Урок на тему “Food.” Підручник: Prepare 6

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку містить цікаві вправи на розвиток навичок читання, аудіювання, говоріння. Діти вчаться вибирати страви та розігрувати діалог в ресторані.
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Topic: Food


  •       to improve lexical skills;
  •       to revise and practise vocabulary on the topic;
  •       to improve speaking, writing, reading and listening skills;
  •       to develop skills to work in pairs;
  •        to bring up the interest in learning English.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name healthy and unhealthy food, say what they like  as a starter, a main course and a dessert , use phrases in a restaurant.

Equipment: printed cards, worksheets.






T: Match the parts of proverbs. 

If you are really hungry,                      whatever you eat  tastes delicious.

Appetite comes                                    with eating.

After dinner sit a while,                       after supper walk a mile.

          Eat  with pleasure,                               drink with measure.

          Don’t live to eat,                                  eat to live.

Too many cooks spoil                          the broth.

As hungry as                                        a hunter.

An apple a day keeps                           the doctor away. 

The  Main Part


1. “Healthy and unhealthy food”

Children revise vocabulary on the topic “Healthy and unhealthy food.”

Watching the video “Top 10 Healthiest Foods in the World.” https://youtu.be/2xF4uxlzw6k

Pre-watching activities. 

The teacher has got pictures of top 10 healthiest foods in the world and gives them to children. Children name them. Then the teacher gives cards with words and pupils must find a pair. They must guess the succession of 10 healthiest foods in the world.

While- watching activities.

Children are watching the video and putting pictures with words in the logical order.

Post-watching activities.

Children check up, revise words and remember healthy food.


Problems about food and drinks


 Read the problems below and discuss possible solutions.  


Compare your solutions with different classmates.  Do you agree or disagree with their ideas?  


1. Circle the word that is different
1   apples      onion      pineapple      strawberries

2   carrots      mushrooms      peas      prawns

3   beef      chicken      eggs      lamb

4   bread      milk      pasta      rice

5   crisps      cucumber      lettuce      tomatoes

6   butter      cheese      fish      yoghur

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

chef      customers      fork      knife      menu      service      tray      waiter

1   The …………………… was bad, because the waiters were very slow, so we aren’t leaving a tip

2   I can’t cut this meat because I haven’t got a ……………………

3   I can’t eat my salad because I haven’t got a ……………………

4   Let’s ask the …………………… for the bill.

5   That restaurant always has a lot of …………………… It’s very popular.

6   Would you like to see the dessert ……………………?

7   Please tell the …………………… that the fish was excellent.

8   We often have dinner on a …………………… in front of the TV.

3. Food categories

There are printed cards with food items. Pupils should put them into

the correct categories (on the board).


apple beef butter cabbage carrot cheese chicken crab cucumber garlic ham lamb

lettuce milk olive onion orange peach pork salmon shrimp/prawns tomato tuna yogurt


Meat         Fruit and vegetables           Fish and seafood            Dairy products



  1. Complete the dialogue with five of the phrases below. There are two extra phrases.

And for you, sir?                                         And for your main course?

And what would you like, madam?            Are you ready to order?

Let’s leave a tip.                                        The same for me.

                    Would you like anything to drink?


Waiter   1………………………………

Man         Yes, we are. I’d like the fishcakes to start, please.

Waiter     Certainly. 2………………………………

Man         Can I have the chicken curry, please?

Waiter     Of course. 3………………………………

Woman   To start, the soup. Followed by the prawn stir-fry.

Waiter     Very good. 4………………………………

Woman   Can I have water, please?

Man         5………………………………

Waiter     Of course.

  1. Look at the menu below. Imagine you are eating alone at this restaurant. Choose and circle a starter, a main course and a dessert.



Homemade Fish Balls RecipeStarter

               French onion soup

Fish balls

Tomato soup

                                          Main course

Easy Baked Chicken Legs/Drumsticks • Salt & Lavender                                          Chicken and mushroom pie

Fish pie

Vegetable curry

Chicken legs


French fries

                                           Pasta with tomato sauce


     Coffee cake with ice cream


Cheesecake Recipe                       Drinks

                    Fruit juice



                Mineral water



  1. Now act out a dialogue in a restaurant. Use your menu in exercise 2 and phrases from exercise 1.



