Клас: 8-Б
Тема: Holiday of lifetime
Мета: формувати лексичні та граматичні навички учнів, пам'ять та увагу, виховувати інтерес до англійської літератури, розширювати їх світогляд; формувати стійку мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови
Методично-дидактичне забезпечення: підручник, робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал
Хід уроку
Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you.
Today our topic is… (Holidays) We’ll speak about holidays. Do you like holidays?
What does the word mean to you?
(Sun and fun, rest and long vacations…)
Look at this word. How many words for “Holidays” do you remember?
You know lots of words and you are ready to get away
And now I invite you to travel to Maputo
But we can’t go without luggage.
When we go on holiday we need a suitcase or a shoulder bag.
What are you going to pack: a suitcase or a shoulder bag?
You are going to a canoe ride. What would you prefer, a suitcase or a shoulder bag?
There are some items for holidays. Which would you put in your suitcase and in your shoulder bag?
Holiday Items To Go In…
Toothpaste Toothpaste
Maps and guide books Compass
Jumper Maps and guide books
Sandals Hiking boots
Soap Passport
Shirt Sunscreen
Passport Credit card
Sunscreen Torch
Credit card First-aid kid
T-shirt T-shirt
Camera Jacket
Jacket Camera
OK. Well done! Our luggage is ready. But can we start without weather report?
What kind of weather can be?
(Cloudy, windy, sunny, stormy, snowy, rainy, etc.)
2) Текстовий етап
a) Reading the story
b) Number the pictures in the correct order
3) Післятекстовий етап
a) Match the words/words combinatios to their definitions
1 glided silently |
a)All the people who work on a ship |
2 crew |
b)A person who travels around a place to learn about it |
3 unknown land |
c)Not strong or clear |
4 explorer |
d)A pole with a flat blade |
5 slithered down |
e)Break or cause to break suddenly |
6 faint splash |
f)Crush with the teeth |
7 plunging |
g)To move without noise or effort |
8 oar |
h)A place that you know nothing about it |
9 furiously |
i)To move by sliding from side to side along the ground |
10 snapping jaws |
j)To push quickly |
11 crunched |
k)Violently break (something) into pieces |
12 smashed |
l)Very strong |
b) Mark the sentences True or False
Chris and Lizzie won a lottery
They flew to Maputo
The canoe glided silently through the Amazon River
There are plenty of different fish
An enormous grey crocodile slithered down the muddy bank and slid into the water.
Plunging his oar into the water, Sisa slowly began rowing the canoe away from danger.
Chris started to beat the water furiously
They were surrounded by a thousand pairs of snapping jaws
At that moment, a small fishing boat appeared
The captain ordered his crew to throw some fish
Sisa and his friends were rescued just in time.
Competition, guide, explorers, muddy bank, to fell nervous, rowing, grabbed, crunched and smashed, escape, terrified cries, middle of the river, quick thinking |
1 Smelling the fish, the crocodiles swam towards the……, where a much easier meal was waiting them
2 They won a holiday….., they couldn’t believe their luck
3 An enormous grey crocodiles slithered down the…. and slid into the water
4 They met their African….
5 They felt like great….in unknown land
6 Sisa quickly began….the canoe away from danger
7 But Lizzie was right….
8 Chris….the other oar and started to beat the water
9 The jaws…..both oars to pieces
10 Thanks to the captain’s…..
11 Hearing the…..of the people in the canoe
12 Now there seemed to be no….!
learn the dialogue