Клас: 6
Тема: Kinds of Sport
Мета: ознайомити учнів із новим лексичним матеріалом; вчити вживати його в усному мовленні; вчити розрізняти види спорту та ігри; удосконалювати техніку читання; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості занять спортом; виховувати позитивне ставлення до занять спортом для зміцнення власного здоров’я.
Тип уроку: комбінований урок.
Обладнання: презентація, матеріали до завдань, картки для індивідуальної роботи.
Хід уроку
I. Організаційний момент
1) Привітання, повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (1 min)
T. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
P. We are fine!
T. First of all, let me introduce myself! My name is Nataliia Victorivna. I am your teacher of English for today and at our lesson we are going to talk about sports.
2) Brainstorming. (3 min)
I have a small question for you what ideas and images do you have in your mind when you hear the word “sport”?
P. A game, football, volleyball, tennis, hockey, golf, health, long life, etc.
T. Well done! You really know lots of words on this topic, but today we shall learn something new! So, let’s watch and repeat. (Presentation-trainer)
T. 1. I like sport. Well, tell me, please
2. Do you like sport?
3. I do sport.
4. Do you do sport?
5. My favorite sport is badminton.
6. What is your favorite sport?
3) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. (3 min)
I’d like you to learn a little poem!
Dear little boys and girls!
What is better than the toys?
I think we are good for all
You can swim, play basketball,
Table tennis and football,
We can jump and we can run,
We can have a lot of fun.
And now let us tell the rhyme but with the help of pictures!
Dear little and !
What is better than the toys?
I think we are good for all
You can , play ,
Table and ,
We can and we can,
We can have a lot of fun.
T. Excellent!
II. Основна частина уроку
1) Уведення назв різних видів спорту (4 min)
T. And now let’s see how we can classify different kinds of sport. Open your books on page 66. So, there are such groups as:
(Робота в парах)
I want you to work in pairs. Here is a list of kinds of sports. Look at it and decide what group each sport belongs. You can get only one point for this task. (Sailing, hockey, long jump, tennis, karate, windsurfing, high jump, aerobics.)
The pupils exchange the cards, check the answers and put the marks.
2) Пояснення нового матеріалу. (4 min)
Look in your books once more. Let’s revise some rules of using go, play and do.
We use “play” with any competitive game. It can also be used next to sports whose name is not also the verb (e.g. play tennis).
PLAY: tennis, golf, football, basketball, chess, etc.
We use “go” with any activities you can do alone. It is also used with sports that end in –ing (i.e. sports whose name is also the verb / gerund).
GO: swimming, cycling, dancing, surfing, sailing, etc.
We use “do” with any sport that is more of a physical activity. It is used for recreational activities.
DO: yoga, judo, athletics, gymnastics, etc.
3) Відпрацювання нового матеріалу. (5-7 min)
(Індивідуальна робота)
a) T. And now you are going to get cards with the text in which you are to fill in the gaps with proper words. You can get one point for this task.
Read the text and fill in the gaps with play, do, go.
Mary and John … sailing every year. They also love to … golf. They prefer to … horseback-riding. John also … ice-hockey and Mary loves to … dancing. John and his friends all … basketball, but Mary prefers to … yoga. When she was young Mary liked to … gymnastics and John … athletics.
The pupils check their work themselves and put the points.
Word building
b) T. To form a noun from the verb we add the ending “– er”. For example, swim – swimmer (плавець); play – player (гравець). Let’s see what these nouns mean and they mean the person who does this sport..
c) T. Well done! Now look here, there is one more rule how to form a noun. We add the ending “– ing”. Mind that such nouns mean the action. For example, run – running (біг, бігання).
Here is the task for you to form nouns from verbs: jump, ski, swim, skate.
This task will also bring you two points.Excellent!
4) Фізкультхвилинка (1 min)
5) Аудіювання (3 min)
Т. The next task is like that. You are listening to the texts, there are four of them. And guess the names of sport and match them with their numbers. You will get two points for this task.
1. This game is over for two players or two pairs. They play it with a ball and a racket on a court.
2. This game is popular in Canada. Two teams play it with sticks and a puck on ice.
3. It is an old game. Two teams of eleven players play it. They kick a ball with their feet around.
4. Two teams of five players play this game. They throw a ball into a basket.
Keys: 1. tennis; 2. ice – hockey; 3. football; 4. basketball.
6) Робота в группах. (7-10 min)
T. Now I want you to form four groups. Each group will get a different task.
This exercise will give you three points.
I group
Fill in the gaps.
You know that football is an o_ _ _ _ _ _ game for two t_ _ _ _ of 11 players. But you don’t know that the g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the only person who can touch the b_ _ _ with his hands, hold it or throw it? The other p_ _ _ _ _ _ can only kick or r_ _ _ the ball. The w_ _ _ _ _ is the team with most goals at the end of the g_ _ _. One of famous Ukrainian f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is Andriy Shevchenko. He got a lot of golden c_ _ _. |
II group
You know that football is an outdoor game for two teams of 11 players. But you don’t know that the goalkeeper is the only person who can touch the ball with his hands, hold it or throw it? The other players can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with most goals at the end of the game. One of famous Ukrainian footballers is Andriy Shevchenko. He got a lot of golden cups.
True (+) or false (-).
III group
You know that football is an outdoor game for two teams of 11 players. But you don’t know that the goalkeeper is the only person who can touch the ball with his hands, hold it or throw it? The other players can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with most goals at the end of the game. One of famous Ukrainian footballers is Andriy Shevchenko. He got a lot of golden cups.
Complete the sentences with the missing words.
1) Football is an _____________. 2) It is a game for two _________. 3) Goalkeeper is the only person who can __________________. 4) The other players can only ___________________________. 5) The winner is the team with ___________________________. |
IV group
You know that football is an outdoor game for two teams of 11 players. But you don’t know that the goalkeeper is the only person who can touch the ball with his hands, hold it or throw it? The other players can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with most goals at the end of the game. One of famous Ukrainian footballers is Andriy Shevchenko. He got a lot of golden cups.
Complete the sentences. 1) Football is an outdoor_______. 2) It is a game for two __________of 11 players. 3) Goalkeeper is the only person who can ________the ball with his hands, _________it or _________ it. 4) The other players can only _________ or _________ the ball. 5) The __________is the team with most _________at the end of the game. |
7) Complete the sentences. (Рефлексія) (5 min)
1. My favourite sport is…………
2. I know such games as ………
3. My favourite water sport is …………..….
4. My favourite Ukrainian sportsman (sportsmen) is (are) …………….
The last task will bring you three points.
III. Заключна частина уроку
1) T. Well, children did you like our lesson? What new have you learned today? Unfortunately, the lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your
marks are… (2 min)
2) Home task (1 min)
a) You should find as many words connected with sport as possible.
b) Make up five sentences with them.
c) Make up a story 8 –10 sentences with the found words.
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Stadium, game, wrestling, athletics, draughts, boxing, rugby, result, chess, prize, hockey, competition, player, jumping, team, swimming – pool, trainer, skiing, match, gymnasium, victory, fencing, tennis, ball.