Урок для 5-7 класів на тему "Thanksgiving Day"

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Урок для вивчення культури країни, мову якої вивчамо. Історія виникнення Дня Подяки, особливості святкування. Містить завдання для розвитку 4 типів мовленнєвої діяльності.
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Culture lesson – Thanksgiving Day

Objectives – to teach the pupils of the 5th form the American culture, traditions of celebrating and the history of the holiday, increase interest to learning foreign language and culture.

Outcomes – by the end of the lesson students will be able to speak about the American holiday Thanksgiving Day, its history and traditions, they will get to know some new words.

Materials – pictures of the symbols of the holiday, laptop, TV set, text for reading, KWL chart for every student, videos on Utube about the history of the holiday, food people eat on Thanksgiving Day and for relaxation pause, vocabulary cards, tasks for listening.

Lesson Procedure

  1. The beginning of the lesson.
  • Greeting
  • Lead-in (brainstorming)

T – What holidays do you know?


  1. Main part of the lesson.
  • Aims – Today is a great holiday in America. It is called Thanksgiving Day. At our lesson we’re going to learn the history, meaning and traditions of this holiday.

T – Let’s find out what you already know about this holiday. Each of you has a KWL chart with 3 columns. In the first column we’re going to write some facts you know about Thanksgiving Day. ( Додаток 1)

In the second column we’ll write some points we want to know about the holiday.

  • When it is celebrated
  • How it is celebrated
  • What are the symbols of this holiday
  • What is the main dish
  • The history of the holiday
  • In what country it is celebrated
  • When was the 1st Thanksgiving
  • Where was the 1st Thanksgiving
  • What are the other dishes on the table
  • How do Americans celebrate this holiday
  • Why do they celebrate it
  • Pre-teaching the vocabulary

T – you may have some difficulties with unknown words, so let’s learn them

to celebrate – святкувати

fall = autumn

New World = America

Native American – корінний американець

Pilgrims = travelers

To be thankful = to give thanks = to thank

God – Бог

Feast = holiday

Harvest – врожай

To survive – виживати

Plymouth – the name of the town in America

Cranberries – журавлина

  • Pre-listening activity

T – Do you like watching videos or cartoons?

Now we’re going to watch a video about the history of Thanksgiving Day.

While watching and listening you’ll have the task to complete some sentences.

Let’s have a look on them.

  1. The Story of Thanksgiving is told by …
  2. The Pilgrims came from …
  3. The story started in year …
  4. The pilgrims sailed on the ship ……
  5. …………… helped the Pilgrims to plant food.
  6. The Pilgrims wanted to start a ……….



  • While – listening activity (completing the sentences)
  • Post – listening activity (completing the KWL chart)

T – Did you like the video? – Was it interesting?

  • Relaxation pause – Turkey Dance



  • Pre-reading activity

T – When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

To know this information we’re going to read the text.

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most favourite holidays in the United States.

Every fourth Thursday of November American people celebrate this holiday. They usually stay at home and have a big family dinner.

This day has a very important meaning in the history America. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by Pilgrims in autumn of 1621. They were European travelers who sailed on “Mayflower” ship and tried to find the New World. Before their arrival to America the country was inhabited by Native American Indians. When they settled here, life was quite difficult. There was nothing to eat and nowhere to live. First winter was especially difficult and many people couldn’t survive without fresh food.

In spring Native Indians taught Pilgrims how to survive in America. They now could hunt, fish and grow plants.

In the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest. To celebrate this occasion pilgrims decided to have a Thanksgiving feast. It meant that they were very thankful for their food. During this holiday the tables were full of fresh food: corn, beans, turkey, pumpkin. Their Indian friends were also invited to share the feast.

Nowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the main dish is still turkey. The most popular dessert is a pumpkin pie.

  • While – reading activity


T – You are going to work in pairs. The task is to read the text and find information about (scanning)

  • Autumn 1621
  • ’’Mayflower’’
  • Turkey, pumpkin, corn, beans
  • Fourth Thursday
  • November
  • Main dish
  • Post – reading activity (completing the chart)
  1. The End of the Lesson.
  • Summerizing
  • Assessment
  • Hometask – to speak about the holiday using the chart and to learn new words.

















Додаток 1

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ENGLISH\УРОК 5 КЛАС 28.11.19\kwl-1.jpg







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