Урок "Мої іграшки" 2 клас

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Темою моїх методичних пошуків є «Формування арт-педагогічних технологій на уроках англійської мови учнів початкової ланки». Данний урок можна використовувати як молодим так досвіченим вчителям, які працюють з учнями молодших класів.

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Тема: Мої іграшки


навчальна: Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал теми. Ознайомити з новими ЛО і закріпити їх уживання в усному мовленні.  практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності.

розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків;

виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, загальну культуру учнів та  дбайливе ставлення до речей.

Обладнання: ноутбук, телевізор, набір карток, аудіо записи з теми.

Хід уроку

Warming up:

  1. Organizing moment. Creation of the favorable climate of the lesson.

T: Stand up, please! Good morning dear children!

Ps: Good morning dear teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you?

 Ps: We’re glad to see you too.

 T: I hope you are well!

Ps: We hope you are well too.

 T: Nice to meet you!

Ps: Nice to meet you too.

 T: Nice to see you!

Ps: Nice to see you too.

 T: How do you do?

Ps: How do you do?

T: So, my darling, who is on duty today?

Ps: I’m on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?

Ps: (….is/are absent today/ all are present)

T: What’s the weather like today?

Ps: today is (cold, cloudy, windy, rainy)

T: Thank you, and we will start our lesson from morning song. (відео ранкової пісні)

II Substantiation of the training

  1. The development of inner motivation for studying the topic

T: OK. And now let’s do our phonetic drills.

T t t - Tom, Tim, Ted, tiny teddy, tall, ten, puppet, boat.

P p p – k k k

R r r row row row, red, rest, robot, rabbit, rocket, rat.

 T h sound [ð] This is this, that is that,  these are these, those are those.

Together together together

Together every day

Together together together

We work and play.

[ou] Oh no,  don’t go home alone.

  1. Speaking drills.

T: We’ll done. And I’ve got some questions for you. – Do you like to play? – Yes I do! What do you like to play with? – I like to play with …, Do you like to play with a doll or with a ball? – I like to play with a doll.

III Reproduction of the knowledge on the topic of the lesson heeded for the further stages of the lesson.

T: Thank you very much, and now let’s check up your home task. We continue to study our topic “My toys”. The aim of our today’s lesson is to develop your speaking, reading and listening skills. You had to learn the new words for the dictation, but first of all let’s together recollect them. Look at the TV screen and recollect the words together (слова виведені на слайд презентації). Ok, and now, look at the screen and spell the words.

 So, my darling, today we have an unusual dictation, it is a spy dictation. We need to divide our group into two teams and choose the captain. I have already hidden the cards with the words in your class room, the captain task will be: to find the cards and to bring them to your team and to write down the words in your copy-books and try to do it as quicker as possible. You have only 3 minutes. So, ready, steady, go.

T: Ok, and now let’s have a relaxation, stand up, please and let’s sing the song about different activities (відео пісня na na na I’m so happy).

IV The awareness of the meaning of the lesson.

  1. Listening Comprehension

T: Thank you, sit down please. We’ll continue our lesson, and now you have the task. You will be watching the vidio about toys. But be very attentive, after watching you’ve got the questions. (video Toy shop)

  • Answer the questions:
  • 1. What colour is the robot?
  • 2. What colour is the plane?
  • 3. What Kristy’s favourite toy?
  • 4.Where are the children playing?
  1. Reading Comprehension

T: Ok, and now you have another task. I will read you the text, then we will read and translate it together and do the tasks according to the text. (I read the text, oxford primary skills). And now readthe text by chain (прочитали та переклали)

And now let’s do True and False task (роздрукований текст, та впр 3, 4)


  1. Speaking Comprehension

T: Thank you, my dear, and I’ve got a surprise for you. It is a magic bag, which help us to find out about your favourite toy. Nastya, go to the black board and take out one toy from the magic bag. So, what it is? Descried you toy, look at the screen, it will help you. (3 monologues).

T: that’ll do, and now write down your homework. You need to do the project, about your favourite toy. 

T: so, our lesson is over, good bye dear children.

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Москальчук Ярослав
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
9 січня 2019
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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