Урок для учнів 5-6 класу "I like food"

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Урок можно використовувати як для учнів 5, так і 6 класу.В уроці представлено різні види роботи.даний урок можливо використовувати для будь-якого підручника.

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Урок  I   like  food

Мета: навчальна- повторити та закріпити лексичні одиниці до теми; розвиваюча-розвивати   мовленнєві навички, слухову пам’ять, увагу, логічне          мислення, вміння   працювати в парах та групах, стимулювати в  учнів   бажання спілкуватися  англійською мовою; виховна-виховувати поважне ставлення один до одного.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння та удосконалення знань, умінь, навичок.

Обладнання: тематичні малюнки “Food”, м’яч , підручник, роздавальні картки з діалогами і завданнями

Хід уроку

І.    Організаційний момент  Greeting

-Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

-Good morning ,teacher! !

ІІ.  Мовна хвилинка (бесіда з черговим)

-Who is on duty today?

-I am.

-Who is absent?

III.  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. Dear children! Today we shall speak about food, one of the most parts of our life and work in pairs and groups and play in different games .We must sum up our knowledge of this topic.

IV.Словникова робота

Т. Today our fridge is full of food. Let’s look inside it and try to call it.

1. -Play the game ”Me to you, you to me”. (Вчитель кидає м’яч учню і називає слово українською мовою. Учню необхідно перекласти його англійською і повернути м’яч)

-Play the game ”Be attentive

T. Clap your hands when you hear the names of food. (milk, apple, home, juice, friend, coffee, usually, school, soup, spaghetti, cup, potato, porridge, bell, bread, cheese, plate, glass, first, fish, chocolate, brother, banana, hamster, hamburger.)

2. Vocabulary practice:some names of food are hidden among the letters. Who will the first?           Orangeggarlicarrotoasturkeyogurtomato   (Orange, egg, garlic, carrot, toast, turkey, yogurt, tomato)

3. T. Find an extra word

  1. tea, sausage, meat, fish
  2. fried potatoes, apple, plum, peach
  3. bread-and-butter, toast, sandwich, egg
  4. lunch, dinner, breakfast, cheese

      4. T. Look at the picture and say, using the expressions:

     I prefer   …..    It is tasty to eat   ….   I would like to eat

V.Фонетична розминка  (учні по черзі читають скоромовки по рядам. Хто швидше?)

  1. The cook took a good look at a cookery book. 2) A cup of coffee hot in a proper coffee pot.  3) A big fish is on a dish

VI.Парна робота

  1. Read the dialogue and act out

Card 1

  • Would you like black or white coffee?
  • White coffee, please.
  • How many lumps of sugar?
  • No sugar, thank you.

Card 2

               - What are going to have for lunch?

               - I like eggs very much.

               - How would you like them soft- or hard- boiled?

- Soft-boiled, please.

Card 3

  • What are going to have for dessert?
  • Ice-cream, please.
  • Chocolate or vanilla?
  • Vanilla, please.
  1. Read the task and to present before the class with help of the pantomime.

Task 1

    You are drinking tea with a cake. Tea is too hot.

Task 2

    You are on the picnic. You are eating pie and drinking coffee. There are a lot of flies  over you.

Task 3

     You are frying eggs. Then put eggs on the plate and eat them.

VII.Аудіювання.  Riddles

  • It can be from orange, apples, banana, and cherries. We drink it. (Juice)
  • It can be from different vegetables or fruit. We cut and mix of ingredients. (Salad)

Text Listen to the text and answer the questionWhat did Nick have for his breakfast (lunch) today?”

      I have a friend Nick. He gets up at 6 o’clock every day. He washes, dresses, makes a bed and has breakfast. Nick likes to eat. His favourite dishes are fruit salads and ice-cream. For breakfast he prefers simply meal. His traditional breakfast is cereal with milk and sugar and drinks a glass of fruit juice. But today his mother prepared to him a toast with marmalade, a cup of green tea and a big red apple.

Nick was very glad. He had his breakfast and went to school. In his bag there were two bananas and a sandwich. It will be his lunch at school.

VIII.Робота в групах. Письмо.

T. Choose and write out the words connected with food. (eat, Africa, bread, tooth, sweets, parents, school, soup, breakfast, juice, men, meat, seven, tea, ice-cream, second, fish, apple, cheese, chess, cake, water, glass, potato, teacher, clean, coffee.)

T.Write the questions

1.We are eating bananas. (What?)  2.Yesterday my mother drank a cup of tea. (Who?)

3.My father likes to eat chocolate very much. (Does?)


Read the text Ex.2 p.60 and complete the mind- map Why can’t people live without food (A. Nesvit  We learn English the 6th form)











X. Домашнє завдання:

 Draw your favourite dish and write the ingredients

XI .Підсумки. Виставлення оцінок

What was the topic of our lesson?

What have we done today? Thank you for your work. Good –bye!


12 липня 2018
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