Відкритий урок "Визначні місця Лондону"

Про матеріал
Тема. У Лондоні. Визначні місця Лондона Мета. Поповнити словниковий запас учнів новими ЛО, ввести їх у мовлення, звернути особливу увагу на вимову власних назв. Формувати мовленнєву компетенцію учнів в аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні, письмі. Розвивати вміння розуміти висловлювання співбесідника в різних ситуаціях спілкування. Вивчити вживання конструкції to be going to. Розвивати увагу, мислення, швидку реакцію при відповідях на запитання, вміння знаходити потрібну інформацію у прочитаному тексті. Виховувати повагу до культури, способу життя, традицій країни, мову якої вивчаємо; толерантне, доброзичливе ставлення до співбесідника. Тип уроку: засвоєння нових знань.
Перегляд файлу

Тема. У Лондоні. Визначні місця Лондона

Мета. Поповнити словниковий запас учнів новими ЛО, ввести їх у мовлення, звернути особливу увагу на вимову власних назв. Формувати мовленнєву компетенцію учнів в аудіюванні, говорінні, читанні, письмі. Розвивати вміння розуміти висловлювання співбесідника в різних ситуаціях спілкування. Вивчити вживання конструкції to be going to. Розвивати увагу, мислення, швидку реакцію при відповідях на запитання, вміння знаходити потрібну інформацію у прочитаному тексті. Виховувати повагу до культури, способу життя, традицій країни, мову якої вивчаємо;  толерантне, доброзичливе ставлення до співбесідника.

Тип уроку: засвоєння нових знань.

Обладнання: фото визначних місць Лондона, таблички з назвами визначних місць, карта Лондона, запис пісні, роздатковий матеріал

Хід уроку

І. Актуалізація опорних знань:

1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Greeting. Привітання.

T: Hello, pupils. Nice to see you.

Ps: Nice to see you too.

T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? Write the date in your exercise-books. Today we have some guests in our classroom again. But it is a usual lesson and you mustn’t be afraid of anything.


2. Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети. (Слайд)

So, friends, today we are going to travel to London and its sights. But at first let’s practice some sounds and say a tongue twister.

3. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. (Слайд)

Learning a poem.

Up, down, up, down,

What is the way

to London town?

II. Сприймання і засвоєння нової навчальної інформації.

1. Бесіда в режимі TP1, P2, ...

- Do you like to travel?

- Why do people travel?

- What means of travelling do you know?

- What is the fastest (the cheapest, the most expensive, the most comfortable) kind of travelling?

- What do you know about London?

- What places of interest do you know in London?

  1. Presenting Vocabulary and Practice


T: Today were going to learn new words and revise the old ones. Firstly, let’s revise the places of interest in London.

1) Називання  визначних місць Лондона (Слайд)

1) Складання словосполучень

1.the National                a)Parliament

2. the Houses of             b)Museum

3. Westminster               c)Square

4. the British                   d)Gallery

5. Trafalgar                     e)Palace

6. St. Paul’s                    f)Abbey

7. Buckingham                g)Cathedral


 2) На дошці – фото визначних місць Лондона, завдання – прикріпити до них таблички з написами (фото та назви на Аркушах)

T: Now you see London sights on the blackboard. There are all their names on my table. Your task is to take a piece of paper, read it and put the name to its place.

3) Повторення визначних місць Лондону. Аудіювання на основі відео. (+Картки)

T: Now it’s time to watch a video. The speaker is Sophia who is a famous blogger. She is speaking about her visit to London. Your task will be to watch it very attentively and listen to her information. Then we will do the TRUE/False task. Ok?

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi. (False. She told that the underground tube is the fastest way to the centre of London, but she decided to travel by bus because she could look out the window while travelling.)

2. The day of travelling was very sunny. (False. It was a very foggy day.)

3. The weather in London changes all the time. (True. Sophia says that you can experience the four seasons all in one week.)

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year. (True)

5. After travelling Sophia and her family had dinner in one of the London restaurants. (True)

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time. (False. The weather was a little bit bad, it didn’t stop them from having a good time.)


3. Уведення ЛО (на слайдах із зображеннями для здогадки значення слів)

1) Запис нових слів у словники

 Royal (королівська родина, королівський театр, королівський символ, королівська церква)

  Not far from (недалеко від школи, недалеко від пошти, недалеко від станції, недалеко від Будинку Парламенту)

  Tomb (стара могила, могила відомого поета, багато могил)

  Ancient (стародавня традиція, давня могила, стародавня пам’ятка)

  Treasure (скарби музею, скарби нашої країни, стародавній скарб )

  Architecture (стародавня архітектура, красива архітектура)

  Ring of bells (великий дзвін, стародавній дзвін)

  2) Складання речень з новими словами

  3) Match the words with their definitions (картки)

- It is something very, very old (ancient)

- Buildings of some town or city (architecture)

- Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money (treasure)

- The chair where Queen and kings are crowned (Coronation Chair)

 4. Читання тексту. Вправа 4, с.124

 5. Відповіді на запитання до тексту - слайд

- How old is Westminster Abbey?

- What tombs are there in Westminster Abbey?

- What is the main treasure of Westminster Abbey?

- When was Paul’s Cathedral built?

- What monuments can we see in St. Paul’s Cathedral?

- What is Paul’s Cathedral famous for?

- What is the official residence of the Queen?

- What can we find in the Buckingham Palace?

 6. Фізхвилинка. Вчитель називає пам’ятки світу, якщо вони знаходяться в Лондоні, - діти встають, якщо ні – залишаються сидіти за партами.

Big Ben, Tower Bridge, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sviato-Voskresenska Church, the Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Red Square, the Globe Theatre, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the Statue of Freedom, Trafalgar Square.

  7. Робота в групах. Розвиток непідготовленого мовлення. Дітям даються пазли з зображенням якоїсь пам’ятки. Завдання –  назвати визначне місце, яке на малюнку, скласти розповідь, що запам’яталось про нього.

8. Presenting Grammar. Подання нового граматичного матеріалу. СЛАЙД


T: Today you are going to learn the using of the grammar construction “to be going to”. It is used when you speak about the future events, when you plan to do something both in the nearest future or in a year, for example.

I am going to travel this summer.

She is going to the cinema next week.


“To be going to” is used in Present Continuous Tense and in Past Continuous Tense. Both of them we have already learnt. Do you remember? (слайд із + - ? реченнями)

1) Робота в парах. Діалогічне мовлення. (Слайд)

Imagine you and your friend are in London. Ask him \her what he\she is going to visit

- What are you going to do on Monday (Tuesday…)?

- I am going to visit (to take photos, to have fun, …) Trafalgar Square.




visit Trafalgar Square


take photos


have fun


meet royal family


call my friends


travel around London


III. Заключна частина

  1.     Закріплення вивченої лексики

Now let’s revise our material and complete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

  This is a very beautiful town. You can see many ancient buildings here. One of them is a royal palace. It is situated not far from the museum. In the museum you can see real treasure of the country. The architecture of the town is very interesting.

  1.     Домашнє завдання.

Вправа 7, с.125, записати план екскурсії, використавши конструкцію to be going to.

* скласти розповідь за планом впр.7, с.125

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Watch a video. Decide whether the statement is true or false.

1. Sophia decided to travel by taxi.

2. The day of travelling was very sunny.

3. The weather in London changes all the time.

4. Wintertime in London is Sophia’s favourite time of the year.

5. After travelling Sophia and her family went to have dinner in one of the London restaurants.

6. The weather was bad, so Sophia had a bad time.

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Match the words with their definitions

  1. It is something very, very old                                              a) Coronation Chair
  2. Buildings of some town or city                                           b) treasure
  3. Something is very valuable, it costs a lot money                 c) architecture
  4. The chair where Queen and kings are crowned                   d) ancient

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.

Сomplete the text with the words: ancient, not far from, architecture, royal, treasure.

           This is a very beautiful town. You can see many __________________ buildings here. One of them is a ________________ palace. It is situated _________________ the museum. In the museum you can see real _______________ of the country. The _________________ of the town is very interesting.


Big Ben

Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

Trafalgar Square

Westminster Abbey

The Houses of Parliament

London Eye

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

The National Gallery

Piccadilly Circus


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