da Vinci invented high heels, parachute.

V. Домашнє завдання

-скласти таблицю,-опис картин за планом

VI. Підсумок уроку


5 січня 2022
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