Урок "Grammar. Countable and uncountable nouns" 5 клас

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 5 класу, підручник Карп'юк English. Year 5 для вивчення граматичного матеріалу (злічувані/незлічувані іменники)
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Unit: 3

Topic: Grammar

Aims: to present the topic of the lesson;

           to develop students’ skills of speaking;

           to develop students’ skills of writing;

           to revise the vocabulary;

           to develop students’ skills of reading;

           to revise countable and uncountable nouns and their usage in sentences.

Facilities: book, copy-book, stickers, posters, worksheets


The procedure

  1. Lead-in
  1. Greetings

Teacher: Good morning, students. Nice to see you today. How are you?



  1. Introduction of the topic of the lesson

Teacher: Today we are going to revise the grammatical topic “Countable and uncountable nouns” and how to use them in speech.


  1. Warming-up

Teacher: (there are the posters of such food as: onion, cucumber, coffee, bread, salt, soup, apple, sausage, cake etc., on the blackboard). Look at the blackboard and name the things you see on the posters.



Teacher: Now name them again but use any number in front of them.



Teacher: So, what is the difference between these words? Can we use all of them with numbers or count them?



  1. The main part
  1. Checking up homework

Teacher: Your home task was to revise the words at p.98 and p.102. Let’s check them. Each of you has got a sticker with Ukrainian or English variant of the word. Read your word and find your partner who has its translation. Let’s begin with words in Ukrainian.



  1. Grammar

Teacher: Look at the table at p.104. Read the rules and examples of countable and uncountable nouns. What is the difference between these words?



Teacher: Do Exercise 1 p.105. Listen and read the sentences. Name all countable and all uncountable nouns.



Teacher: Look at the table at p.105. Here we have the structures of sentences with countable and uncountable nouns. Read them.



Teacher: Write the examples of using in narrative, negative and question sentences: 1 variant – countable nouns; 2 variant - uncountable nouns.



Teacher: Now, let’s read the sentences in Ex.2 p.105-106.



  1. Speaking

Teacher: Ex.3 p.106. Work in pairs. Use the words from the table to ask and answer.



  1. Writing

Teacher: You’ve got the worksheets with the tasks. Let’s do them one by one

Task 1 Put some or any in sentences below

  1. There are … pictures in the book.
  2. There are … old houses on the street.
  3. Are there … exercises on the blackboard?
  4. Have you got … English books at home?
  5. It is winter. There are … leaves on trees.
  6. There are… beautiful pictures in the magazine.


Task 2. Complete the sentences with the words

Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, carrots

There is some fresh ________ on the wooden table. There aren't any ___________ in the big bag, but there are some ________ there. There are no green ________ on the table, but there are some tasty red _________ there.



  1. The summary of the lesson

Teacher: What new things have you learnt today? What exercise was the most interesting and useful for you?



 Teacher: Your homework is Ex.5 p.107. And revise the rules of usage of countable and uncountable nouns in different types of sentences at p.105.


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 жовтня 2020
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