Урок "Learning and studying."

Про матеріал
Навчання та його особливості. Ідіоми до теми навчання. Робота з відео до теми навчання.
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LESSON 2: Learning and studying.

Цілі: навчати та тренувати вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць, мовленнєвих засобів та граматичних структур в усному та писемному мовленні; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси студентів.

Тип уроку: тренувальний.

Обладнання та наочність: підручник, роздатковий  матеріал, відеоматеріали.

Група: ІІ курс.



  1. Preparation

Good morning, students! How are you today? Is anyone absent today? What date is it today? Write down the date and the topic, please. They are on the board.

2. Warm-up

1) Did everyone do the home work? Was it easy?

2) Did you find it difficult to learn idioms?

3) Is it difficult to study for you in general?

3. Checking home task

 What do you think: is it better to learn with certain help or to be an independent learner? Ex. 4, p 23 was your home task, let’s check how you’ve coped.

4. Speaking

1) Do ex. 1, p. 26.

2) Do ex. 2, p. 26.

3) Do you think you are a good student? Why? / Why not? (use arguments from ex. 1) How do you imagine a good/perfect/cool/bad teacher?

5. Reading

1) Read the information in the table “Vocabulary point”.

Now say: - what I the difference between phrases “to take exam” and “to pass exam”?

 - what people do when they: learn, study, teach?

- what is the difference between to know and to find out?

2) And now it’s time for school idioms. Read the idioms on cards and try to understand what they mean. Now read them in context and translate the sentences.

6. Writing

Write down the idioms and their translations. Make up your own examples of sentences with them. (думати над новими ідеями; той, хто багато читає; не отримати відповіді/бути проігнорованим.)

7. Watching

What do you think: are you good at English? See who is trying to learn English too (“Extra English” episode 1). Watch the video and answer the questions:

  1. Who are the characters?
  2. Where is Hector from?
  3. Does he speak English well or does he have to learn it?
  4. Who was to teach him some English? Did they cope well?
  5. What did the girls know about Hector and what new did Nick find out about him?

8. Summary

1) Is learning languages easy for you?

2) What is more important: to be a good student, to have a good teacher or both                           

     are equally important?

3) What would you like to find out about the language you learn?

9. Homework

Do ex. 3, p. 26.

10. Marks

     Your marks for today are... The lesson is over. Good bye!


  1. To brainstorm something


to draw a blank


  1. – We had to brainstorm plan “B” because plan “A” has failed.
  • My brother is a bookworm. He’s read every single book in our house.
  • Ann asked for help in class, but she just drew blank.










До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 листопада 2019
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