Урок “Holidays: Wartime Summer in Ukraine”

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Літні канікули добігають кінця, і саме час вмикати режим «back to school». На уроці “Holidays: Wartime Summer in Ukraine” учні старшої школи говорять про літо, яке ще 24 лютого 2022 року відібрала країна-агресорка. Розробка уроку містить парні, групові та інтерактивні форми роботи. Учні вивчають нові фрази та словосполучення, складають правила безпеки, які зроблять перебування в Україні мирним і безпечним, а також говорять про те, що допомогло їм відновитися та зарядитися енергією під час літніх канікул.
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Lesson plan : Holidays: Wartime Summer in Ukraine


- To  review and practise vocabulary for talking about holidays and holiday activities

- To practise discussing as a group

- To practise speaking and listening skills

Level: Pre-Intermediate

Time: 45 mins


1. Warmer (introducing the topic, 5 minutes)

Slides 2,3 Display the summer holiday memes. Ask students to remember how they felt on the first / last day of summer

2. Generating vocabulary (10 minutes)

1. Summer idioms matching

Do the matching as a whole-class activity.

                                                             Slides 4,5,6 

 T. Let's dive in and discover the wonderful world of summer idioms! Whether you're hitting the beach, taking a road trip, or just enjoying a picnic in the park, these idioms will help you capture the spirit of summer and have fun while learning..

2. Video The students are going to practice the vocabulary related to holidays and travelling. In the video a girl is describing some travel opportunities and holiday activities for young people


Elicit from the learners different activities they can do on holiday/ types of holidays/ popular holiday destinations they have met in the video.

3. Speaking practice (5-10 minutes) Play a word explanation game. The aim is to make the players guess the word you are explaining by giving them hints and tips. The students should take turns to pick up a card which illustrates the vocabulary related to holidays and travelling and explain the words to each other.

Destination/ accommodation : seaside,  mountain, airport, hotel, swimming pool

Activities: having a picnic, eating ice cream, building sandcastle, sightseeing, surfing, camping

Equipment: tent, sunglasses, flip-flops, luggage, camera, passport

Put the students into 3 groups according to the category of the words they have picked up

 4.  Group work and language expansion (5-10 minutes)

1)  2)

T. Today Ukraine is going through difficult times and keeps fighting for its freedom and independence. Look at the photo (1).  Do you know where it was taken? (Children swing on a swing set next to a shelled apartment building in Borodianka). Due to the russian agression Ukrainian children are deprived of the opportunity to be happy, to learn, to have a rest in summer, to live. Lots of children are stressed, grieving and disoriented. They do need some recovery. Stress touches everyone these days. Holidays can have an important role in breaking off the cycle of stress. However, this year, because of the war, many people decided to postpone resting and travel after the victory. (Photo 2) It was another wartime summer in Ukraine.

 Nowadays we live paying  attention to the general rules of wartime.

Display the word cloud to the learners.


 As a group they have to work together to make up word combinations and phrases to complete the safety rules. Rules to make your stay in Ukraine peaceful and safe.  They should note any new word combinations. Elicit as much information as possible. Ask students to share their rules with the class when complete.

5. Production/ Extension (10 minutes)

T. Remember that in some parts of the country there is fighting. So do not ignore the safety rules. We also must remember all the soldiers who are defending our country from russian aggression. Their courage and sacrifice deserve our full support and gratitude. There are two things that Ukraine needs right now. First, this deadly war of destruction must end. Second, the younger generations of Ukrainians must be healthy, educated, resilient and ready to take on the enormous task of rebuilding their country.

What helped you recover and recharge during the summer break?

Use Mentimeter to create a Word Cloud presentation with real-time feedback,  ask the students to respond to a question. Students’responses will immediately appear on screen.

The learners should type in any leisure time or holiday activity that they enjoyed to get rid of negative thoughts, to be healthier and refresh their souls and minds before a new school year. Holidays are the best time to recover. Ask the students to comment on their choice.

6. Setting homework (5minutes)

Tell learners that their homework is to write a postcard that they sent to a friend at the end of their holiday, saying what they did/liked/disliked/learned….

7. Summing up. Motivational bracelets. Song

T. Now and then, everyone needs a little motivation to get through tough situations in their lives. We’ll definitely overcome all the hardships and will live in peaceful, free and strong Ukraine as we have faith in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, loving family, and loyal friends. These motivational bracelets will provide extra inspiration for you and remind you to keep pushing forward.

 As you know, words are quite powerful! The lyrics of this song have a certain therapeutic effect. “Imagine” is a message of hope, peace and unity, songs like this one, help to sort out your thoughts, switch off and concentrate on what's important, it's like getting support from an old friend. Almost half a century has passed since "Imagine" was written, but its message is not outdated at all - we all want to be free and live in a peaceful world where there is room for everyone.

Song “Imagine

T. I wish you a successful and rewarding school year!

Praise the learners for their participation and work and tell them you’re looking

forward to seeing them again in the next lesson.





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