Урок How to act during the nature disasters.

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Дана розробка уроку була створена для учнів 10 класів до теми "Природа і погода". Під час уроку учні мали змогу презентувати власні проекти та обговорити проблеми катаклізмів у світі та Україні.
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Theme: How to act during the nature disasters.


Practical: to activate the topic-related lexis; to practice speech patterns; to develop pupils’ speaking skills maintaining free discussion; to reinforce pupils’ grammar habits of using Conditionals in writing and orally.

Educational: to expand pupils’ vocabulary on the topic studied; to widen pupils’ knowledge on the topic; to develop creative imagination in communicative activity, critical thinking, and abilities to bring knowledge and skills into a new situation.

Cultural: to give pupils an idea about weather hazards and disasters in different countries; to learn the survival techniques in case of a certain disaster.

Bringing-up: to make pupils aware of the importance of the subject under discussion; to bring up in pupils respect to nature; to develop feelings of sincere sympathy to people affected by peculiar disaster; to encourage pupils to work cooperatively in pairs and groups.  

Equipment: a computer, a projector, Power Point Presentation, handouts, students' projects.


The plan of the lesson.

I. Beginning of the lesson.

1. Aim.

T: Hello to everyone! I hope you are fine and you will be energetic and active at our lesson.

Last lesson we spoke about the kinds of natural disasters which happen around the world. Today we will continue to speak about the problems connected with natural disasters. And the theme is our today’s lesson is “How to act during the nature disasters”.

II. Warming-up

T: Before our work we must to revise the kinds of natural disasters we spoke last lesson. I want you do the quest.  I’ll show you the pictures and read the definitions of the disaster and your task will be to name the natural disagree I speak about. Are you ready? Let’s start.

(The teacher's presentation)

tsunami - A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.

volcano eruption - An opening in the earth's crust from which lava flow out.

earthquake - a series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust

avalanche - A fall or slide of a large mass of snow

hurricane - a extremely strong wind

flood - a great flowing or overflowing of water

blizzard  - A violent snowstorm with winds blowing at a minimum speed of 56 kilometers per hour

drought - a period of dry weather

tornado - a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, and characterized by a long, funnel-shaped cloud that extends to the ground.

thunderstorm - A violent storm of thunder and lightning, often accompanied by rain and sometimes hail.

heat wave - The condition of being hot.

landslide - the sliding of a large mass of rock material, soil down the side of a mountain

waterspout - a tornado occurring over water that forms a column of water

whirlpool - A rapidly rotating current of water

sandstorm  - A strong wind carrying clouds of sand and dust through the air

T: Well done.


II. Main part of the lesson.


T: How do you think it is necessary to know how to act yourself during the nature disasters? (Yes, to avoid the damages, safe life)

T: I want to read the information about the biggest natural disasters in the world and their results.

(This is not the first year we talk about the global warming and its influence on our planet. Recently, the number of natural disasters has been growing. In some countries there is abnormal heat at a time when others are suffering from floods. Unusually warm winter caused by storms and tornadoes. In summer, more and more countries are suffering from the heat and fire woods. Earthquakes, floods, landslides, storms, hurricanes, snow storms, forest fires only during the last 20 years have killed more than three million people. During this time happened more than 7 thousand disasters. )

T: Is it possible to decrease the victims of the disasters? (Yes, to know how to act yourselves during the nature disasters)

T: At today’s lesson our task is to look through the safety rules and may be one day it will save your life and lives your relatives.

T: Name disasters are possible in Ukraine the most?

We’ll speak about the disasters which are happened in Ukraine.

Before our lesson you were divided into small groups. Each group made and has to present its project. The task of the rest pupils will be to listen to the project and be ready to do the task at the end of the lesson.



Group 1


The flooding - is substantial flooding areas due to rising waters in the river, lake, reservoir, caused by downpours, spring melting of snow, wind surges of water, destruction of dams and so on. Floods cause extensive damage and lead to casualties.

You must remember about the rules:

  •                 Deactivate electrics and gas;
  •                 Close all doors and windows:
  •                 Try secure yourself, by going to the upper floor. You must have all necessary for first hours: blanket, boots, warm and practical clothes, some food (chocolate, water, milk), documents, money and valuable thing.
  •                 Try to collect everything that can be useful – boats, ropes, life buoys, signal meals.
  •                 Fill the shirt and pants by the flying objects (balls, plastic bottles).
  •                 In the event of falling into water is recommended to take off heavy clothing and shoes.

Returning home after the floods should:

  •                 make sure that housing is not got no injuries and no collapse threatening,
  •                 almost no broken glass and dangerous wreckage and debris.
  •                 Do not use mains drainage to complete the building;
  •                 boil drinking water;
  •                 dry the house a thorough cleaning and disinfection of all things.
  •                 do not eat foods that have been flooded with water.

T: The dimensions of human and material losses during flooding depends on the nature and size of floods, population density in the territory flooded distances settlements from sources of flooding, character development, the value of property located on the territory of the flooding, availability of protective equipment and seasons. In large cities from flooding mainly affected roads, basements and first floors of buildings. Floods destroy thousands of people's homes, destroy crops and cause death. According to UNESCO, the flood of XX century killed more than 9 million people.


Group 2


On the globe every year there is more than 100 earthquakes that cause different damage and loss of life.

  •                 Keep calm and avoid panic.
  •                 If you are in a high-rise building, do not rush to the stairs or the elevator. Should run out of the house quickly, but carefully, beware of debris, electric wires and other hazards.
  •                 If tremors caught on the street, you need as far away from buildings. You can not be near the factories and warehouses that have flammable, explosive and toxic substances. You can not hold on high pillars and massive fences, hiding in buildings and basements. Trains, trams, trolley stop and the passengers leave them and go to a safe distance.
  •                 If you are in the house and there was time to get out of it, you need to be in the door frame.
  •                 If possible aftershocks after stopping an urgent need to go outside.
  •                 The enterprises and institutions in the earthquake should stop all work, technology and production equipment to stop, turn off the power, lower pressure gas, steam, air, oxygen and water.


T: Earthquakes have always caused different people have mental disorder that manifested in not proper behavior. The majority of injuries among the population explains the unconscious actions of the victims, caused panic and fear condition. Warn earthquake impossible, but if a warning about the threat of an earthquake or the appearance of its signs should act quickly but calmly, confidently and without panic.


Group 3


Most forest fires occur near settlements and roads due to careless handling of fire.

- Do not panic and do not take hasty decisions;

- From the danger zone, which is close to the flame, go out quickly perpendicular direction of fire spread;

- If fire escape is not possible, then move to an open area, go to the pond or put on the wet clothes;

- During fire fighting not depart far from roads and rides;

- Be careful of burning in areas of high trees, they can collapse and injure you;

- Be careful especially in places torf fires, there can be created a deep crater.

- First aid for burns:

- Pour the place burns plenty of water (15 minutes or more).

- If possible, remove it from the affected places rings, watches, belts, shoes before as these places have not begun to swell;

- Remove articles of clothing that were burned or still smoldering, can only in the event that they do not stick to the affected persons affected;

- The surrounding skin burns be treated with a solution of alcohol;

- All necessary care to protect, covering them with a clean lint-free cloth.

T: Dangerous factors of forest and peat fires - the destruction of forests, destruction of settlements, objects of national economy, the destruction of agricultural land, violation of communications, reducing protection, water protection and other beneficial properties of wood, violation of thermal balance of the biosphere, strong smoke, fumes large population centers distant from the forests, the threat to the life of people and animals.


Group 4


We expect to increase the number of storms and thundrestorms in our country. The disaster comes and where never been seen before.

1. If you are in the apartment during the storm, tightly close all windows.

2. If possible release of flammable items balcony.

3. Turn off all electrical appliances, turn off the gas.

4. During thunderstorms it is not necessary to use public telephone line.

5. When approaching tornado, dwell in the basement, after taking with them documents, money, water, a flashlight and medicines. If you have no basement, then stay in the inner rooms or bathroom. Relatively safe in the hallway. But closer to the windows can not in any case.

6. If a storm pledge you on the street, try to stay away from bridges, overpasses, buildings, trees, cars, banners - all that can fall on you. Hide can be on the subway or in a well-fortified building. But from temporary buildings such as stalls, stay away.

7. In open terrain can hide any recess. Lie down there on the ground and hide head in his hands or clothes.

8. Storms are accompanied with lightning. So you can not be on the hill, near the power line near trees or buildings alone. Also get away from all flammable objects, such as gas stations.

9. After the passage of the storm can not be independently turned on electricity.

10. On the street even after the storm continue to stay away from anything that can fall on you, for example, trees or billboards.

T:  In recent years, our country became more frequent storms, which often are quite strong. And probably that the trend of more frequent and significant strengthening appearance every year will develop. Especially lightings are dangerous. They are on the second place in the number of deaths  kill hundreds of people around the world. Therefore it is always necessary to be cautious during a thunderstorm, because nothing could be more important for your own safety.


Group 5


Heat wave it is condition that occurs when exposed to the human body high temperature.

 Behaving in the heat:

• Spend maximum time in the room. If there is no air conditioner, look for the opportunity to go down to the first floor, or choose the place do not get direct sunlight.

• Try every day to drink as much water even if you are not thirsty. In this case, choose plain water, do not drink alcohol or caffeine.

• Meals take small amounts, but often. Careful treat foods high in protein because they increase heat production in the body.

• If possible, abstain from intense exercise. If you do not succeed, transfer them to the evening, not before 16 hours.

• In the clothing prefer bright tones. These things reflect the rays of the sun.

• In hot weather as a result of intense exercise and sweating may experience heat cramps. This pain and spasms in the muscles, which can take up to three minutes. Most reduces the stomach or leg muscles after the load stops.


T: When the hot summer days comes, many of us feel a lack of energy, literally making your body to move. Such weather is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous to health. At this time more than ever high risk of sunstroke and dehydration. That is why it is important to know and follow the rules of behavior in hot weather.



T: You were very attentive so now you’ll the task. Before doing the task remind the grammar we learnt last lesson - Conditional II.

T: Today we spoke about different disasters and how to be safe. But in order to speak about such situations we have to be able to make up conditional sentences:


I. Choose the correct  ending.

1. If you see the lightning outdoors, you will

a) go for a walk

b)stay at home

2. If you experience lightning in the open space

a) phone your relatives

b) do not use the phone

3. If you leave the house during the flood

a) turn on the gas

b) turn off the gas

4. If you were at home when the earthquake occurred, you would

a) get under the table

b) stay near the window

5. if you experience an earthquake, you will

a) go upstairs

b) avoid the dangerous places

6. If you were outside during the earthquake, you would

a) find a large open space to wait

b) hide in the building

7.  If you are  in the street when the earthquake takes place,

a) go in the building

b) do not stand near buildings

8. If it occurs the flood you will

a) go down

b) go upstairs

9. If you are in the forest during the fire you will

a) make a picnic

b)  quickly go out

10. if you experience the thunderstorm in the open space, you will

a) hide under the high tree

b)  hide any recess

II. Match the proverbs.

1. Better a thousand times care   a) No safety, know injury.

2. Safety is a cheap and               b) its priceless.

3. Know safety, no injury.           c) Always Be Careful

4. Danger never takes                  d) than once dead.

5. Safety isn't expensive,             e) effective insurance policy.

6. Safety is as simple as ABC     f) a vacation                    

Key:  1-d, 2-e, 3-a, 4-f, 5-b, 6-c.


III. Conclusion of the lesson

1. Summarizing.

I wish we never experienced any disasters. So, in all cases we should know the golden RULES (written on the blackboard)

  •                 do not panic;
  •                 act wisely;
  •                 avoid unreasonable actions;
  •                 assist the victims;
  •                 giving first aid to family members and others

 I suppose you got necessary information how to behave during the disasters.  You must remember:We cannot stop the natural disasters but we must do our best to stay alive!


2. Homework:

 The home task is to write the essay about the disaster. Thank you for your great work. The lesson is over. Good-bye. See you later.

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Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Storozhuk Nataliia Vadymivna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
Sukhanytska Tanya
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 серпня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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