Урок " Гендерні стереотипи у світі професій"

Про матеріал

У матеріалі запропоновано форми роботи для розвитку критичного мислення учнів, пропонуються види діяльності для розвитку усного мовлення на основі лексики по темі "професії"

Перегляд файлу

High order thinking skills. Stereotypes in jobs.

Outcomes: to apply Hot’s at the lesson, to evaluate pros and cons of different jobs, to analyze the impact of gender stereotyping  in the world of professions.

Objective: by the end of the lesson students will be able to evaluate the impact of gender stereotypes on the choice of profession.

Good afternoon! How are you today?  Are you ready to start our lesson? We are going to speak about gender  stereotyping in the world of professions.

  1. Close your eyes. Imagine today you are visiting a dentist. Do you imagine a male or a female? Why?
  2. When would you feel safe if a bus driver is a male or a female? Why?
  3. Your parents asked recruiting company to send a child minder for your younger sister. Here comes a male. Could you describe your feelings?
  4. Would you like to be taught by  male or female teachers?


Analyzing the above heard answers, may we speak about the fact that we gender stereotype the world of professions?


Have a look at the board. Let’s find out which jobs…( how do you think why these jobs are  not gender stereotyped  in the 21 st century  but were in the 20th?

Now we will move a bit.

We have 3 statements about jobs. Come to those which you support and explain your choice.

  1. If we gender stereotype jobs in childhood it will influence uor choice in future.
  2. The 11 formers should evaluate the pros and cons of different jobs at school to make the right choice.
  3. Do not complain about the job. Make it your dream job or change it.

Groupping. Those who answered get a stick of a certain color. According to the color of your stick organize yourselves into 2 groups.

We are going to watch the video. Before watching you will get your problem solving task.  Could you read it?

-What problems are focused on in this video?

-What are the causes of these problems?

- What possible solutions can you offer?

Watch the video, you will have 5 minutes to discuss and present you answer.  One group answers the other listens to to evaluate the answer. ( after video; Instruction checking questions)

  • How much time do you have?
  • How will you present?
  • What will we do after answering of one group?

Take your seats now.

Tell me please do you have enough experience at school to help you to choose profession to you taste?

Are you afraid to choose not your profession?

What can you offer our Ministry of education to do to help you in your choice?

Now have a look at the board.  You see two pictures.  If we are ignorant of our skills or abilities, if we do not know pros and cons of jobs this may happen to us (pictures of unhappy workers).

What’s happening in the photos? Discuss this situation in groups of 2 as you sit and present your ideas.

Well pupils what were we talking about today?

 How can you apply this knowledge in the future?

Imagine you have a big bag. Which information from today’s lesson would you put in your bag?

Thank you for being supportive!

2 жовтня 2018
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