Урок для 10 класу на тему "Винаходи людства"

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розробка урока на тему "Винаходи людства" з метою активізації лексики та пізнавальної діяльності
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Тема:   Найважливіші винаходи людства

Мета: - активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми у мовленні учнів;

           - удосконалювати навички читання та елементи монологічного висловлювання

           - продовжувати формувати уміння висловлювати власну думку з

              приводу почутого чи побаченого;

           - поглибити знання учнів про відомих винахідників та їх


           - розвивати мовну здогадку та уміння критично мислити;

           - виховувати повагу учнів до культурної спадщини різних народів та прагнення її пізнавати.

Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, роздатковий матеріал.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Види роботи: робота з ЛО, читання, практичні вправи

                                            Хід уроку

І. Орг.момент

ІІ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Before starting the new topic of our lesson I propose your to fill the mind map:



Your homework was to find the translation of sayings of famous people


1) Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. (T. Edison)( 1 %-натхнення та 99% поту)

2) You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself. (Galileo)

3) It is better to understand a little, than to misunderstand a lot.

4) Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than man. (Sophocles)

5) We know what we are but we know not what we may be. (Shakespeare)

6) Imagination is more important than knowledge. (A. Einstein) 

7) Men learn while they teach.

8) Train hard, fight easy.

9)  Necessity is the mother of invention.

I propose to take the last quotation as the moto of our lesson. May be somebody guess the topic of our lesson?


The topic of our today’s lesson is “The most important inventions of the mankind”. So you’ll learn a lot of useful information about achievements of scientists from different countries. You’ll also have plenty of practice in reading, writing, speaking .

 Nowadays we can even say that “Comfort is the mother of invention” because various inventions in electronics, transport etc. make our life easier and more comfortable.

IIІ. Основна частина.


- Look at the photos of these old devices. What do you think you can do with them? What do you think each one is? (The photos of telegraph, cine camera, adding machine, gramophone and crystal radio)




 Match them with modern devices we use today.

  1.  Adding machine                                    CD player  
  2. Telegraph                                                camcorder
  3. Crystal radio                                           calculator
  4. Gramophone                                          digital camera
  5. Typewriter                                              telephone
  6. Cine camera –

кінокамера                                                 games console

  1. Video game                                             DAB radio
  2. Instamatic camera                                 word processor


 Complete the sentences using these words:

  1. My grandparents still listen to music on an old ______________, which is about 80 years old.
  2. Can someone pick up the ___________, please? It’s ringing.
  3. “What’s that old device?” “It’s a _____________. People used it to send messages over long distances.”
  4. My mum hates technology. She doesn’t switch on a ________________ to type a letter. She uses an old ______________.
  5. Sara couldn’t add up the numbers in her head so she used a ______________.
  6. Martin! Turn down your ______________! How can you listen to such loud music while you are doing your homework?
  7. My parents got married in the 1950s. Someone had a ____________ ____and filmed the wedding.
  8. My brother spends hours playing video games on his ________________.
  9. “Look at those people surfing!” “Quick! Switch on the ______________ and record them!”



Відповіді на питання.

  • What modern inventions do you have at home?
  • What is the most useful thing for your mother?
  • Which device can’t you do without?
  • What thing can’t your father live without?
  • What gadget do you use every day?
  • What thing can you easily do without?
  • What is the most useless thing in your household?
  • What is your favourite unit and why?



Match the parts of word-combinations.

1. A vacuum cleaner

1. To cook meals

2. A washing machine

2. To press clothes

3. A dishwasher

3. To clean the carpets

4. A microwave oven

4. To do the cooking

5. An iron

5. To wash clothes

6. A cooker

6. To find information

7. A computer

7. To wash up

8. A mobile phone

8. To watch films and news

9. A television

9. To communicate with people

Key: 1-3 2-5 3-7 4-1 5-2 6-4 7-6 8-9 9-8





Reading in groups:

  • Read the text, answer the questions, retell in short and give the short translation of the texts


Text for group 1


In 1973, Martin Cooper changed the world, although he didn't know it yet.

Cooper and his team at Motorola, the communications company, created maybe the only thing that runs the lives of business professionals and teenagers alike -- the cell phone.

It was the size of a brick and wasn't commercially sold for another decade. But as Cooper demonstrated on a New York sidewalk, it worked.

Cooper wanted people to have freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars.

Motorola spent three months building a prototype for a portable, mobile handset that Cooper publicly demonstrated in April of 1973. The company's first commercial cellular phone, the "DynaTAC," went on sale 10 years later.


When was the Martin Cooper born?

What did he invent?

What was the first cell phone like?


runs the lives of business professionals and teenagers alike – робить життя професіоналів та підлітків схожим

the size of a brick – розміром з цеглу

sidewalk – ярмарок

to have freedom to talk – мати свободу при розмові

portable - переносний




Text for group 2


Henry Ford was born in 1863. He was a man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896, Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. He built this engine in his kitchen sink. In 1903, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and introduced the Model T Ford.

Henry Ford wanted to make a car that everyone would be able to afford. He lowered the price of the Model T by introducing mass production assembly techniques.


When was Henry Ford born?

What was the engine like?

Where did he built his engine?

What kind of the car did Henry Ford want to built?


transformed the world – перевернув світ

succeeded in – мати успіх в…

engine – двигун

kitchen sink – кухонна раковина

founded – заснував

be able to afford – доступна всім

mass production – масове виробництво



Text for group 3

James Murray Spangler (1848 - 1915) is known as an inventor of a first portable vacuum cleaner. James worked as a sweeper at the Zollinger Department Store in the Folwell Building. The problem was that he was asthmatic. Dust that sweepers he used made irritated his lungs, and he decided to find a solution to that problem. He decided to make an electric carpet sweeper. In 1907, he made a first variant for which he used a mechanical carpet sweeper as a base. 

 And his invention worked! He used it to clean Folwell Building, his asthma receded and at last, he had an invention that he could sell. He continued to improve it and finally patented it on June 2, 1908.


Who is James Murray Spangler?

Whom did he work?

What was his health problem?


portable vacuum cleaner – переносний пилосос

a sweeper – двірник

carpet – килим

asthmatic – асматик

sell – продати

improve – удосконалювати

patented – запатентував


IV. Заключна частина.

- And now I want to know what you think about our today’s lesson. Was it useful? Did you feel comfortable? Did you like it?


- People have invented a lot of useful things to make their life more comfortable. Almost every day a new technique or product appears in the world. But we always need something more useful, more effective and more comfortable. I want you to answer the question “What invention would you like to invent?” ( time machine, sweets that can help to learn, a magic book, a magic pen, youth water)

- And now I want to know what you think about our today’s lesson. Was it useful? Did you feel comfortable? Did you like it?

Your hometask will be to write about the most useful invention to your mind.


- Your marks are…



























  • What modern inventions do you have at home?
  • What is the most useful thing for your mother?
  • Which device can’t you do without?
  • What thing can’t your father live without?
  • What gadget do you use every day?
  • What thing can you easily do without?
  • What is the most useless thing in your household? What is your favourite unit and why?


Match them with modern devices we use today.

  1.  Adding machine                                    CD player  
  2. Telegraph                                                camcorder
  3. Crystal radio                                           calculator
  4. Gramophone                                          digital camera
  5. Typewriter                                              telephone
  6. Cine camera                                            games console
  7. Video game                                             DAB radio
  8. Instamatic camera                                 word processor


 Complete the sentences using these words:

  1. My grandparents still listen to music on an old ______________, which is about 80 years old.
  2. Can someone pick up the ___________, please? It’s ringing.
  3. “What’s that old device?” “It’s a _____________. People used it to send messages over long distances.”
  4. My mum hates technology. She doesn’t switch on a ________________ to type a letter. She uses an old ______________.
  5. Sara couldn’t add up the numbers in her head so she used a ______________.
  6. Martin! Turn down your ______________! How can you listen to such loud music while you are doing your homework?
  7. My parents got married in the 1950s. Someone had a ____________ ____and filmed the wedding.
  8. My brother spends hours playing video games on his ________________.
  9. “Look at those people surfing!” “Quick! Switch on the ______________ and record them!”

Match the parts of word-combinations.

1. A vacuum cleaner

1. To cook meals

2. A washing machine

2. To press clothes

3. A dishwasher

3. To clean the carpets

4. A microwave oven

4. To do the cooking

5. An iron

5. To wash clothes

6. A cooker

6. To find information

7. A computer

7. To wash up

8. A mobile phone

8. To watch films and news

9. A television

9. To communicate with people





Text for group 1


In 1973, Martin Cooper changed the world, although he didn't know it yet.

Cooper and his team at Motorola, the communications company, created maybe the only thing that runs the lives of business professionals and teenagers alike -- the cell phone.

It was the size of a brick and wasn't commercially sold for another decade. But as Cooper demonstrated on a New York sidewalk, it worked.

Cooper wanted people to have freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars.

Motorola spent three months building a prototype for a portable, mobile handset that Cooper publicly demonstrated in April of 1973. The company's first commercial cellular phone, the "DynaTAC," went on sale 10 years later.


When was the Martin Cooper born?

What did he invent?

What was the first cell phone like?


runs the lives of business professionals and teenagers alike – робить життя професіоналів та підлітків схожим

the size of a brick – розміром з цеглу

sidewalk – ярмарок

to have freedom to talk – мати свободу при розмові

portable - переносний









Text for group 2


Henry Ford was born in 1863. He was a man who transformed the world. The car he built changed the lives of people everywhere. In 1896, Ford succeeded in building an automobile powered by a gasoline engine. He built this engine in his kitchen sink. In 1903, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and introduced the Model T Ford.

Henry Ford wanted to make a car that everyone would be able to afford. He lowered the price of the Model T by introducing mass production assembly techniques.


When was Henry Ford born?

What was the engine like?

Whereма did he built his engine?

What kind of the car did Henry Ford want to built?


transformed the world – перевернув світ

succeeded in – мати успіх в…

engine – двигун

kitchen sink – кухонна раковина

founded – заснував

be able to afford – доступна всім

mass production – масове виробництво









Text for group 3

James Murray Spangler (1848 - 1915) is known as an inventor of a first portable vacuum cleaner. James worked as a sweeper at the Zollinger Department Store in the Folwell Building. The problem was that he was asthmatic. Dust that sweepers he used made irritated his lungs, and he decided to find a solution to that problem. He decided to make an electric carpet sweeper. In 1907, he made a first variant for which he used a mechanical carpet sweeper as a base. 

 And his invention worked! He used it to clean Folwell Building, his asthma receded and at last, he had an invention that he could sell. He continued to improve it and finally patented it on June 2, 1908.


Who is James Murray Spangler?

Whom did he work?

What was his health problem?


portable vacuum cleaner – переносний пилосос

a sweeper – двірник

carpet – килим

asthmatic – асматик

sell – продати

improve – удосконалювати

patented – запатеyтував


19 січня 2021
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