Урок "Hobbies and Interests"+ презентація

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Тема: Time for Leisure Підтема: Hobbies and Interests Мета: Практична: ознайомити з лексико-граматичним матеріалом за темою «Хобі». Розвивати види мовленнєвої діяльності ( читання,говоріння,аудіювання,письмо) Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку, вміння узагальнювати, фонематичний слух учнів та вміння співпрацювати у групі. Освітня: розширити знання учнів з поняття «хобі». Обладнання:  Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 5-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (Unit 2 Lesson 2) – Тернопіль, 2018  аудіододаток до підручника з англійської мови для 5 класу загальноосвітньої школи  комп‘ютер  проектор  картки Хід уроку I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення 1. Привітання Teacher:: Good morning, dear friends. I am very glad to see you today. Учитель звертається до учнів з питаннями, спонукаючи їх до відповідей  How are you, Kate?  Are you ready to work today, Lera?  What’s your favourite lesson, Daiana?  Are you in a good mood, Dan?  Do you like rap style, Zhenya? Teacher: I see that you are in a good mood, aren’t you? Slide 2 Pupils: Yes, we are. We are in a good mood, We are in a good mood. Yes, that’s true We are in a good mood And what about you ? Teacher: I’m in a good mood too. 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Teacher: So, can you guess what we will be talking about in our today`s lesson? Look at the screen. Let`s open the words. Slide 3 • you can listen it; Music • it is the colour of the lemon; Yellow • it is New-year, Christmas, ... Holiday • it`s a colour and a fruit; Orange • you can play football with it; Ball • it is a little child; Baby • it is opposite to “no” Yes Teacher: We`ll speak about your free time and how to spend it, about activities you like, the theme of our today’s lesson – My hobby. Slides 4,5 Teacher: What is a hobby ? Pupils: A hobby is what you can and like doing when you have free time Slide 6 Teacher: There are different kinds of hobbies. (Cards) (Slide 7) Martial Arts (Slide 8) Gymnastics (Slide 9) Football (Slide 10) Dancing (Slide 11) Collecting Teacher: And other hobbies ….(singing, watching TV, cooking, playing football, dancing, listening to music, reading, fishing , playing the guitar and so on.) (Slide 12) Teacher: Why do we need hobbies? Pupils:- - Hobbies help people to relax. -Do our life more interesting, colorful and exciting. II. Основна частина уроку. 1.Vocabulary work. (Slide 13) 1) Read new words after teacher camera, cartoon, fair, coin, stamp, to collect interested in, be fond of, take photos 2) Listen, repeat, show the translation 3) Match English words with their translations Cartoon фотокамера, кінокамера Fair мультфільм Coin зацікавлений Camera робити фото Тo collect любити Be fond of збирати Stamp печатка, марка Interested in монета Take photos ярмарок 2. Relaxation: (Slide 14) Teacher: Singing is a hobby too. Let’s relax and sing ” Luka’s Rap’’ ex.5 p.52 3. “Unusual Hobbies’’ (Slides 15-18) Teacher: What are unusual hobbies? Comments on the slides. (Slide 15) – Skydiving (Slide 16) – Drawings on the sand (Slide 17) – Microminiatures are made on the ear of a pin, or on a bone of a cherry etc. (Slide 18) – Sculptures can be make from grass or bush or ice… Teacher: Have you unusual hobbies? 4. Reading ex.1 p. 58 1) Reading. Read and name the boy’s “unusual hobbies’’. 2) Post-Reading Activities Slides 19,20 Say if the sentences are true or false: 1. Olena is at her School Hobby Fair.- (Oleh) 2. Petro collects stamps and coins. - ( Rocks ) 3. Borys makes cartoons. + 4. His new cartoon is called Pencil Box. – (Pencil Man) 5. Cartoon has got 2000 drawings. + 6. Borys uses his computer. + 5. Physical relaxation (Slide21 ) 6. Say what games the children play at the sports grounds and what musical instruments some of them play after classes. Teacher: When we play on musical instruments we use THE, if we play sport we do not use THE (Slide 22) Ex.4p.59 Example: Mary and Tom (table tennis) Mary and Tom play table tennis. 1. The children ( volleyball ) 2. Mary (piano) 3. Nelly and Victor (badminton) 4. Caroline (basketball) 5. The boys (hockey) 7.Writing Exercise 1 p.26 (Workbook) (Slide 23) I He She We You They am is are fond of interested in reading photography collecting coins listening to music playing tennis watching cartoons 8. Speaking “My hobby”. Teacher: Imagine , we are at our Form Hobby Fair today. We can learn a lot about your likes and interests. Who will start? Pupil 1: Hello! My name is Daiana. I like singing and listening to music at home in the evening, but I don’t like roller skating Pupil 2: Hi! My name is Dan. My hobby is sports. I like riding a bike and playing computer games but I hate dancing. Pupil 3: Hello! My name is Zhenya. I am fond of watching cartoons especially walt Disney~s ones and cooking. I often help my mother in the kitchen. I don’t like hiking. Pupil 4: Hi! My name is Kate. I like roller skating very much. Also I like fishing with my brother when the weather is warm and sunny. As for me I hate reading and playing computer games Pupil 5: Hello! I am Lera. My hobby is playing football and basketball . I am fond of watching TV with my parents but I don’t like singing and dancing. 9. Reflection Teacher: Thank you children. We’ve learned a lot about your pastime. Do you like to watch films? I think you do. Many children are fond of watching films. It is their hobby. So I have a small present for you. We are going to watch one video after that you must to sum up and say what hobbies kids like. Slide 24 III. Підведення підсумків, домашнє завдання. Teacher: What have we learned today? Did you like the lesson? I thank you for your work during the lesson. At home I want that you make me a story about your hobbies. You should bring us some pictures in order to see what hobbies do you like. Slide 25
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Хобі та інтереси підготувала учитель англійської мови. Миколай-Пільського НВКЗапорізького району. Запорізької областіРоманюк Т. М.

Номер слайду 2

We are in a good mood,We are in a good mood. Yes, that’s true. We are in a good mood. And what about you?

Номер слайду 3

Riddlesyou can listen it; Musicit is the colour of the lemon; Yellowit is New-year, Christmas, ... Holidayit`s a colour and a fruit; Orangeyou can play football with it; Ballit is a little child; Babyit is opposite to “no” Yes

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

My hobby

Номер слайду 6

What is a hobby ? A hobby is what you can and like doing when you have free time

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8


Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11


Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Vocabulary work. Cartoon мультфільм. Fair ярмарокcoin монета. Camera камера to collect збирати (колекцію…)be fond of любити, подобатись. Stamp марка. Interested in зацікавлений take photos робити фото

Номер слайду 14

Luka’s Rap. Tock, tock, tock, troo, loo, loo,I’m Luka. Who are you?I’ve got a lot of friends. And they are all cool. Every day we go. Together to school. Tock, tock, tock, troo, loo, loo,I am lazy. What about you?

Номер слайду 15


Номер слайду 16

Drawing on the sand

Номер слайду 17


Номер слайду 18


Номер слайду 19

Say if the sentences are true or false: Olena is at her School Hobby Fair. Petro collects stamps and coins. Borys makes cartoons. His new cartoon is called Pencil Box. Cartoon has got 2000 drawings. Borys uses his computer

Номер слайду 20

1. Olena is at her School Hobby Fair.- (Oleh)2. Petro collects stamps and coins. - ( Rocks )3. Borys makes cartoons. +4. His new cartoon is called Pencil Box. – (Pencil Man)5. Cartoon has got 2000 drawings. +6. Borys uses his computer. +

Номер слайду 21

Номер слайду 22

Say what games the children play at the sports grounds and what musical instruments some of them play after classes:1. The children play volleyball.2. Mary plays the piano.3. Nelly and Victor play badminton.4. Caroline plays basketball.5. The boys play hockey.

Номер слайду 23

Writing : Exercise 1 p.26 (Workbook) Exercise 1 p.26 (Workbook){5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Iamfond ofreading. Heis. Interested inphotography. Shearecollecting coins. Welistening to music. Youplaying tennis. Theywatching cartoons

Номер слайду 24

Kids hobbieshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6 CAud. DUnzk&t=31s

Номер слайду 25

Homework: At home I want that you make me sentences about your favourite hobbies and bring or draw some pictures in order to see what you like. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK!SEE YOU!

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 січня 2019
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