Урок "Domestic animals"

Про матеріал
Урок вдосконалення навичок у вживанні структури She / He has got, розвивитку навичок діалогічного й писемного мовлення, аудіювання, комунікативніих здібностей, мовленнєвої реакції, фонематичного слуху; розширює знання учнів про домашніх тварин та виховує позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, підтримує мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу


Клас:   3

Тема:  Nature, Domestic animals

Мета уроку:


Практикувати учнів у вживанні структури She/He has got

Розвивати навички діалогічного й писемного мовлення, аудіювання, комунікативні здібності, мовленнєву реакцію, фонематичний слух.


Розширювати знання учнів про домашніх тварин


Виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, підтримувати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови

Обладнання:  комп’ютер, телевізор, дошка, роздавальний матеріал

Мовний матеріал:goat, chicken, duck, cow, frog, rabbit

Grandma has got five chickens. They are funny. The goats have got babies.

Shapes.  Parts of the body.

Використані підручники: PB, AB Smileys 3 by Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evan

Тип уроку:  урок вдосконалeння лексико-грамматичних навичок.

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.

# Greeting:

T.: Good morning? How are you this morning? I am glad to see you. And now, boys and girls, greet each other, please.

Boys:     Hi, hello.

                Hello, hello, hello.

               Hi, hello

               How are you?

Girls:      Hi, hello,

                Hello, hello, hello.

                Hi, hello.

                I am fine, thank you.

And now vice versa, please.


- Oral practice.

T: What day is it today?

What day comes after Thursday?

What day comes before Thursday?

What’s the date today? And what about the month?

 What are the winter months?

 What month comes after January?

What month comes before January?

-Pronunciation drill.

Let’s practice the sound [Ͻ].

Bob’s got a long body

Look at the board, find and underline the sound [] in the words you see: got, goat, dog, love, mouth, fox, rot, chicken, duck, cow, frog, rabbit, nose, doll, cock, not

P., come to the board and circle the words that have the sound [Ͻ]

Let’s revise the poem you’ve learned:

It’s a cock

Standing on a rock

Wearing a sock

Looking at a clock

  1. Основна частина уроку.

# Checking home-work.

1)  For today you prepared pictures. You drew the pictures of the creatures or aliens as you imagine them.

         Show your pictures to the class and describe them.

       (2—3 pupils)

         2) Have a look at your classmates and describe them

e.g. Ruslana has got long hair.

Do you like playing games? Let’s play a game called “Simon says”. So, when you hear the words “Simon says” you do what you are asked. When you don’t hear these words you do nothing. Stand up, please.  Let’s start. Be attentive.

 Simon says: “Touch your head, shake your arms, tap your knees, turn around…”

Move your head, clap your hands, stamp your feet…

#Revision and practice.

1. T.: And now I’d like you to draw a picture of someone I met in the morning on the way to school.

I’ll tell you and you’ll draw. So, the creature I saw: it has got a square head, an oval body and four long legs and six long arms. It has also got three big eyes, a triangle nose and two small ears. It hasn’t got hair. It is bold.Can you guess who is it?  It comes too close to me and invites me… Do you want to know where it invites me to go? It invites me to go to the farm to visit his friends.

So, let’s go to the farm

T.: Do you know what animals live on the farm? How do we call them?

Yes, you are right. They are domestic animals. Can you name some of them?

Look at the boar and tell what words we need today: got, goat, dog, love, mouth, chicken, duck, cow, frog, rabbit, nose, doll

# Work with the Pupils’ Books.

T.:   Open your Pupil’s Books and find page 48-49.

- Listen to the new words and repeat them after the speaker

- Spell the words (to revise the ABC)

- What other domestic animals do you know?

- Guess the words I spell

e.g g-o-a-t, d-o-g…

 - Listen to the text and answer two questions:

What animals has Grandma got? Grandma has got…

What animals has Grandpa got? Grandpa has got…

Read the text together with the speaker and get ready to answer the questions about the text:

Who is on the farm?

Does Daisy love it there?

How many cows has Grandpa got?

How many chickens has Grandma got?

Who has got babies?

Does Daisy love them? Why?

# Physicalwarm-up:

 I see you are tired. Stand up, please. Let’s move a little.

1,1,1Run,run, run

2, 2, 2 Go to the zoo

3, 3, 3 Climb a tree

4, 4, 4 Touch the floor

5, 5, 5 Swim and dive

6, 7, 8 It was great

9, 10 Count again

# And your eyes need exercises too:  

Look left, right
 Look up, look down
 Look around.
Look at your nose 
 Look at that rose 
 Close your eyes 
 Open, wink and smile.

#Grammar Practice.

T.:   And now it’s high time to find out who has got a big part of the body.

Have a look at Ex.2 on page 49. Look, read and match. Answer the questions:

Who has got a big nose?

Who has got big ears?

Who has got big eyes?

Who has got a big head?

Who has got a big mouth?

3. Заключна частина уроку.

#Summarizing. So, today you’ve revised the names of domestic animals and described them.

#  Evaluation. You worked hard today and all of you deserve excellent marks.       

# Homework. PB p.48, Ex. 1 test reading, AB p.40

# Saying good-bye. T: The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye. See you tomorrow.

















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