Урок "Інтерв'ю з відомими людими"

Про матеріал

Мета: формувати поняття «відома людина», формувати навички роботи з текстом, розвивати критичне мислення, виховувати ввічливе ставлення до оточуючих через використання рольових ігор.

Форми і методи: рольова гра, вправи «Асоціації», «Поєднай», робота з текстом

Обладнання: підручники «Full Blast 2», картки для перевірки домашнього завдання, постер для рольової гри, літери “FAMOUS", тексти для читання і завдання до них, відео-відповіді, відео до пісні “Fly to the sky"

Перегляд файлу

 Тема. Інтерв’ю з відомими людьми

Мета: формувати поняття «відома людина»,  формувати навички роботи з текстом, розвивати критичне мислення, виховувати ввічливе ставлення до оточуючих через використання рольових ігор.

Дата: 28.02.19

Клас: 6-А

Вчитель: Зозуля І.С.

Форми і методи: рольова гра, вправи «Асоціації», «Поєднай», робота з текстом

Обладнання: підручники «Full Blast 2», картки для перевірки домашнього завдання, постер для рольової гри, літери “FAMOUS”, тексти для читання і завдання до них, відео-відповіді, відео до пісні “Fly to the sky


Перебіг уроку


  1. Greeting. Aims


  1. Warm-up

How do you think who are five the most famous Ukrainians and why?

How do you understand word “FAMOUS”?  You can use you book on p.130















  1. Checking up the homework

At home your task was to read the text “Famous Ukrainians”. So who are these three famous Ukrainian people? Do all of them live in our country?


Let’s do activity “Match picture with the person”. Tell me WHO… (put picture of the famous person instead of points)

  • Was born in the USA?
  • Картинки по запросу мила йововичHas modeled?
  • Won an Oskar?
  • Created a charity?
  • Картинки по запросу джек паланс українецьHas won a song contest?
  • Has pets?
  • Картинки по запросу руслана лижичкоWrites songs?
  • Has children?
  • Is dancer?
  • Has painted pictures?
  • Has written poems?


  1. Speaking. The role play

Imagine you are judges of the famous contest “Britain’s has talent”. What information are you interested in about people with different talents? Ask question. So let’s begin the show!

  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. How are you? Are you nervous?
  4. How old are you?
  5. What song would you like to sing? What are you going to do here?
  6. Why are you here?)

Після учнівських запитань з’являється відповідь-відео на екрані


Watch video and listen to her song. Susan Boyle during the talent show and after it.

  1. Reading

Look through the article and choose the best summary.




1 – It’s wrong to judge people by their appearance.

2 – Judging people by appearance can be useful, and is often right.

3 – If you try to judge people by their appearance, you will usually be wrong about them.


Look through the article again and say True or False:

  1. Susan Boyle came to the Britain’s got Talent as a famous singer.   F
  2. She was alone.   T
  3. Everybody in the show liked her appearance.   F
  4. Nobody in the show liked her song.   F
  5. Susan Fiske is Susan Boyle’s sister.   F
  6. It was a rule to run away from aggressive people in the past.   T
  7. People in the show thought that Susan Boyle is aggressive.   F
  8. After the talent show she began to change her clothing and haircut style.   T


How do you think she began to change herself? (Famous people are always bright)


  1. Speaking.

What will you change if you are a famous person? – If I am a famous person, I will change…


  1. Listening. p.110


  1. Summarizing

Put up green circles, if you got new information.

Put up red circles, if the lesson wasn’t interesting for you.

Put up yellow circles, if you are tired.







Картинки по запросу susan boyle britain has talent 





































Text for reading


































I. Choose

1 – It’s wrong to judge people by their appearance.

2 – Judging people by appearance can be useful, and is often right.

3 – If you try to judge people by their appearance, you will usually be wrong about them.

II. Look through the article again and say True or False:

  1. Susan Boyle came to the Britain’s got Talent as a famous singer.  
  2. She was alone.  
  3. Everybody in the show liked her appearance.   
  4. Nobody in the show liked her song. 
  5. Susan Fiske is Susan Boyle’s sister.  
  6. It was a rule to run away from aggressive people in the past.  
  7. People in the show thought that Susan Boyle is aggressive.  
  8. After the talent show she began to change her clothing and haircut style. 
17 серпня 2019
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