Урок для 1 класу . "How big is a pig" за підручником С.С.Губарєва, І.В.Доценко, О.В.Євчук. Учитель англійської мови Слобідської ЗОШ І - ІІ ступенів , Гончарова М.В.

Про матеріал
Урок розроблений за підручником І.В.Доценко, О.В.Євчук, С.С.Губарєва. мета уроку : повторити та активізувати лексичний матеріал теми; ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО (назвами тварин) та закріпити їх уживання в усному мовленні; практикувати учнів у вживанні структури "I have got"; тренувати увагу; виховувати дбайливе ставлення до тварин.
Перегляд файлу

Year 1

Тема : Animals. Is it a big pig?

Objectives  : to present the vocabulary of the lesson; to repeat and activate the lexical units of the topic; learn to use structure “I have got”; to form skills pronunciation of English sounds; to train the memory.

Equipment : coloured pencils, workbooks, books, pens, cards, flashcards.

Procedure :

  1. Organization moment.


Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning!

I am glad to see you!


Warming up activities.


Good day , dear children! Glad to see you too! Today we are going to speak about animals and their sizes. Is it big or small? I hope you will enjoy English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other. I see you are ready for the lesson.

Let’s start from game “Three claps” (Children three times clap their hands and name the animal)


Well done! Next  game is “Yes or No”(Teacher ask some questions and children answer them : Yes, it is or No, it is not)

  1. Main part of the lesson.
  • Children get acquainted with the words: chicken , pig, cow sheep.  (The childrenthe children stand in a circle and pass the card with the animal and call it to the neighbor, who also passes the same card to the next one. another card is added with each circle, and so on. the lie is performed faster and faster.)
  • Next game is “Out – of – Order – Phone” (children stand in a circle. one of the children approaches the teacher and he says a word quietly in the ear related to this topic, and the student passes the first and then the last, the latter calls him)


  • You are well done! And now a warm-up. Stand up and walk away.

Giraffes are tall, with necks so long

(стоять, руки витягують догори)

Elephantstrunks are big and strong

(зображують хобот)

Zebras have stripes and can gallop away

(рухаються галопом)

While monkeys in the trees do sway

(хитаються з боку в бік)

Old crocodiles swims in the pool so deep

(нібито пливуть)

Turtles in the sun go to sleep.

(удають , що засинають)

Learning the structure «I have got” (the teacher explains what the structure means)

(Each of the children say what kind of pet they have)

  • Lets do next task into your workbooks Ex.1 p.36. (Trace, colour and say)
  • And now your task is to listen carefully to what animal the teacher calls and  you circle. Be attentive.



  • The task is to find an animal. The class is divided into two groups and receives cards with animals. The teacher names the animal and the students quickly find it and show it  and repeat its name.
  • The last task of our lesson Ex.2 p.36 (Find and colour the path. Say. What animals are big and what are small).
  • Physical education minute.
  • Open ,shut hands,

Open, shut them,

Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open ,shut hands,

Open, shut them.

Shake your hands like this, this, this.

Open, shut hands,

Put them on your lap, lap, lap.

3.Summing up

1. Exercise Say something in English

2.Its time to say goodbye.

One, two, three, four, five

We say Good bye




5 лютого 2021
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