Урок за темою: My Beloved Ukraine
Practical: by the end of the lesson pupils will have revised the information they have learned about Ukraine.
Developing: all skills (pupils will have practiced listening, writing, reading, speaking).
Aims: практикувати активний словниковий запас за темою, сформувати і узагальнити основні знання з теми «Ukraine», формувати навички діалогічного і монологічного мовлення, складання питань і відповідей на них, формувати інтерес до країни, в якій живеш.
Equipment: карта світу, карта України, презентація (слайд–шоу) «Ukraine». CD з піснями про Україну, національні символи України.
1. Greetings and vocabulary revision
T. Good afternoon
P.s Good afternoon (пісня)
How are you?
How do you do!
Hope you are too.
How are you?
(music #254 – start with English) На дошці синоніми:
T What`s the day today?
P It`s Tuesday today!
The weather is fine.
The sun is shining,
The sky is blue.
I`m so happy!
I`m so happy too!
2. Defining the aims and the tasks of the lesson
( Звучить пісня «Пісня про рушник» – «A Song About A Towel»
учениця співає на англійській мові)
Dear mother, my love,
You were not often sleeping,
And you helped me in life and my home alone,
And to distant my way you saw off me at dawn,
And you gave me your towel embroіdered by you.
And to distant my way you saw off me at dawn,
And you gave me your towel for luck and the fortune to me.
T. What is it?
P. It`s a song.
T. What associations do you have with it?
T. And as you guess the theme of our lesson is Ukraine. (Pupils all together)
Today we`ll speak with you about Ukraine and the Ukrainians.
We`ll revise the information about Ukraine.
Look at the blackboard, please. You can see some lines there.
This nice verse can be the motto of the lesson:
My dear Ukraine,
Independent you live!
We hope again
And in future believe.
The main part of the lesson.
1. Speaking and reading
T. Well, tell me please. Where does your homeland begin?
P.1 It begins with my mother
P.2 It begins with my native town
P.3 It begins with my Kharkiv
P.4 It begins with my home
P.5 It begins with my friends
P.6 It begins with my family
T. You are quite right. Now we’ll read a short text:
Where does your homeland begin for you?
With pictures on ABC cards,
With old and reliable friends of yours,
Who live in the neighboring yard.
But maybe it starts with cradlesongs
Your mother once sang low and sweet,
The memories no one can take from you,
Whatever ordeals you may meet…
(Музика «С чего начинается Родина»)
T. Listen to the song and compare the text with the original.
(Cлухаючи пісню на російській мові, порівнюємо з англійським текстом пісні, який написано на дошці)
T. Repeat the words, please. (Reliable, cradlesongs, ordeals)
2. Team work.
T. Now we are going to work in two groups. These pupils are certainly the Ukrainian schoolchildren (діти у вишиванках), and those pupils are the foreign guests.
Imagine that you`ve just come from different countries and you are interested in everything connected with Ukraine.
(Team I begins with the song –“I`m from Ukraine”)
P.1 My dear friends,
I`d like to speak of land
I wish you must defend
The slightest bend.
P.2 Sweet Ukraine. I can`t explain how very much you mean to me.
T Our tourists will ask the hosts about Ukrainian traditions, customs and culture.
P.1 What Ukrainian traditions can you tell us about?
P.2 One of them – it is to greet guests with bread and salt.
(One of the pupils greets the guests with bread and salt on a towel saying « Welcome to Ukraine » )
P.1 What are the symbols of Ukraine?
P.2 Look around the classroom. You can see the simple symbols of the Ukrainian land: branches of pussy–willow, snow–ball trees in a jug, an embroidered linen table–cloth, some Ukrainian towels made of flax.
Розповіді учнів супроводжуються демонстрацією слайдів (діапроектор).
Our flag is yellow and blue. The yellow colour symbolizes golden grain fields and the sun. The blue one symbolizes the blue sky.
T. Please, other questions?
(In the South–Eastern Europe)
(In Zakarpatska oblast)
P And now, dear friends, guess my riddle.
In this box I`ve hidden something that is connected with our country.
Take my hints:
T.Yes, it`s hryvna – the national currency.
T. Let’s do it together
5. Musical pause
A Ukrainian dance is performed + song “The Red Flower”.
Can you tell me the truth?
Where you’ve got such a magic,
I have been all these days
In the spirit of sadness,
Maybe somewhere in the woods
You have looked for the spell herbs,
You have found the sun rut
And have charmed me with magic.
Don’t look for the ruta,
You don’t look for it in evenings.
You are the only my love,
You are really one,
‘Cause of your beauty
That looks like clear water,
Quick shiny water
From mountain hills.
T. Thanks a lot! We invite our tourists to Ukraine.
Now I give you the cards and you
1. Complete the following sentences using the facts that you know:
2. Write if these statements are true or false:
1. Kharkiv is the capital of Ukraine.
2. Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe.
3. The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.
4. The Ukrainian flag has got three stripes on it.
5. The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.
6. The Ukrainian people are proud of their motherland.
T. You know a lot of proverbs about home and native country. Well, let`s check up.
3. There are the beginnings of the famous sayings. Your task is to complete them.
(учні закінчують прислів’я на дошці)
III. Summing up
T. Good for you. You’ve done lots of work. Let`s say what we have done at the lesson today, using the pattern:
-We have discussed the information about Ukraine, our country.
-We have put each other questions and answered them.
We have made different kinds of activities.
We have watched the sights.
We have sung the songs
-We have danced
-We have worked with the map
-We have spoken about Ukraine
-I have lived in Ukraine all my life.
T. And what has Lera done?
P. She has sung the song.
T. What grammar tense did we use?
P. Present Perfect.
T. That’s right! You are perfect.
IV. The game
Now let’s play snow–balls. The theme of the game is Ukraine.
V. Hometask
Your hometask for the next lesson is to write a short composition under the following title “My Ukraine”.
You have worked hard, you have done your best.
Your marks are good and excellent… Today you`ve shown a good knowledge of the topic…
And now I`d like you to finish the lesson with our song. (“The ink is black, the page is white”- учні співають пісню).
T. Thank you. The lesson is over.
- Good bye
The ink is black, the page is white,
Together we learn to read and write.
To read and write.
And now is our Motherland.
The board is black, the chalk is white,
The words stand out so clear and bright,
So clear and bright.
And now at last we clearly see
Ukrainian people are Family.
The child is black, the child is white
The whole world looks upon the sight,
A beautiful sight.
For very well the whole world knows,
This is the way our Friendship grows