Урок на тему "Food. Fruits."

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Розробка уроку на тему "Food. Fruits" для 1 класу НУШ за підручником Smart Junior 1.
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Lesson plan

Grade: 1      

Date: ___________

Module: 7 Food. Fruit.

Lesson: 7a

Lesson time: 35 minutes

Teachers: Y.O. Poloziuk

Aim: to learn to pronounce English sounds;

  • to revise the counting rhyme;
  • to make up dialogues;
  • to learn the words on the topic “Fruit”.

Vocabulary: apple, lemon, orange, banana, grapes, strawberry.

Structures: It’s a/an … . Is it a/an…?

Materials: flashcards, puppet, TV, USB flash drive, toy fruits, two baskets, colouring pages.

Type of the lesson: formation of students’ lexical skills on the topic “Fruits”.

Learning outcomes: students are able to pronounce some English sounds;

  • students have revised the counting rhyme;
  • students have made up dialogues;
  • students have learnt the words on the topic “Fruit”;
  • students have played different vocabulary games;
  • students have worked individually, in pairs and in teams.

Stages of the lesson. Timing.

Teaching procedures and teachers language

Learner activities and language




5 min

1.Teacher and students greet each other by singing the song “Hello! How are you?”. After that teacher asks some students the question “How are you?” and they respond to it.



Phonetic practice.

2.Teacher reads the fairy tale about Mr.Tongue. While reading the teacher explains how to pronounce some English sounds and students try to pronounce them properly.



Language practice.

3. Revising the counting rhyme “One – a cat” one student chooses a pair of pupils and they make up a dialogue in front of the class.


A: Hello!

B: Hello!

A: What’s your name?

B: My name is … . What is your name?

A: I am … . How old are you?

B: I am 6. How old are you?

A: I am 7. How are you today?

B: I am… . How are you today?

A: I am … . Where are you from?

B: I am from Ukraine. Where are you from?

A: I am from Ukraine. Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you, too. Good-bye!

A: Bye-bye!



How are you?

I’m good/OK/



Sounds [α:], [ↄ], [w], [h], [u:], [m], [v], [t], [d]




Introducing phrases.

Whole class







Whole class







In pairs.



12 min

1.Presentation vocabulary.

There are ten flashcards with the pictures of doors with numbers on them. Students name the number and open the door. The teacher names the fruit that is hidden behind the door, students repeat after the teacher.

2.Game “Sit down-stand up”.

Six students play this game at a time. Each pupil gets a flashcard with a picture of a fruit on it. The teacher names different fruits and when the student hears the name of a fruit he’s got on his flashcard he/she should either stand up or sit down.

3. Game “Fly Catchers”.

The teacher names the fruit and the students should tag it with a fly catcher as quickly as possible.

apple, lemon, orange, banana, grapes, strawberry

Whole class







A group of 6 pupils






3-4  players



3 min

Students watch, listen, sing and dance to the video song “Peel Banana”.


Whole class


Vocabulary games


12 min

1.Game “Curious Puppet”.

 The dragon-puppet shows the flashcards and asks the students to name the fruit.

2.Game “What’s Missing?”

Students memorize the fruits on the flashcards, then close their eyes, the teacher takes one or two flashcards away, students open their eyes and try to guess the missing flashcard.

3. Game “Captain Flint”.

One student, Captain Flint, names the fruits pictured on the blackboard, if he names them correctly, then the whole class repeats after him. When the Captain makes a mistake, then his ship is drown in the ocean.

4. “Basket” game.

Two teams each of 6 students, participate in this game. A student closes his/her eyes, takes a fruit out of the basket and tries to name it with his eyes closed. Participants take turns.

apple, lemon, orange, banana, grapes, strawberry



apple, lemon, orange, banana, grapes, strawberry


apple, lemon, orange, banana, grapes, strawberry

Whole class




Whole class




Whole class







2 teams

(12 students)

Closing activity

3 min

Learning outcomes.

Feedback with Smileys.


Whole class



















17 листопада 2019
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