Урок для 2 класу. Unit 5. " Off we go! Transport". "Quick minds 2"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку розроблений для опрацювання лексики по видах транспорту та засвоєння теперішнього тривалого часу в першій особі.
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Урок англійської мови для другого класу   «Off we go». Розділ 5. Урок 2.


                                            The second form

Topic:  Off we go. Transport.

Objectives: to revise transport words;

        to enable pupils to personalize what they have learnt;

                   to present and practice the first person form of the present continuous.

As a result of  lesson pupils will be able to:

  • express what they are doing, using I`m .. ing;
  • draw a picture of themselves;

 Equipment: flashcards (transport), CD, book, Activity book.



I. Preparation for the perception of foreign speech.


Teacher: Good morning, my second form pupils! I`m glad to see you. I hope you aren`t tired and ready to learn.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher! We glad to see you too.

  1. Aim.

T.: Today we are going to speak about different kinds of transport, learn some grammar rules. But begin with a hometask.

            3. Check on homework.

- exercise 2, p.46 .  Draw a skateboard. Present it in the class

4. Warming- up.

T.:I know that best of all you like to play. So, let`s start our lesson  from a game “ Guess by whisper”.

The rules of it next: you need to try to guess a word only by my whisper and call it.

(lorry, bus, taxi, helicopter, boat, skateboard, motorbike)

II. Main part of the lesson.

  1. Grammar practice and speaking.

T.: Imagine that you will have a birthday. And you wish such present like one of  the kinds of transport. What it will be and what will you do with in real, using I`m ..ing.

Ps: a) A motorbike. I`m riding a motorbike.

       b) A car. I`m driving a car.

       c) A helicopter. I`m flying a helicopter.

T.: Thank you for your answers.


2) Grammar practice and writing.

T.: Our next task will connected with translating. For this you open your exercise-books, write today date and translate such sentences. Who will do it first, hands  up.

a) Я катаюсь на самокаті.

 b)Я воджу таксі.

c) Я плаваю на човні.

d) Я лечу на літаку.


3)Reading activities. Exercise 1, p.45 “ Pupil`s book”. Follow the lines and say.

T.:Do you like mazes?

Ps answer.

T.: One of them you can find, if you look at Ex.1.

       Pupils look at the sentences and at the pictures. Do the  first one as an exemple with the class. Check pupils know what to do.Check answers with the class.

  1. Plane, helicopter          2) Bike, motorbike.


4) Listening comprehension. Ex.1, p.45 “Activity book”

T.: What will you say if we we`re going to do a listening task?

Ps: Ok. Let`s do.

    Pupils are listening to the audio (https://publishing.linguist.ua/quickminds2/cd2/-35)    and put  “+ “ or  “-“ . Checking.


  1. -
  2. +
  3. +
  4. +

Physical education minute « Teddy bear”

T.: You are tired. Let`s warm-up!

     Pupils repeat the actions after the teacher.

 Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, dance on your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, stand on your head.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go to bed.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.


Speaking activities. Exercise 2, p.45. Draw a picture of yourself. Tell your friend about it.

T.: Every of us ia a big artist. I want you ascertain in it. For this look please at ex.2. Read the task and do it by yourself. Then present.

  Pupils look at the example in the books. Then draw and present their works.


Reading and writing activities. Exercise 2, p. 45 “ Activity book”. Read and complete the sentences.

T. I  want to check how did you understand using structure “ I`m … ing”. For this I propose you to look at ex.2 in “Activity book”. Read the task and do.

  Pupils complete the sentences with the words- driving, sailing, flying, riding.


  1. … flying…
  2. ..driving...
  3. … sailing…
  4. … driving…
  5. … riding..

8. Summing up.

T.: Do you like today`s lesson? What activities do you like most of all?

Ps answer.

T.: So, thank for the lesson. Good-bye! See you soon.

Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, 2 клас, Розробки уроків
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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
2 лютого 2023
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