Урок «Джефрі Чосер. Кентерберійські розповіді"

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Розробка уроку з предмету Англійська література (варіативна складова) за темою «Джефрі Чосер. Кентерберійські розповіді» містить теоретичний та практичний матеріал необхідний до уроку. У розробці надано повний обсяг матеріалу для читання (включаючи уривок твору), вправи на опрацювання теоретичного матеріалу, а також практичні завдання до автентичного матеріалу (уривок твору). Розробка містить ключі до завдань та коментар для вчителя.

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Unit 2. The Norman Period.

Lesson 3.

Title: The Norman Period. The Literature of the 14th century. Geoffrey Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”.

Objectives: learn some facts about historical background and Chaucer’s life; learn about types of literature in Medieval England; comprehend reading material; identify the connection between the types of literature and representatives of different social strata; summarize and express their knowledge of the epoch; analyze Chaucer’s characterization of the place of women in society, the code of chivalry, attitudes to love, violence, friendship; do the research work in the Internet;

Skills: public speaking and verbal communication skills; critical reading and reading for information skills, team work and research skills.

The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Lead-in.
  1. Brainstorming pupils’ ideas. What occurs to your mind when you hear:

The Normans

The Hundred Year’s War

The Code of Chivalry


Geoffrey Chaucer

What time do you associate those items with?

  1. Are these statements True or False? Make your predictions before reading.
  1. Chaucer was a good diplomat of his time.
  2. Chaucer lived and held government posts during the reigns of the two kings: Richard II and Henry IV.
  3. The first schools and universities appeared in Chaucer’s time.
  4. Fables and fabliaus were written in French in Medieval England.
  5. Anglo-Saxon was the language of common people.
  6. Romances were poems written for aristocracy.
  1. Activities and Instructional Procedures.
  1. Read the chronology of the times and Geoffrey Chaucer’s life and check your predictions:




The Norman Duke William crossed the Channel and conquered the English in the great battle at Hastings. During the following 200 years the Normans kept coming to England.


A group of professors from Paris founded the first schools at the town of Oxford.


Was formed a second University at Cambridge


Communication went on three languages: Latin, used by clergy*, Norman-French, spoken at court, The Anglo-Saxon, spoken by the common people. Norman-French and Anglo-Saxon moulded into one national language – Middle English. There developed such literary genres as historical chronicles in Latin; poetry and romances* in Norman-French; ballads*, fable*, fabliau* and songs in Anglo-Saxon.


Birth of John Wycliffe – an English theologian, translator, reformist and university teacher. One of the greatest Chaucer’s contemporaries.


Birth of another well-known Chaucer’s contemporary William Langland. He is remembered for the poem Piers Plowman.


The Hundred Years’ War between England and France broke out. King Edward III declared himself king of France based on his mother’s lineage*. His ambition was the recovery of territories England used to held in France. His declaration was the onset of a long period of wars.


Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet, diplomat and civil servant who wrote the literary classic The Canterbury Tales, among other works, and held numerous government posts during the reigns of Edward III, Richard II and Henry IV. Boccaccio’s (a famous Italian poet, who inspired Chaucer for writing then) works Filostrato, Teseide appeared.


The Black Death* wipes out one third of the population of England.


Chaucer became page* in the household of Elizabeth de Burgh (the wife of Lionel, second son of Edward III)


King Edward and his sons invaded France. Chaucer served in the retinue* of Lionel in the war in France.


Treaty of Bretigny which provides peace between England and France until 1369. Prince Lionel paid Chaucer for carrying letters from Calais to England. These diplomatic errands and messenger services were the first of many Chaucer’s journeys.

The growth of protest of common people against the Catholic church and the growth of national feeling during the first years of the Great War found its way in literature. Poor priests, like William Langland (Chaucer’s contemporary), talked to common people protesting against the rich bishops and churchmen who were ignorant and cared only about their possessions.





William Langland begins the writing of Piers Plowman. The poem is a dream allegory. Vice and Virtue, Truth and Greed are spoken of as if they were human beings. It helped the people to concentrate their minds on the necessity to fight for their rights.

Chaucer marries Philippa Roet who serves in the Queen’s household.


Chaucer travels to Spain.


Blanche, Duchess of Lancaster, dies in September. She was the wife of John of Gaunt, the third son of Edward III. Chaucer writes the  Book of the Duchess about death of Blanche (one of his most-known works)


Chaucer writes the poems later adapted as the Second Nun’s Tale and the Monk’s Tale in The Canterbury Tales. In 1372 he travels to Italy for the second time on a diplomatic mission to establish an English port for Genoese trade. This time he learns much about Boccaccio and Petrarch.


Edward III dies in June. Accession of Richard II, aged 10. Pope Gregory XI condemns* doctrines of John Wycliffe (Chaucer’s and Langland’s contemporary). However, the  movement against the Catholic Church grows. Wycliffe, a poor English priest, is remembered because he discussed political questions with common people and for his translation of the Bible into English. He set the authority of the Bible against the authority of the Church. Wycliffe’s fundamental belief was that the Church should be poor, as in the days of the apostles. The monks* that held possessions were the first to oppose his theses, because they were dangerous to them.


Chaucer writes Saint Cecelia, The House of Fame, Anelida and Arcite and Palamon and Arcite later adapted as The Knight’s Tale.


Death of Chaucer’s mother, Agnes Copton.

Richard II marries Anne of Bohemia.

The Peasants’ Revolt (June 1381). The rebellion started in Southwest Essex. Its cause was the proclamation of a poll tax, but a recurrent decline of law and order caused by corruption among the officials contributed to the inflammation of the revolt.


John Wycliffe completed his translation of the Bible into English.


Death of Philippa Chaucer, Geoffrey’s wife. Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales.


Most of The Canterbury Tales. 1394 – Death of Queen Anne in June.



Richard II marries princess Isabel of France daughter of King Philip VI in order to bring an end to the wars with France.

Chaucer writes the latest of The Canterbury Tales, including probably The Nun’s Priest’s Tale, The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale, The Parson’s Tale.


Richard was arrested and imprisoned for seizing the properties of John of Gaunt, who died in 1399. His son Henry IV had himself crowned and ascended the throne.


Chaucer writes The Complaint of Chaucer to His Purse.

Chaucer’s death on 25 October. He was the first who was buried in what we know as the ‘Poets Corner’ in Westminster Abbey.

The Glossary:

*clergy – the official leaders of religious activities or organized religions, such as priests, rabbis and mullahs;

*romances – are tales in verse describing the heroic deeds and chivalrous attitude of noble knights toward ladies;

*ballads – a lyrical-epic poem for singing or reciting, often accompanied by musical instruments;

*fables – were short stories in Anglo-Saxon with animals for characters and conveying a moral;

*fabliau – were funny stories about cunning humbugs and the unfaithful wives of rich merchant

*lineage – the way in which members of the family are descended from other members;

*The Black Death (Plague) – a very infectious disease that produces high fever and swollen places on the body, and often leads to death;

*page – a boy who in the past served a person of a high rank;

*retinue – a group of people who travel with someone important to help and support them;

*to condemn – to say very strongly that you do not approve of something or someone, especially if you think it is morally wrong;

*a monk – a member of an all-male religious group that lives apart from other people in a monastery;

2. Individual assignment.

 The teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each group gets one of the 4 questions written on the board. They are to scan the table and get ready to answer their question to the whole class in 3 minutes:

1) What social strata of the 12th-13th centuries society represent the following types of literature:

- historical chronicles;

- ballads/ songs;

- poetry;

- romances;

- fable/ fabliau;

2) What other Chaucer’s works except The Canterbury Tales can you mention?

3) What was the historical background of the Chaucer’s time? Tell some words about the social problems of that time.

4) Who were Chaucer’s contemporaries? What can you say about them?

3. Working with the text of The Knight’s Tale from The Canterbury Tales.

The teacher tells the summary of the poem for the students:

In the late Middle Ages, a group of English men and women from different walks of life gather at the Tabard Inn outside London for a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas a Becket in Canterbury, England. The Host of the Tabard proposes that the pilgrims pass the time on the journey by telling stories; he offers to accompany the group, judge the best story, and award the winner a meal, paid by all, when the group returns to his inn. The pilgrims agree and begin telling stories each of which reflects the interests and personality of the teller. The Knight recounts a tale of chivalry; the Nun’s Priest and the Pardoner tell cautionary tales; The Summoner tells a ribald tale; the wife of Bath, the Clerk, and the Franklin tell romantic tales of love and marriage.

Before the pupils start reading:

  1. Why were the people in The Canterbury Tales going to Canterbury?
  2. Why did they start telling stories?

4. Read the story. Order the events below:

a) Arcita was released from prison and went back to Thebes.

b) Theseus saw Palamon and Arcita fighting.

c) Palamon and Emily got married.

d) Arcita won the tournament but died soon afterwards.

e) Palamon saw Emily in the garden.

f) Palamon escaped from prison.

g) Arcita and Palamon fought in the tournament.

h) Arcita secretly returned to Athens.

i) Arcita and Palamon were captured and put in prison.

j) Both of the young men fell in love with Emily.

The Knight’s Tale

Once upon a time, there was a duke called Theseus of Athens and his wife Hippolyta. She had a very beautiful young sister, Emily, who lived with them in the palace. One day, Duke Theseus went to war with Thebes and conquered the city. After the battle, two Theban knights, Arcita and Palamon, were captured and taken to Athens. Theseus put Arcita and Palamomn, who were cousins, into a dark, high tower in his castle. Then, one morning in the month of May, Palamon saw a beautiful young woman in the garden below the tower. She was wearing bright clothes and had lovely, long, blonde hair. The young woman was Emily.

Palamon cried out violently. Arcita leapt up. “Cousin, why are you so pale? Are you ill?” “The beauty of that lady I see is the cause of all my pain. I don’t know if she is a woman or a goddess!” Arcita turned to look at the girl and also fell in love instantly. “Unless I can see her every day, I’m better dead,” he cried. Palamon turned on him angrily. From that moment, the two cousins began arguing about their love of Emily, like two dogs fighting over a bone.

One day, a friend of Arcita came to Athens. He asked Theseus to free Arcita. Theseus agreed, but if Arcita were found in Athens he would lose his life. “Now I’m in a worse prison than before,” thought Arcita. “At least my cousin Palamon can see Emily every day.” But Palamon was even more unhappy. “Now, Arcita is free. He can organize an army and attack this city. Then he can ask Emily to become his wife. I must stay here in this prison.”

When Arcita got home, he was so unhappy that he didi not sleep, eat or drink. After  few months, the god Mercury visited him. “You look a different man now. You can go back to Athens. Nobody will recognize you.” Arcita put on poor clothes and went to Athens. He got a job as a servant to Emily to be close to her.

Meanwhile, Palamon spent seven years in his dark and horrible prison. Finally, a friend helped him to escape from the tower. He came to a wood where he decided to hide during the day. By chance, Arcita was out riding in the wood.

“What can I do?” Arcita said to himself. “I am a servant. What can I do to please my Emily?”

Palamon heard this and jumped out. Arcita, you are a traitor, a liar! I am Palamon. Give up your love to Emily or die!”

The two cousins agreed to fight. Arcita came back the next morning with two horses and armour. The combat began. The two fought like wild boars, running against each other, mad with anger. That morning, Duke Theseus was out hunting when he saw the two knights fighting furiously. “Stop! No more! Why are you fighting here?” The cousins told him their stories. Theseus decided to settle the matter between the cousins once and for all. “Come here in twelve months’ time, each of you with a hundred knights,” he said. “We will have a tournament.”

When the day of the tournament came, both Arcita and Palamon arrived with their knights. Duke Theseus made the rules. He prohibited any sharp or pointed swords or knives. Any man knocked down had to be captured and not killed. When everything was ready, the Duke, Hippolyta and Emily took their seats and the tournament began.

Arcita fought like a cruel tiger and Palamon like a bloodthirsty lion. Finally, towards the end of the day. Palamon was captured. Arcita took off his helmet and rode towards Emily. But just at that moment, his horse stumbled and Arcita fell badly. They took him back to Athens and tried to cure him. But the pain in his chest grew worse and worse. Arcita turned to Emily. “For love of you, Palamon and I have fought for so long. But now I’m dying, think of my cousin. If you ever think to be a wife, do not forget the noble Palamon. With these words he died.

Some time after Arcita’s death, Duke Theseus sent for Palamon. When he came to Athens, Theseus made the following speech:

“Our good Arcita has departed with honour from the horrible prison of his life. But now is time to make happiness from this terrible story. Sister,” he said to Emily, “Palamon has served you for years. He has loved you and suffered for you for so long that you should consider marrying him.”

Emily agreed and with great joy she and Palamon were married. Both of them loved each other tenderly.

5.Whole-Class Activities.

1)Who in the story is compared to these things?

Two dogs fighting over a bone, an angel, a cruel tiger, a bloodthirsty lion, two wild boars;

2)What can we learn from the story about medieval English society? Comment on the following:

a) knightly attitudes to love         b) the place of women          c) attitudes to violence

6. Pair Work.

Close your books. In pairs, try to remember as much about the story as you can.

e.g. First, Arcita and Palamon were captured by Theseus, Duke of Athens.

III. Follow-up.

Concept Web.

The students are to work independently or in small groups to create a word web that lists what they know about the Middle Ages and the associations they have with this epoch.

Research Homework.

Divide the class into two groups. The task for group 1: Pilgrimages. The pupils are to find and share what they found about pilgrimages of the past and the present on the next lesson. To get pupils started, pose the questions such as: Can you name some of the sacred places that have attracted pilgrims for centuries? What are some reasons why people might undertake a pilgrimage?

Group 2: The Chivalrous Code. Point out to students that Chaucer wrote for a courtly audience that was familiar with such traditions as the code of chivalry. Have students use library, the internet to find more about this tradition and its influence upon the literature of the Middle Ages.












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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
30 червня 2018
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