Урок "Is it difficult to be a friend."

Про матеріал
Чи легко бути другом, чи можуть батьки бути друзями для дитини - на ці питання шукаємо відповідь під час уроку.
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LESSON 8: Is it difficult to be a friend? Syntactic functions of the Infinitive.

Цілі: ознайомити з новим граматичним матеріалом; вдосконалювати навички читання, письма, говоріння, аудіювання, усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення;  виховувати загальну культуру студентів.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання та наочність: підручник, роздатковий матеріал, дошка.

Група: ІІ курс.



  1. Preparation

Good morning, students! How are you today? Is anyone absent today? What date is it today? Write down the date and the topic, please. They are on the board.

2. Checking home task

 1) What do you think: how bad should be relationships in a family to involve police into them? Answer the questions in ex. 4, p. 77.

2) Now let’s see how good you’ve understood what the infinitive is. Translate sentences into English using the infinitive:

- Я попросила їх принести не сперечатись.

- Ти маєш зараз припинити нервувати маму.

- Здається він вже два дні під домашнім арештом.

 - Батьки очікують, що ти дотримався обіцянки.

 - Виявляється вона не послухалась батьків.

 - Я хочу, щоб до завтра ви вже ладили одне з одним.

3. Writing

Apart from having different active and passive forms, the infinitive can execute various syntactic functions in sentences. Listen to the information and make notes.

The functions of the Infinitive

  1.         The Infinitive as the Subject.

When the Infinitive is used as the Subject, it is usually placed after the predicate and the sentence is introduced by the introductory it.

It is very hard to work under such conditions.

However, the Infinitive in this function can occur at the beginning of the sentence too.

To collect all this information for such a short period of time would be completely impossible!

  1.         The Infinitive can be used as a part of the Compound Predicate.


  1. Part of the Compound Nominal Predicate.

The plan was to go the dean.

  1.         Part of the Compound Verbal Modal Predicate

You should have told me about it yesterday.

  1.         Part of the Compound Verbal Aspect Predicate.

She began to cry.


  1.         The Infinitive used as an object.

I hate to ask people such questions.


  1.         The Infinitive can be used as an attribute.

The captain was the last to leave the ship


  1.         The Infinitive can be used as an adverbial modifier.


  1.         Adverbial modifier of purpose, often with the conjunctions in order and so as, especially when the meaning is negative.

She put on her coat in order not to catch cold.

  1.         Adverbial modifier of result after the adverbs too, enough and sufficiently.

Molecules are too small to see with an eye. 
c.  Adverbial modifier of comparison with conjunctions as if, as thought.

She began to talk loudly as if to show that she was not upset.

d.Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances.

An astronaut leaves the Earth and returns fifty years later to find his twin-brother quite an old man while he is still in the prime of his life. 

  1. The Infinitive can be used as parenthesis - to tell the truthto begin withto sum up, etc.

To begin with we have not enough money to buy it. 

7. When used in the Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction, the Infinitive performs the function of part of a Complex Object.

I saw him cross the street.

8. When used with the Nominative-with-the-Infinitive construction the Infinitive performs the function of part of the Compound Verbal Modal Predicate of special type (without modal verb).

He is sure to be waiting for us.

4. Speaking

In this life we have relations not only with our parents, but with other people too. 1) Tell: What do you think: can parents be your friends? Why? / Why not?

2) Read ex. 4, p. 91 and say if there are friendly relationships in this family.

3) Say which of the words in ex. 1, p. 99 appeal to relations in your family, what are their meanings?

4) Who are your friends? What do your parents think about them?

5. Reading

How do you solve the problem of dividing your time between your parents and your friends? How would you solve the situations in ex. 8, p. 92?

6. Summary

1) Would you like to have your parents as your friends?

2) What does it take to be a good friend?

3) Are you a good friend?

4) Do you have a best friend? Why is he / she your best friend?

7. Homework

Learn the rules, think on topic “Is it difficult to be a friend?”, be ready to speak.

8. Marks

     Who was the most active? And who was a little bit lazy? Why? Your marks for today are... The lesson is over. Good bye!


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 листопада 2019
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