Конспект уроку розрахований на 90 хвилин. У розробці містяться матеріали для поглиблення та перевірки знань учнів з запропонованої теми. Заняття було насичене інтерактивними технологіями, за допомогою яких вивчення іноземної мови стає цікавішим та збагачує знання студентів з вивченої теми.
Для того, щоб бути справжнім патріотом, недостатньо лише любити свою країну. Дуже важливо знати історію та традиції свого народу, і не важливо якою мовою ми говоримо!
ПІБ вчителя Жукова Юлія Володимирівна
Місце роботи Комунальний вищий навчальний заклад «Бериславський педагогічний коледж імені В.Ф. Беньковського» Херсонської ради
Досвід роботи 5 років
Тема: Історія України. Grammar: Present, Past and Future Perfect. Past Perfect and Past Simple Tenses
формувати уявлення про фонетичні звуки; формувати фонетичну компетентність через вивчення окремих звуків; закріпити знання часових форм дієслова групи Perfect; поглиблювати знання студентів з історії України;
розвивати фонематичний слух та артикуляцію; розвивати образне уявлення історичного становлення України;
виховувати інтерес до минулого свого народу та усної народної творчості; виховувати патріотизм;
формувати соціальну, комунікативну, предметну компетентності відповідно до Державного стандарту початкової загальної освіти; виробляти мовно-комунікативні компетенції майбутньої ділової людини-педагога;
Тип заняття: заняття на розвиток мовленнєвих вмінь.
-словесний: бесіда; пояснення граматичного матеріалу; евристична бесіда
-наочний: пояснювально-ілюстративнай;
Інтерактивні технології:
-«Вітер дме до тих хто… знає відповідь»;
-евристична бесіда;
Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація, підручник, роздатковий матеріал (картки), англо-українські словники, підручники, відео та аудіо записи.
Здоров’язбережувальні технології: фізкультхвилинка
Міждисциплінарні зв’язки: Історія України, Культурологія, Українська мова та література.
1. Калініна Л. В., Англійська мова. Your English Self: Підручник для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (9-й рік навчання) / Л. В. Калініна, І. В. Самойлюкевич [Текст] : – К. : Наш час, 2012. – 367 С.
2. Зубков М., Мюллер В. Сучасний англо-український та українсько-англійський словник [Текст] : - Вид. 2-ге, випр. та доп. – Х.: ВД ‹‹ШКОЛА››, 2012. – 752с.
3. Назарова Л. М., Англійська мова: Посібник для студентів юридичних спеціальностей [ТЕКСТ]. - Л. М. Назарова— X.: Право, 2006. — 312 с.
4. 101 цікава педагогічна ідея. Як зробити урок, — X.: Вид. група «Основа», 2009,— 88 с,— (Серія «Золота педагогічна колекція»)
Режим доступу: http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/10/27/the-national-anthem-of-ukraine-translated-to-english/.- Назва з екрану
3. Video the national anthem of Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] //Video the national anthem of Ukraine. - Режим доступу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55xNtJVyTpQ. - Назва з екрану
4. Zlata Ognevich [Електронний ресурс] //Video Zlata Ognevich – Pray for Ukraine. - Режим доступу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT7hTVMrwQo. - Назва з екрану
5. Mark D. Pencil [Електронний ресурс] // Following Directions With Exercise (great brain break/classroom exercise) by Mark D. Pencil - Режим доступу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUUNCKF0YhQ.- Назва з екрану
6. Набеева Т. [Електронний ресурс] // Набеева Т., Just English stories. Урок 25. Читання англійської літери U в чотирьох типах складів. Режим доступу: http://englishstory.ru/chtenie-angliyskoy-bukvyi-u.html#ixzz4Qq6IOuvi. – Назва з екрану
8. Транскрипція і правила читання англійської мови [Електронний ресурс] // Транскрипція і правила читання англійської мови на Study.ru. - Режим доступу: http://www.study.ru/support/transcription.html. - Назва з екрану
Хід заняття
The national anthem of Ukraine. While listening the national anthem of Ukraine stand straight. Перед початком заняття студенти об’єднані у 2 групи.
1.1 Greeting.
Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you today. Let`s start our lesson as usual with phonetic exercise.
Today were going to revise sound [ju:]. Let`s try to remember the main rules of reading of letter U. Продовжуємо повторювати правила читання англійською мовою. Ви знаєте, що в англійському алфавіті всього шість голосних букв, але складність їх читання пов'язана з наявністю чотирьох різних типів складів:
Завжди o+o: foot [fut], boot [bu:t], took [tuk], moon [mu:n]; Після p у закритому складі інколи вживається короткий варіант: put [put], push [pu∫] (якщо попередня буква p); Ou + приголосна: could [ku:d], wound [wu:nd] (рідко);R + u+ приголосна + голосна: prune [pru:n], rumour [ru:mə]. Do the tasks 1 «Tic-Tac-Toad» on the screen. Say the name of each picture. Write U if it makes the short U sound. Circle the row with three short U sounds.Правильна відповідь
1.3 Мовленнєва зарядка. Евристична бесіда.
Let’s start our lesson with the interactive technology “The wind is blowing for those who…know the answers”. Look at the board. There are some questions for you about the history of Ukraine. If you know the answer, raise your hand. [3, 11]
Answer: It is situated in central-eastern Europe.
Answer: It is 603700 km2.
Answer: Ukraine borders on Belarus, Russia Federation, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.
Answer: It is washed by the Black sea and the Sea of Azov.
Anawer: I know such rivers as…….
II. Основна частина заняття
2.1 Перевірка домашнього завдання
Випереджальне домашнє завдання: вивчити лексику заняття подану на сторінці 203, записати до словників; прочитати текст The Kyiv Rus та перекласти українською мовою. Open your vocabularies and show me the lexis. Repeat it and translate.
2.2 Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.
Look at the screen here is the theme of our lesson. Історія України. Grammar: Present, Past and Future Perfect. Past Perfect and Past Simple Tenses. Today we shall do a lot of interesting speaking, reading, writing and other activities. So I wish you good luck! (СЛАЙД 6)
Now, we`re going to work under the new lexis and active vocabulary [1;203]. Let’s read it. You can see on the screen with translation and explanation. Read and try to remember. Maybe there is someone who wants to start?
-ancient/modern history - прадавня/сучасна історія
-to record events – записувати події
-to befall the country – відбуватися з/в країні
-to familiarize oneself with history – ознайомитися з історією/минулим
-to think historically – думати/мислити історично
-ancient chronicles – прадавня хроніка
-to penetrate into sth- проникати/входити в
-conquest – завоювання, підкорення, перемога
-to create powerful political entity – створювати могутню політичну організацію
-under sb’s rule/reign - під керуванням/правлінням
-to wage (a) war – воювати, боротися
-precursor – передвісник, попередник
-to be historically accepted – бути історично схваленим/прийнятим
- I’d like to start by saying that… - Хотілося б почати з…
- I can’t but agree – не можу не погодитися
- at the height of sth – в самому центрі чого-небудь
- to be baptized – прийняти хрещення, охреститися
-to win sth back – повернути назад (щодо території)
-to stem from sth – виникати у результаті чого-небудь
-disaster – катастрофа, лихо
-to strengthen sth – зміцнювати що-небудь
-to expend sth – витрачати що-небудь
-to undertake the defence of sb/sth – організовувати оборону кого-небудь/чого-небудь
Open your copybooks for dictation, write down the day and the date. And do the task 2. You can get 7 balls if you give 14 right answers.(1*10)
Match the words with its translations: |
1.to befall the country; 2.to penetrate into sth; 3.conquest; 4.under sb’s rule/reign; 5.to wage (a) war; 6.at the height of sth; 7.to be baptized; 8.to stem from sth; 9.to strengthen sth; 10.to undertake the defence of sb/sth
a завоювання, підкорення, перемога d воювати, боротися e зміцнювати що-небудь f організовувати оборону кого-небудь/чого-небудь g відбуватися з/в країні h виникати у результаті чого-небудь i прийняти хрещення, охреститися j проникати/входити в l в самому центрі чого-небудь m під керуванням/правлінням |
Check the results:1 – g; 2 – j; 3 – a; 4 – m; 5 – d; 6 – l; 7 – i; 8 – h; 9 – e; 10- f -
2.4 Reading. Читання.
Pre-reading activities. Read the text. Then try to feel the blank. But firstly, look at it and read very attentive. We are going to make “The timeline of historical events of Ukraine”. [3;172-173] (СЛАЙД 10)
While-reading activities. Highlight the datum in the texts on your tables. Be attentive with datum and historical people.
From Kyiv Rus
Over a thousand years ago, on the vast expanses stretching from the Carpathian Mountains in the west to the Volga River in the east, from the Black Sea in the south to the White Sea in the north, appeared one of the largest and mightiest medieval powers Kyiv Rus.
In 882, the most legendary Prince Oleh the Seer defeated Kyiv Princes Askold and Dir and rallied round Kyiv the Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe. “Let Kyiv be Mother of Rus cities”, he said as the chronicle reads.
Under the first Kyiv Princes Oleh the Seer, Ihor the Elder and Svyatoslav the Warrior Kyiv Rus became a strong power in Eastern Europe. In 955, Kyiv Princess Olha was baptized at Constantinopol. The Eastern Orthodox faith was introduced in Rus by Prince Volodymyr the Great, and the first ceremony of baptism took place in 988.
It was under Prince Volodymyr the Great (980-1015) and Prince Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) that Kyiv Rus reached its apex, becoming a major factor in European politics. But in the 12th century feudal strife split Kyiv Rus into principalities and lands.
From the 13th century Ukraine was continuously being attacked by the Tatar-Mongols, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers, who pursued a policy of merciless national oppression. The long struggle of Ukrainian people for independence ended victoriously under the leadership of B. Khmelnitsky. In 1654, a treaty of union between Ukraine and Russian tsar was signed, recognizing the right of the hetman to administer Ukraine, to possess an army and navy, collect taxes. Soon after Khmelnitsky’s death, the tsar came to interpret the treaty as merely a “personal union” and demanded its revision whenever a new hetman was to be elected. Setting weak but jealous hetman candidates against one another and bribing Cossack officers with land grants and titles of nobility became the tsars’ method of gradual conquest. Several hetmans tried to break away from Russia but failed. After each such defeat the tsar accused the Ukrainians of treason and reduced their treaty rights even more. Finally, in 1764, the office of hetman was abolished altogether, and in 1775 Katherine II, destroyed the stronghold of the Ukrainian sovereignty, the Zaporizhian Sich, introduced serfdom in Ukraine, made slaves of the Ukrainian peasants, presenting them, together with their land to her favourites. The Ukrainian people have never stopped struggling against tsarist economic and national oppression.
A revolt by Russian Bolsheviks in 1917 led to the establishment of a Communist government in Russia. The next year, Ukraine became an independent country but soon came under the rule of Communist Russia. It later became part of the Soviet Union and was called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians died of famine. For many decades, Ukrainians were being forced to use the Russian language and the Russian culture was being favoured over the Ukrainian one.
In 1991, following an upheaval in the Soviet government, Ukraine declared its political independence. Later that year, it became recognized as an independent country after the breakup of the Soviet Union. It also joined the Commonwealth of Independent States, a loose association of former Soviet republics.
Усна робота з картками. The next step is finding the events that had happened in this periods of time. Task 3. Complete the chart of some periods in the history of Kyiv Rus and Ukraine [3;176]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
17 |
А.D. 800s 882 955 ... 12th century 13th century 1654 ... 1775 1917 ... 1918 1932-1933 ... 1941-1945 ...
August, 24, 1991 |
1. a Slavic civilization called Rus grew up at Kyiv. 2. .... 3. .... 4. Kyiv Rus reached its apex. 5. .... 6. .... 7. .... 8. the office of hetman was abolished altogether. 9. .... 10..... 11.Civil War in Ukraine. 12..... 13..... 14.Western Ukraine joined the UkrSSR. 15..... 16.the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. 17.... |
Post-reading activities.
Task 4. Drove the timeline in your copybooks, match all the dates from the text on it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
AD 800s August, 24, 1991
2.5 Speaking. Говоріння. Working with sayings and Ukrainian proverbs. (СЛАЙД 13)Task 5. Each group has the same proverbs. Choose only one and explain the meaning.
Your tongue will lead you even to Kiev. Ukrainian proverb
There is not in the world another Ukraine, no other Dnieper. Ukrainian proverb
The history repeats itself, doesn`t it? Author unknown
Are you tired? I prepared a physical activity for you. Stand up, at first, I demonstrate and then you`ll repeat after me.
I`m feeling good now!
That’s what I`m talking about!
Put your right hand in the air
Put your left hand in the air
Now clap your hands two times
Come on, clap your hands two times
Put your hands on your hips
I said, put your hands on your hips
Now stomp your feet three times
Come on, stomp your feet three times
Reach down touch your toes
Now put your hands on your hips
Reach up into the sky
Stretch it out now, stretch it, stretch it, stretch it out now
Reach down touch your toes
Now put your hands on your hips
Now reach up into the sky
Stretch it out now, stretch it, stretch it, stretch it out now
Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, jump, Jump
Now shake! Shake it out now
Now shake! Shake it out now
Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Shake! Shake! Shake! STOP!
2.6 Writing. Письмо.
Pre-writing. Подання граматичного матеріалу на тему. Open your books at page 205-206. Here you can see grammar aspects for today`s lesson. Also, you can find some helpful materials on the tables with well-known Present, Past and Future Perfect tenses. Let`s repeat them. If these information are useful for you, make notes.
Tense Chart |
Present Perfect (already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now ,up to now) |
S+Has/Have +V 3/ed S+Has/Have+not +V 3/ed Has/Have +S+V 3/ed? Has (He ,She ,it) Have (I, We, They, You) |
+He has spoken. -He has not spoken. ? Has he spoken? |
Past Perfect (already, just never, not yet, once, until that day, If sentence III |
S+ Had+ V3/ed S+ Had+not+ V3/ed Had+S+ V3/ed? |
+He had worked. ? Had he worked? |
Future Perfect (by Monday, in a week) |
S+ will/shall+ have+ V3/ed S+ will/shall+not+have+ V3/ed Will/Shall +S+ have + V3/ed ? |
+She will have done. |
Writing. Робота з дошкою та в зошитах.
Exercise a) page 206. Answer the questions using the Perfect Tenses.
1. What historical events have you learned about?
Answer: I have learned about….
2. Who has just finished his/her answer?
Answer: ….. has just finished her answer.
3. What had your friends done when you came into the classes?
Answer: When I came into the classes my friend had….
4. What books have you read by September?
Answer: I have read….
5. What project will you have completed by the end of the year?
Answer: I shall have completed ….
6. What will you have bought by Christmas?
Answer: I shall have bought ….
Exercise b) page 207. Transform the second sentence so that it had the same meaning as the first. Use the words suggested
1. Ukraine has never experienced anything like that before.
It’s the first time Ukraine has ever experienced anything like that.
2. We still remember the times we spent together.
We won't have forgotten the times we spent together.
3.1 went to the new exhibition at the History museum in Kyiv.
I have been to the exhibition at the History museum in Kyiv.
4. It was only four o’clock but there was nobody in the museum.
It was only four o’clock but everybody had left the museum.
5. When the soldiers arrived they could see the attack.
When the soldiers arrived the attack had begun and they could see it.
6. The builders promised that the bridge would work in September.
The builders will have restored the bridge by September.
Post-writing. Граматичний тест зі взаємоперевіркою. You can get 10 balls for this test. (5*2). Task 6. Do the simple 5 minute test.
1st group
a) have made; b) has made; c) will have made; d) had made; e) made
a) has gone; b) had gone; c) will have gone; d) have gone; e) go
a) will clean; b) had cleaned; c) have cleaned; d) has cleaned; e) will have cleaned
a) have cooked; b) cooked; c) has cooked; d) had cooked; e) will have cooked
a) will have met; b) has met; c) had met; d) have met; e) met
2nd group
a) will have been; b) have been; c) had been; d) has been; e) been
a) has graduated; b) had graduated; c) have graduated; d) will have graduated; e) graduated
a) have had; b) has had; c) will have had; d) had had; e) had
a) will have played; b) have played; c) has played; d) had played; e) play
a) has seen; b) have seen; c) will have seen; d) had seen; e) seen
Answers on the screen:
1st 1a 2a 3b 4d 5d
2nd 1b 2d 3d 4b 5d
Give me your copybooks and do the last activity.
2.7 Listening. Аудіювання
Pre-listening activities. Евристична бесіда
As you remember, couple days ago, we wrote a dictation. November 21 is a day of beginning of Revolution of dignity. Exactly in this day a year ago to the centre of the capital the supporters of Euro area, that witnessed love of freedom of the Ukrainian people, his aspiring to freedom and democratic values, going first. And it is closely connected with our lesson. I`ll propose you an interesting song. Take the last papers and let`s go. Look at the title of the song “Pray for Ukraine”. How do you think what does it mean?
Are some words difficult for you?
“Pray for Ukraine” Zlata Ognevich
Open your heart to Ukraine
Believe and pray
I wanna be happy today
No tears, no pain
No pain (x6) STOP!
Open your heart to Ukraine
Believe and pray
I wanna be happy today
No tears, no pain
Open your heart to Ukraine
Believe and pray
I wanna be happy today
No tears, no pain
No pain (x6) STOP!
While-listening activities.
Listen to the song Zlata Ognevich song “Pray for Ukraine”.
Post-listening activities.
Look through the song and name rhyming words. Good! So, let’s sing this song together. Your marks for today’s lesson are…
III. Заключна частина заняття
3.1 Бесіда. Інтерактивна технологія «Продовжи речення». Summing up the lesson. I want to propose you an interesting activity “Twitter”. Let`s check our table and make conclusion. Оцінювання досягнень студентів.
3.2Повідомлення домашнього завдання.
Your home task will be: ex.b, p.209 and learn by heart poem (first three paragraphs) of Ukrainian poet Volodymyr Sosiura (1898-1965) “Love Ukraine” (1944) stated that one cannot respect other nations without respect for one’s own.
Love Ukraine by Volodymyr Sosiura (1944)
Love your Ukraine, love as you would the sun,
The wind, the grasses and the streams together…
Love her in happy hours, when joys are won,
And love her in her time of stormy weather.
Love her in happy dreams and when awake,
Ukraine in spring’s white cherry-blossom veil.
Her beauty is eternal for your sake ;
Her speech is tender with the nightingale.
As in a garden of fraternal races,
She shines above the ages. Love Ukraine
With all your heart, and with exultant faces
Let all your deeds her majesty maintain…
Translated by C.H. Andrusyshen and Watson Kirkconnell
“The Ukrainian Poets, 1189-1962.” University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 1963.