Урок-квест для 4 класу

Про матеріал
Це урок-квест,який проводиться в кінці навчального року з метою виявити рівень навчальних досягнень учнів на кінець початкової школи у формі гри (квесту)
Перегляд файлу

4 form


(за підручником О. Карп'юк Англійська мова 4 клас)


  • навчальні: повторити лексико-граматичний матеріал 4 класу;
  • розвивальні: розвивати мовну і слухову пам’ять; розвивати вміння і навички правильного користування мовою; розвивати творчу уяву та здібності учнів; зацікавити учнів у вивченні іноземної мови; викликати в учнях позитивне ставлення до мови;
  • виховні: виховувати у учнів національну свідомість, любов до рідної країни та повагу до культури країн, мову яких вивчають; виховувати у учнів старанність, наполегливість, бажання творчо працювати.

Форма проведення: урок-квест


Початок уроку. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т. Good morning, children! Today we are going to recall themes which we were studying during this year. Today you have a chance to demonstrate your knowledge of English language and what you have already been taught. Before each game you will be given all necessary instructions how to work with the task.Two teams are taking part in our competition. Choose your team. One is  “Ukrainians”. The second one is “English”.

 Are you ready to start? Good luck!

The first station “Personal Information”, Numerals

T. The first game is called “Introduction”. Your task is to tell about yourself  your Ukrainian or English friend by plan.

About Myself

  1. Name________________________________________________________
  2. Surname ______________________________________________________
  3. Age _________________________________________________________
  4. Country_______________________________________________________
  5. Town_________________________________________________________
  6. School________________________________________________________
  7. Telephone number______________________________________________


T: I see that you can call you telephone number. And what about numerals? Call them. Ex. 4 p. 7

27 twenty-seven

34 thirty-four

46 forty-six

51 fifty-one

68 sixty-eight

75 seventy-five

82 eighty-five

200 two hundred


The second station “My School”

T. Your task is to listen and understand the information.

Ex. 5 p. 11 (Listen)

 Dear children,

Welcome to form 4. School starts on Tuesday at 8 o’clock. You need two copybooks, a pen, a pencil, an eraser and markers. School is over at 12 o’clock. See you on Tuesday in room 24.

Your new teacher, MrsEdwards.

Ex. 6 p. 12 (Choose)

  1. School starts on …
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  1. Children need …
  1. a pen and scissors
  2. markers and glue
  3. copybooks and markers
  1. School is over at …
  1. 12 o’clock
  2. 8 o’clock
  3. 10 o’clock
  1. Their teacher’s name is …
  1. Mrs Alison
  2. Miss Willkins
  3. Wrs Edwards


Key: 1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-c

T. Children, you are pupils. Do you understand time? Let’s check. (див. презентацію)

T: And now choose and say.

Ex. 3 p. 21

  1. What subjects (are/is) you going to take?
  2. (Is/are) your sister going to study Music at school?
  3. Dan (are going to/is going to) play football tomorrow.
  4. What time (am/is) it going to start?
  5. My friends (are going to/is going to) move to a new school next year.
  6. What (are/am) you going to buy?
  7. Liz (are/is) not going to play dolls.
  8. What uniform (is/are) Tom going to choose?

Key: 1-are; 2-is; 3- is going to;4-is; 5- are going to; 6-are; 7-is; 8-is

The third station “My Day”

T: Do you remember a song “This is the way I …”? Let’s sing it.

This is the way I wake up, wake up, wake up,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I wash my face, wash my face, wash my face,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I brush my teeth, brush my teeth, brush my teeth,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I have my breakfast, have my breakfast, have my breakfast,

So early in the morning.

This is the way I go to school, go to school, go to school,

So early in the morning.

The next your task is to tell about your day by the picture. (Розповідь за малюнком в ІІІ особі однини)


T: And now look at the screen. Read the text and write verbs in Present Simple Tense.

 Dohn and David are friends. John likes (like) sports. He … (swim) every day. Dohn and David … (play) basketball every week. They don’t play tennis. David … (like) running. John … (like) books. Every night he … (read) his book.

Key: 1-likes; 2-swims;3-play; 4-likes;5-likes; 6-reads

The fourth station “Holidays”

T: Children, what are your favourite holidays? When do we celebrate them?

Ex. 2 p. 88 (Match)

  1. St. Nicolas Day
  1. February, 14
  1. Easter
  1. December,19
  1. New Year
  1. April (or May)
  1. Mother’s Day
  1. January, 7 (or December, 25)
  1. St. Valentine Day
  1. January, 1
  1. Christmas Day
  1. March,8


Key: 1-b; 2-c; 3-e; 4-f; 5-a; 6-d

The fifth station “Nature. Weahter”

T: Our next station is “Nature. Weather”  The first your task is to write in plural the words (game) (див. додаток)

leaf –  __________________                   rose - __________________

snowflake- ______________                    sheep - _________________

bear- ___________________                    camel - _________________

goose - __________________                   mouse - _________________


T: And now let’s play the game “The Last Hero”. You task is to call as more animals as possible.

Т: The next your task is to compare animals (ступені порівняння прикметників)


 The sixth station “My Home. My City” (діалогічне мовлення)

Т: Read the dialoge and try to make your dialogе.

Ex. 2  p. 146

Police station, churt, school, bank

A: Excuse me, where is the … ?

B: Go down this street. …

A: Thank you.

B: That’s OK.



T: And now let’s sing  the song “The People in the Bus”

The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round.

The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. Open and shut.
The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. Swish swish swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish.

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. Up and down.
The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down.

The babies on the bus go, “Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah.”
The babies on the bus go, “Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah.”

The mommies on the bus go, “Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh.”
The daddies on the bus go, “Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh.”

Заключна частина. Підбиття підсумків уроку.






















C:\Users\Коваль Наталья\Desktop\8a317e46fa3133b6b34193b28924996c.jpg


C:\Users\Коваль Наталья\Desktop\e21787f1f1c490d1cfea44fda6325894.jpg

Коваль Наталя
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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Худик К.Г.)
31 липня 2019
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