Завдання для оцінювання "Мої улюблені методи оцінювання"

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У розробці представлені матеріали для контролю різних видів діяльності: контроль читання, письма, тематичні контролі
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Мої улюблені методи оцінювання


















Вправи для контролю читання:



About Myself


There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure. I am neither short nor tall, so I like to wear high-heeled shoes, trousers or jeans.

I am a girl of sixteen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and a slender figure. As to my appearance I'm rather tall and slim. I have never thought I'm a beauty, I wish I were more beautiful. I think that I'm even tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retreat into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it.

I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me, I appreciate people's honesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive.

Very soon I'll pass my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of June I'll say goodbye to my teachers who are very well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my disire of choosing my future career. School meant a lot to me and it wasn't just learning and studying. I made good friends there and met many interesting people. I faced a new life without school with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy.

  I like music! I'm fond of music of the 60-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly. The songs of the Beatles give me a lot of delight and pleasure. Besides, I am a great theatregoer. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the theatre. I'm not keen on television. I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as volleyball, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

  And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a verysuccessful career, so this year after finishing school I will try to enter the University, to build the house of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.


 1.Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of joy and pleasure.
  2. I am a girl of fourteen.
  3. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad.
  4. I'm fond of music of the 80-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly.
  5. I play tennis for health and pleasure.
  6. And finally, the things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, so this year after finishing school I will try to enter the technical school.


 2. Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


to enter

to achieve







mixed feeling

a new life


  1. I like to study because _______is ______sometimes.
  2.  I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but also wonderful moments of ______and________.

3.   I usually play such games as________, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

4.      I hope _________in my life are: to have a very ______career, so this year after finishing school I will try ______the University.

5.    I faced _________without school with a ______of sadness and joy.





A "hobby" is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off. Some people keep pets as hobby. They keep rabbits, or fishes. They train dogs to do tricks, or keep pigeons to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. Others are mad about their car or their motorbike. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them, or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster.

Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or pictures of a favourite footballer or pop star.

Many people make things as a hobby. Some teach themselves at home, but a lot of people go to evening classes at their local college. Just look under letter B in a list of London or New York evening classes and you'll find: Ballet, Batik, Bengali, Body building, Breadmaking and Byzantium. But not everyone goes to evening classes to learn about his special interest. No one helped these people to do what they did.

A "hobby" is usually something that a person does alone. But American (and British) families sometimes like to do things together, too.American families often have quite a lot of money to spend on their recreation. They can all enjoy their holiday home or their boot somewhere in the country away from home.

Americans love to get out of town into the wild. and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-live fabulous national parks. These magnificent areas of countryside include tropical forests, high mountains, dry deserts, long sandy coasts. grassy prairies and wooded mountains full of wild animals. The idea of these parks, which cover 1% of the whole area of the USA. is to make "a great breathing place for the national lungs", and to keep different parts of the land as they were before men arrived. There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips and evening campfire meetings.

Americans really enjoy new "gadgets", especially new ways of travelling. In the winter, the woods are full of "snowmobiles" (cars with skis in the front). In thesummer they ride their "dune buggins" across the sands or take to the sky in hang gliders. But Americans do not only spend their free time having fun. They are very interested in culture too. Millions take part-time courses in writing. painting and music, and at weekends the museums, art galleries and concert halls are full.


  1.Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


  1. A "hobby" is a special interest or activity that you do in your time off.
  2. Teenagers  don’t collect stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or pictures.
  3. Americans love to get out of town into the wild. and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-live fabulous national parks.
  4. The idea of these parks, which cover 10 % of the whole area of the USA.
  5. Young people take part-time courses in writing. painting and music, and at weekends the museums, art galleries and concert halls are full.

6.   There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips   and evening campfire meetings.


  1. Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.









free time


national parks


1.A "_____" is a special interest or _______that you do in your time off.

2. They _______stamps, or postcards or matchboxes, or ______of a favourite footballer or pop star.

3. Americans really _______new "gadgets", especially new ways of _______.

4. But Americans do not only spend their ________having fun.

5. Americans love to get out of town into the wild  and many go for ______or long _________into the thirty-live fabulous__________.




The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The south-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain. The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid. British people say: "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather."

The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool. Therefore it is natural for the people to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain. When two Englishmen are introduced to each other, if they can't think of any thing else to talk about, they talk about weather. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about weather as they pass, just to show their friendliness.

Every daily paper publishes a weather forecast. Both the radio and television give the weather forecast several times each day.

The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when in rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say "It's raining cats and dogs".

Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. In the mountains there is heavier rainfall then in the plains of the south and east. The driest period is from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January. The average range of temperature (from winter to summer) is from 15 to 23 degrees above zero. During a normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the south. Winter temperatures below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is rare. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August the warmest. Still the wind may bring winter cold in spring or summer days. Sometimes it brings the whirlwinds or hurricanes. Droughts are rare

 1.Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.
  2. The north-western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain.
  3. The morning may be warm and the evening may be hot.
  4. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in Britain.
  5. The radio gives  the weather forecast several times each day.
  6. The English also say that they have two variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon.


 2.Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.










the driest

the wettest


1.The_______ in Great Britain is generally ________and temperate due to the ________of the Gulf Stream.

2. The climate in Britain is usually described as_______, temperate and__________.

3. It is natural for the people to use the comparison "as ________as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or ________about something.

4. When two people meet in the street they will often say something about weather as they pass, just to show their ____________.

5. __________period is from March to June and _______months are from October to January.



Read the text and do the tasks.

Leisure of British Young People

Young people in Great Britain have plenty of free time in the evenings and at the weekends to fill with hobbies of all kinds. There is no doubt that the most popular leisure activity of all is watching TV. In fact the average Briton watches about 25 hours of television every week. They have a choice of four national networks (BBC1, BBC2,1 TV and channel 4) plus a dozen or so satellite and cable stations. The second most popular leisure activity is visiting or entertaining friends. Listening to music and reading follow in the third and fourth position. Going for a meal or to the cinema is widely spread among the British youth as well. Next comes voluntary work. A surprising 25% of British adults are involved in voluntary work of some kind. There are more than 250,000 voluntary organisations in the UK. Many voluntary groups try to raise money for local charities connected with schools or churches while others concentrate on international problems such as famine in Africa. Perhaps the most traditional leisure activity is sport, which is divided into participation and spectator sport. The most popular spectator sport is football. Then we should mention rugby, cricket and athletics. When it comes to participation sport, nobody will be surprised to find that walking is number one in this way. Swimming is second. Young men are also fond of snooker, darts, cycling and squash. Young women prefer to keep fit. At 15 years old and above young people try to find «Saturday jobs», working as assistants in shops, cafes or restaurants to have pocket money. They save this money for bicycles, motorbikes, and spend it for discos and dances.

1.   What these numbers refer to, write out of the text.

250,000_________              25_________               4________ 25%________                      15__________


2. Match the opposites.

1.  plenty of time                        a) working days

2.  weekends                              b) lack of time

3. to doubt                                 c) to be indifferent to

4. to save money                        d) to be sure

5. to be fond of                          e) to spend money



II. Read the text.

Famous Places of the Country: Alton Towers — Where the Magic Never Ends!

The Alton Towers Hotel is one of the most well-known hotel in England. It is set in the heart of Stafford - shire's scenic countryside in the North-West of England. It is only minutes away from Britain's most magical theme park, Alton Towers. Like the park, the hotel offers guests the chance to experience a delightful holiday full of fun and surprises.

The first thing you'll notice when you enter the hotel is the extraordinary reception desk, which is made of piles of antique luggage and a flying machine which stretches up to the ceiling! The hotel also includes an amazing range of themed rooms such as ' Peter Rabbit Bedrooms, the Garden Rooms, the Explorer Roc the Coca-Cola Fizzy Factory Room, and the Arabian Nights Suite which is possibly the most romantic hotel suite in the world. All the bedrooms have a bathroom, tea- and coffee-making facilities, satellite TV and a baby-listening facility.

You'll feel great here at any weather! After a thrilling day at park, you can relax in the pool at the Pirate's Lagoon. Kids can join Pirate Bill's Club, which is a great opportunity to make new friends while taking part in games, drawing and face-painting. The Secret Garden Restaurant offers delicious dishes from around the world, while the hotel's two bars, the Dragon Bar and the captain's Bar, are both ideal places to relax with a coffee or a cocktail in the evening. The Alton Towers Hotel is the ideal place for a fun family holiday at any time of year, but the theme park is only open from Mid-March to the end of October. It is the land where the magic never ends.


3.Choose the correct item.

1. A guest is someone who.....

a) works at a hotel   b) is a manager of a hotel        c) is staying at a hotel

2. A baby-listening facility........

a) helps you listen to your baby while it is sleeping in another room

b) looks after your baby while you are swimming

c) feeds your baby while you are dancing

3. Antique luggage is..........

a) fashionable           b) very old                 c) very cheap

4. A thrilling day is..........


a) a boring day            b) a hard day             c) an exciting day

5. Delicious dishes are........

a) very spicy dishes                b) very tasty dishes                c) full of fats


Find and circle the odd one out.

a) cycling, mountains, a beach, a seaside resort, countryside.

b) sunbathing, windsurfing, hiking, swimming, diving.

c) a museum, an art gallery, a park, a circus, postcards, a theatre.

d) photographing, writing postcards, volleyball, countryside.

2. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.

1) The man _____ is talking to Janis is a famous producer.

a) who                   b) when                    c) what

2) This is the film in _____ Julia Roberts stars.

a) whose                b) which                   c) when

3) I remember the day Manchester  United won the European Cup Final.

a) why                    b) when                    c) that

4) Peter  didn't explain _________he came late to the party.

a) whose                 b) when                     c) why

 3. Choose the right word.

1)  Did you watch/look at/see the news last night? They told about the results of political debates in the Parliament.

2)  Jake switched the TV on/in/off.

3)  TV commercials/ advertisements /advertise appear between and during most programmes.

5)  What's on telly /tele/ TV tonight?

6)  Could you record/make/video the football for me? I'm out this evening, but I want to watch it when I get in.

4. Make up sentences using the following words.

1)  the law of universal gravitation/Isaac Newton/ was discovered/ by

2)the phonograph and a light bulb/Thomas Edison/invented /were/ by

4) the first astronomical telescope/ was/ Galiieo/constructed / by

5) the formula for the volume of a sphere/Archimedes/discovered / by/ was

6) x-rays/Roentgen/discovered/ were/ by

5. Describe a TV  programme  you've  recently  seen. Tell about:

—   the  title  of the programme;

—   the  type  of the  programme,   place  it  was  set;

—   who the  presenter  was;

—   who  the  main  characters  were;

—   the  main  points  of  the  plot;

—   your  recommendation  about  presenting  the  programme.






Вправи для контролю аудіювання:


1.  Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Amelie liked her Christmas present.

2. The Clermounts were Amelie's relatives on her mother's side.

3. Amelie's father bought some chickens in the nearest restaurant.

4. Amelie's mother wasn't a good cooker.


2.   Mark the words used in the text.

1. a) first         b) second            c) fifth                  d) seventh

2. a) a team      b) a command     c) a stuff               d) a crew

3. a) wildly      b) quickly           c) happily             d) slowly

4. a) an idea    b) a theory          c) a thought        d) an opinion


3.  Mark the correct variants to complete the sentences. 

1. Captain Briggs commanded ....

a) Mary Celeste                             b) Dei Gratia

c) New York Star                           d) Sophie

2. Maty Celeste went to ... .

a) Europe                                      b) Asia

c) Africa                                       d) Australia

3. Dei Gratia found Mary Celeste in ... .

a) winter                                       b) spring

c) summer                                     d) autumn

4.  ... were absent on the board of Mary Celeste.

a) The captain's diary and pipe        b) The girl and her toys

c) All people                                 d) The captain's family


4. Put the sentences in the correct chronological order.

....... 1. Dei Gratia found the ship with no people on the board.

....... 2. Dei Gratia left New York.

....... 3. Mary Celeste was going very fast.

....... 4. Captain Moorhouse understood that something was   

            wrong with Mary-Celeste.




The texts for the teacher

Text 1.

Amelie's Christmas

Amelie was keeping her eyes closed tight. Yesterday it was Christmas and she went to bed too late. Her parents gave Christmas dinner and it was not easy. Her mother's relatives, the Clermounts, were too excited with the dinner and turned up at 9:30 a.m. They were too dull talking about their horses and races. They ran stables and knew all horses of the UK and some in Switzerland. Amelie tried to engage them into conversation about fine arts. Mr. Clermount got very enthusiastic discussing how naturally horses look on some pictures. While Amelie was suffering from too many horses, her mother, Mrs. Lester, was suffering from too much ingredients, which she had to combine, in order to cook Christmas dinner. The art of cooking was an absolute mystery for her, and she struggled with all that eggs, milk, flour, chickens. Ingredients were more skilful in struggling and Mrs. Lester sent Mr. Lester to the nearest restaurant for a take-away meal. At that very moment Mrs Clermount remembered that she had left all Christmas presents at their farmhouse and Amelie had to accompany her at her rash shopping tour. After three-hour search Mrs. Clermount picked up two blouses to: Amelie ar.d he: —other and a Chinese watch, that looked right like a true Rolex, Amelie's rather. Everything was for a good price of twenty-two pounds. When Christmas dinner was over, Amelie was so tired that she wasn't even disappointed to learn that Santa Clause brought her a big book about horses.

stable — конюшня,  take-away meal — готова їжа


Text 2.

The Mystery of the Ghost Ship

On November 4, 1872 two friends, captains Moorhouse and Briggs, and their wives were having dinner together in New York. Captain Moorhouse commanded the ship Dei Gratia while captain Briggs headed the crew of Mary Celeste. Next day, on November 5, Mary Celeste left port and went to Italy. There were eight members of the ship crew on the board. Besides captain Briggs took his wife and two-year-old daughter Sophie with him, as the journey promised to be peaceful.

Captain Moorhouse left port seven days later. On December 4 the sailors of Dei Gratia saw a ship, that was going the similar course with them. This was Mary Celeste going so wildly that" Moorhouse understood that something was wrong with the ship, He sent some of his sailors to Mary Celeste. There was nobody on the board. All people disappeared without any sign. The supply of water and food, the cargo, the crew's clothes and personal things were in good order. All machines were all right. But it seemed that people left the ship in a great hurry. Navigation instruments, a lifeboat and the ship's papers except the logbook were missed. The last note was made 11 days before. But it didn't explain the mystery of the ghost ship.

Numerous theories about the fate of people were made. Many popular stories, novels and plays speculated over the tragedy. But the mystery of Mary Celeste is still the greatest one of all times.

logbook — вахтовий журнал








Вправи для контролю письма:


1.Find and circle the odd one out.

a) cycling, mountains, a beach, a seaside resort, countryside.

b) sunbathing, windsurfing, hiking, swimming, diving.

c) a museum, an art gallery, a park, a circus, postcards, a theatre.

d) photographing, writing postcards, volleyball, countryside.

2. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.

1) The man _____ is talking to Janis is a famous producer.

a) who                   b) when                    c) what

2) This is the film in _____ Julia Roberts stars.

a) whose                b) which                   c) when

3) I remember the day Manchester  United won the European Cup Final.

a) why                    b) when                    c) that

4) Peter  didn't explain _________he came late to the party.

a) whose                 b) when                     c) why

 3. Choose the right word.

1)  Did you watch/look at/see the news last night? They told about the results of political debates in the Parliament.

2)  Jake switched the TV on/in/off.

3)  TV commercials/ advertisements /advertise appear between and during most programmes.

5)  What's on telly /tele/ TV tonight?

6)  Could you record/make/video the football for me? I'm out this evening, but I want to watch it when I get in.

4. Make up sentences using the following words.

1)  the law of universal gravitation/Isaac Newton/ was discovered/ by

2)the phonograph and a light bulb/Thomas Edison/invented /were/ by

4) the first astronomical telescope/ was/ Galiieo/constructed / by

5) the formula for the volume of a sphere/Archimedes/discovered / by/ was

6) x-rays/Roentgen/discovered/ were/ by

5. Describe a TV  programme  you've  recently  seen. Tell about:

—   the  title  of the programme;

—   the  type  of the  programme,   place  it  was  set;

—   who the  presenter  was;

—   who  the  main  characters  were;

—   the  main  points  of  the  plot;

—   your  recommendation  about  presenting  the  programme.























Вправи для контролю говоріння:


Choose two of the following topics and speak about it.


  1. A Culture Club. Advertise and speak about it.
  1. What sort of club would you like to organize in the school?
  2. What is the title of the club?
  3. What activities can members do in this club?
  4. What are the advantages of being a member of your club?
  5. What may be the aim of the club? (to communicate English, to share ideas with others, to exchange books, CDs, videos, to invite guest speakers and discuss interesting topics).
  6. When, where and how often will members of the club meet?
  7. Invite the children to your club.



  1. Your own channel.
  1. What is the name of your channel?
  2. How are you going to make it different from the existing channels?
  3. What kind of programmes do you want to have on your channel?
  4. When will the programmes on your channel begin and finish?
  5. What programmes are you going to show in prime time?
  6. Do you want to show the commercials in your channel? If yes, what kind?
  7. What kind of films would you show on your channel?


  1. A game show on television in Ukraine.
  1. What is the name of the programme?
  2. When is it on?
  3. Who is the host / hostess?
  4. Who are the contestants?
  5. What do the contestants have to do?
  6. How do the people score?
  7. How do the contestants win?
  8. What do the winners get?



























Завдання для тематичного контролю:


  1. Перекласти з української на англійську:

Займатися спортом, тримати себе у формі, плавання, фігурне катання, атлетика, банджі-джампінг, підводне занурювання з аквалангом.

Скласти речення з цими словами та виразами.

  1. Дати відповіді на запитання.
  • What is your favourite kind of sports?
  • Do you go to any club sections?
  • What sport games do you like?
  • Which sports do watch on TV?
  1. Написати твір “My favourite kind of sport”

Слабші учні можуть написати 10 видів спорту на англійській
















Вправи для поточного контролю:


1). Correct these words:

Atletics, daiving, hokey, footboll.

2). Put the missing letters in:

Ice sk…ting, han… gl…ding, …udo, bask…tball.

3). Make the words up using these letters:

folg, isnten, tsankig, lavllyoble.

Group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports:

  • Sailing
  • Downhill skiing
  • Surfing
  • Bobsledding
  • Baseball
  • Squash
  • Diving
  • Bowling
  • Tennis
  • Rowing
  • Handball
  • Horse-racing
  • Wrestling
  • Ice hockey
  • Archery
  • Volleyball

Choose the right words:

  1. Some people like to dance. Sometimes they go to special clubs and dance at home. They like to go to discos.
  2. People like to go to the stadium or to the sports ground. They can play football or hockey, swim, or run.
  3. People like to sing songs. Sometimes they go to the music school. They like to listen to songs ans sing them.
  4. People like to collect some things, for example, coins, stamps, magazines.
  5. I know some people who like to watch different kinds of films on TV.
  • Singing
  • Sport
  • Dancing
  • Watching TV
  • Collecting things


Guess what hobbies are hidden here:

  1. sumci
  2. agcdnin
  3. protsss
  4. rveltlniga
  5. tmoupcign
  6. adernig


Sort the words into positive and negative:














Match these computer verbs with their synonyms


1 Upgrade

2 Zoom

3 Erase

4 Paste

5  Plug

6 Scroll

7 View

8 Print

9 Touch

a) scan, see, explore

b) rub out, scratch out

c) connect

d) mark, stamp

e) hit, come in contact with

f) move the text

g) join, attach

h) rate higher, improve

i) examine closely



Match, the words, word-combinations with their Ukrainians equivalents.

  1. To learn English literature        a) заснувати театр  
  2. Plays by Shakespeare                b) захоплюватися
  3. His childhood                              c) англійські народні пісні
  4. A good education                      d) вивчати англійську літ-ру
  5. English folk-songs                      e) його дитинство
  6. To be fond of                              f) п’єси Шекспіра
  7. To found a theatre                    g) гарна освіта

 Match each characteristic with its description:

  1. unable to understand or explain sth; confused;
  2. annoyed or offended;
  3. expecting the best; confident;
  4. in love;
  5. sad because one has no friends or companions;
  6. feeling or showing satisfaction;
  7. thinking deeply or absorbed in thought;
  8. not wanting to communicate with others.
  1. lonely;
  2. withdrawn;
  3. pained;
  4. puzzled;
  5. optimistic;
  6. love struck;
  7. satisfied;
  8. thoughtful.

 Translate into English:

  1. ділитися секретами;
  2. поведінка;
  3. бути в найкращих стосунках з….;
  4. діяти на, уражати;
  5. покладатися на..;
  6. спілкування;
  7. сваритися;
  8. зраджувати;
  9. підтримувати;
  10. сучасність;
  11. досягти успіху в….;
  12. мета, ціль.

 Make opposites using the prefixes with the adjectives( un-, in-, dis-, im-, ir- ) :

  1. reliable
  2. tidy
  3. selfish
  4. sociable
  5. sensitive
  6. responsible
  7. patient
  8. organized



Match the verbs with the nouns to make expressions about things to do with work. There  may be more than 1 answer:

 Verbs:                                                                           Nouns:

1. to use                                                                         a) a job

2. to send                                                                       b) a report

3. to work in                                                                  c) an interview

4. to organize                                                                d) a promotion

5. to apply for                                                                e) an event

6. to go for                                                                     f) a team

7. to write                                                                      g) a fax

8. to get                                                                         h) a computer

9. to receive                                                                   i) an e-mail



Match each sentence or word with the best meaning:

  1. carpenter

  2. barber

  3. accountant

  4. secretary

  5. bricklayer

  6.  lawyer

  7. turner

    a) employee in an office, who deals with  correspondence, keeps records, makes arrangements and appointments for a particular members of the staff;

    b) a workman who builds with bricks;

           c) a person who works at lathe;

    d) a person who practices law, especially a barrister or solicitor;

    e) a person whose profession is to keep and examine business account;

    f) a person whose trade is shaving and cutting man’s  hair;

    g) a worker who makes and repairs, especially the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood.



Answer the questions based on  ‘People and relationship’, ‘Choose the career’, ‘Why go to the vocational school?’, ‘National cuisine’.

  1. Do you think it’s better to be the older or the younger child in a family? Why? (Give some explanations, please!).
  2. Describe you friend’s character. Use the adjectives: clever, lazy, hard-working, mean, energetic, reliable, honest, cheerful, generous, stupid, mean, imaginative, sensitive, sociable, selfish, jealous, envious, competitive, aggressive, moody, spoilt, talkative, patient, tidy……
  3. Have you ever tried to get in touch with an old friend of your childhood? Why? Did you succeed?
  4. Think of a close friend of yours! Answer the following questions:   How long have you known him or her? Where did you meet? Why do you get on well? What do you have in common? Do you ever argue? –What about? How often do you see each other? How do you keep in touch the rest of time? Have you ever lost time?-Why? When? Do you think you will stay friends?
  5. Do you have a close friend? What should friends always do? What should friends never do? Do real friends share secrets? Do your friends help you? Do you keep your friends secrets?
  6. Has your friend ever let you down? When? Why? (Give some examples, please!) Have you ever quarreled? If yes, how did you make up with your best friend?
  7. How do you know that you can rely on your friend? (Give some examples, please!) And……..what about you? Are you a good friend? Can you prove it? (Please, prove it! )
  8. Which of the jobs in Ukraine are normally done by women? Which jobs are generally well-paid? Which jobs require a lot of training? Which jobs are very stressful?-Why?(Explain, please!).Which jobs have long  holidays? Which jobs are dangerous?
  9. Are your parents satisfied with their present jobs? What are their responsibilities? What are the advantages & disadvantages of your father’s/ mother’s job?
  10. Characterise your favourite profession. What do you know about it? Why does this profession attract you? Why do you think this kind of career will suit you?
  11. Talk about advantages & disadvantages of the profession of the doctor Give some explanations, please!
  12.  Can you imagine life without school? Why? Why not?(Give some explanations, please!)
  13. Do you like your school ? In what subjects are you doing well? Are you pressed by your parents or teachers? How many friends do you have among your classmates? Do you know anybody who hates school? Why does he or she hate it? Do you take part in any sports competitions?
  14. Prove these statements, please! School provides students with knowledge; school provides students with critical thinking & social skills; school provides with opportunities to develop students’ talents; school is one of the main social environments for young people;
  15. What do you know about the system of education in our country? Is elementary school compulsory in Ukraine? At what age do children start going to school in our country? What types of schools are there in Ukraine? Which school subjects do you have? What would you change about the system of education in our country?
  16. When did you start school? What school was it? Have you ever changed schools? Why? What exams have you taken? What are your plans for the future?
  17. What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it? How do you prepare for lessons? Do you often forget to do your homework? Are you a hard-working student? Have you ever been late for school? Why? What happened? What kind of  activities do you have at school? Do you participate in any of them?
  18. How long have you been studying English? Do you like your teacher of English? Why is English important? Is it true that English is the language of international communication in many areas of life: trade, air & sea transport, tourism, sport & entertainment? Prove this, please!
  19. What food was beloved by English people in the Middle Ages? What is the method to cook Christmas pudding ? What little ‘surprises’ can we find in a slice of Christmas pudding? What does “a plain food’ mean? What social occasion is connected with afternoon tea? What does ‘high’ tea consist of? Is it a social occasion when English  people often come in for a chat over the cup of tea ? Is it true that ‘high tea’ is  quite a substantial meal in a well-to-do family in England? What does it consist of?(name some dishes, please!).
  20. Do you know any Ukrainian national dishes? Tell how to cook Ukrainian borshch! Give the recipe, please! Who cooks borshch in your family?
  21. What information do you know about Lent in England? What do British people eat during Lent? Tell the recipe of making the pancakes , please! Name the ingredients & say how to make the pancakes!
  22. Speak about food you like & dislike! Give your reasons, please! What can you say about Ukrainian hospitality? What do you usually take for the first course? What do you usually take for the second course? What do think about our Dolyna’s restaurants? Which restaurant in Dolyna would you like to go to? Why?(Give some reasons, please!) Is this restaurant the best? Do you like the menu in this restaurant?
  23. Give the definitions : What does ‘takeaway food’ mean? What does ‘home-made food’ mean? What does ‘a cuisine’ mean? What does ‘ a course’ mean? What does ‘  a specialty’ mean? What does ‘an occasion’ mean? 



 What would you say in these situations? Use these words: be sick, crash, get wet, lose, not stop, rain:

1. The sky is full of dark clouds.—

2. Now it’s starting to rain. There’s nowhere to shelter, and you haven’t got an umbrella.—

3. You feel awful. There’s a terrible feeling in your stomach.—

4. You are playing Scrabble. The game is nearly over and you are 100 points behind.—

5. You can see a plane coming down. It’s out of control & falling to the ground.—

6. You are waiting for a train. There’s one coming, but you don’t know if it’s the one you want. It’s traveling very fast.—








Вправи для контролю знань з граматики:


 Translate into English and use the form of  “used to”:

  1. Моя дружина привикла пити кофе зранку, але зараз вона так не робить.
  2. Він привик займатися спортом, але зараз він не робить цього.
  3. Я привикла приходити додому зі школи о 3 год, але зараз я так не роблю.
  4. Він привик читати книжки ввечері, але зараз він цього не робить.
  5. Ми гралися в ляльки, коли ми були дітьми, але зараз ми цього не робимо.


  Use the verbs in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. I (to do) my homework for half  an hour.

  2. I (to be) in London this year.

  3. She (to write) the test for ten minutes.

  4. We (to see) this film before.

  5. It (to rain) for two hours.

  6. He (not to meet) his parents.

  7. They ( to wait) for us since 7 o” clock.

  8. She (to hear) this music before.

  9. He (to teach) English since 1991.

  10. I ( to write) a new book this month.



Combine the given sentences to make the 1st Conditional:

  1. The weather will be fine. The children will go on a trip.
  2. He will come to see us. We will play chess.
  3. Mother will not allow us to go to the cinema. We will see the film on TV.
  4. The wind will blow from the west. It will rain.



Add a sentence with the Past Perfect using the notes:

1.We rushed to the station, but we were too late.

……………………………………………………….. (the train| just| go)

  1. I did not have an umbrella, but that did not matter.

………………………………………… (the train| stop)

  1. When I got to the concert hall, they would not let me in.

…………………………………………… ( forget| my ticket).

  1. Someone got the number of the car the raiders used.

………………………………………. (steal| it | a week before)

  1. I was really pleased to see Rachel again yesterday.

…………………………………………. (not see | her | for ages )

  1. Luckily the flat did not look too bad when my parents called in.

………………………………………….. (just | clean | it )

  1. The boss invited me to lunch yesterday, but I had to refuse the invitation.

……………………………………….. ( already | eat | my sandwiches)

8. Claire looked very suntanned when I saw her last week.

………………………………………..(just | be on holiday)


 Add a sentence with the Past Perfect Continuous to explain why. Use the verbs:  lie| in the sun; cry; drive  |too fast; drive; play | with matches; stand | under a tree;

 1. Claire got burnt. -…………………………………………………………..

  2. Vicky looked upset.-……………………………………………….

 3. Henry was stopped by police.-…………………………………………..

4. The children started a fire.-………………………………………..

5. A young man was struck by lightning.-…………………………….
























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