ТЕМА: If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.
Цілі уроку:
Практична мета:
Освітня мета:
розширювати освітній кругозір учнів.
розвивати творчу уяву, увагу, кмітливість та зосередженість;
розвивати уміння спілкуватися.
Обладнання уроку: записи мелодій П.І. Чайковського, відео презентація, картки із завданнями, плакати.
Тип уроку: комбінований урок.
Очікувані результати: учні розрізняють на слух та вживають лексику по темі в усному мовленні, злагоджено працюють в групах.
Хід уроку:
There is a big poster on the blackboard. A big cloud and a lot of drops are depicted there. The pupils enter the class room, everyone takes one drop. At the back side of each drop there is a symbol. It symbolizes the name of the team. There are five desks. There is one of the symbols on each. The pupils take their sits using the tips.
Pupils and the teacher greet each other.
I wake up in the morning
Ready for the day
Hello, hello – good morning
What a lovely day!
(учні відповідають) (Slide 1)
II. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
T: Today we have an unusual lesson. We will not only learn but play too. The first task for you is to guess the theme of the lesson. The pupils solve the rebus.
Key: Weather.
T: Well, who guessed the topic of our lesson today? Well done! You are right. Today we are going to speak about the weather. (Slide 2)
T: We are going to do a lot of interesting tasks about the seasons and weather. Let’s start our lesson with a short but a very useful poem for our tongues.
a) read after the teacher
Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold,
Or whether the weather is hot,
Well weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not. (Slide 3 )
b) add the missing words ((Slide 4-8 ) учні намагаються пригадати слова і відтворити вірш)
Whether the weather is ,
Or whether the weather is,
Whether the weather is ,
Or whether the weather is ,
Well weather the weather
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.
III. Основна частина року.
The pupils are divided into 5 teams. They are called: Snowballs, Lightning, Morning Dew, Autumn Leaf and Rainbow.
Task 1. Guess the riddles
The teams watch the video and show the card with the name of the season. The teacher put 1 point for each correct answer. This video is prepared by the pupils from other forms.
This is the season
when mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
in the woods and park. (Winter)
This is the season
When birds make their nests.
This is the season
We all like best. (Spring)
This is the season when nights are short
And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating and swimming all day long
Will make us well and strong. (Summer)
This is the season when days are cool,
When we eat apples and go to school. (Autumn)
Task 2. Listen to the melody of Tchaikovsky and guess the season.
The pupils listen to the melody. Then each team shows the card with the name of the season. 1 correct answer - one point
Task 3. Weather Forecast
T: Listen to the weather forecast and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.
The pupils watch the weather forecast. Their teacher is the narrator who tells about the weather in each part of Ukraine. Each team has one part of the map of Ukraine and an envelope with the weather symbols and the name of a town/city. The team is to tack on the correct symbol, temperature and name of the city/town. Then the teams tell about the weather in the town/city and tack the part of the map on the desk. At the end of the task there will be the whole map.
Task 4
There is a big poster with 10 pockets at the blackboard. There is a task in each pocket. One member of a team chooses the task for the opponent. (Each team will receive 2 tasks. If the team can’t do the task, their opponents have possibility to answer and receive a point.)
Pocket 1.
Find the odd one out.
Pocket 2.
Match the parts of the proverbs about seasons and weather and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
After rain or clouds Everything is good April showers Rich season |
bring May flowers comes fair (ясний) weather in its season rich year |
Pocket 3.
Do the crossword.
n |
m |
s |
u |
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y |
f |
k |
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c |
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f |
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a |
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c |
v |
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w |
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d |
y |
m |
Key: sunny, ice, cloud, cool, dry, day, wind, nice, hot, mild, sky, rain, could, warm
Pocket 4.
Look at the picture carefully (Time – 15 seconds). Hand in it.
Answer the questions.
Pocket 5.
Describe today’s weather.
Pocket 6.
How do you think, what the weather is going to be tomorrow?
It is going to be … .
Pocket 7.
Anagrams . Clouds sometimes bring bad weather. Unscramble the words to find out what kind of weather or what season each cloud is bringing.
Pocket 8.
Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
Pocket 9.
Pocket 10.
Look at the picture carefully (Time – 15 seconds). Hand in it.
Answer the questions.
Task 5.
There are many pictures on the blackboard. The team receives the task and it has one minute for the discussion. After that, one member goes to the blackboard, chooses the right picture and describes the clothes of the children.
Say what the right clothes are when it’s rainy autumn day.
Say what the right clothes are when it’s hot summer day.
Say what the right clothes are when it’s cold winter day.
Say what the right clothes are when it’s warm spring day.
Say what the right clothes are when it’s cloudy summer day.
IV. Заключна частина уроку
T: Answer the questions.
T: Let’s sum up the results of our work. I think today’s lesson was very fruitful and useful.
T: Your home assignment is ... .