Урок на тему "Мій робочий день"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку для учнів 5 класу за темою "Мій робочий день". Конспект уроку містить роздадковий матеріал.
Перегляд файлу

My working day


1. Практикувати учнів у монологічному та діалогічному мовленні.

2. Продовжити формування навичок усного мовлення.

3. Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.

4. Розвивати логічне мислення.

5. Виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою й потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

Обладнання: картки із завданнями для парної роботи та груповими завданнями, тематичні ілюстрації

І. Greetings

T. Good morning, pupils!

Ps Good morning, good morning to you!

We are all in our places

With sunshiny faces.

Good morning to you!

We are glad to see you!

T. I am glad to see you, too. How are you?

Ps (на дошці)












T. Are you happy?

Ps We are happy

T. Are you happy, happy, happy?

Ps We are happy, happy, happy.

 Aim of the lesson

T. Our today’s topic is «Everyday activities» and today we are going to speak about your everyday life – at school and at home

ІІ Main part

Our today’s lesson is the competition between your 3 groups. During your working day you do many interesting things. We begin with your morning.

(на дошці)









T. Now let’s remember our words on the topic. Name these words.

Write these words on the board.

Make up word-combinations with these words .

Make up sentences with these word-combinations.


  • My working day begins early
  • I do not like get up early
  • I seldom make my bed
  • I always clean my cheese
  • I usually wash my face
  • I dress before my breakfast
  • I always brush my hair
  • I usually have my breakfast at 8.00
  • I drink a cup of tea for lunch
  • I always put books into my bag
  • I take my bag
  • I go to school at 8.15
  • I live not far from school


T. After breakfast you go to school. What lessons have you got on Mondays?

Ps Art

    Nature Study

    Ukrainian literature



T. Now imagine that a reporter came to you and he wants to interview you about your favourite subject

Reporter: What is your  favourite subject ? Why?



My favourite subject is Maths because I like counting, doing sums.

My favourite subject is Art because I like drawing pictures.

My favourite subject is English because I like speaking, reading, writing English, singing songs in English.

My favourite subject is Ukrainian literature because I like reading, learning poems

My favourite subject is Nature Study because I like to make experiments with plants, to learn the laws of nature

 T. And tell us about your favourite lessons.

Ps I am a pupil of the 5 form. We learn many interesting subjects at school. English is my favourite subject. We have English lessons on Mondays and Thursdays. At our lessons we learn to read, write and speak English. We usually read and retell texts, describe pictures, make up dialogues. I practice my English at every lesson.

PsMy favourite lesson is PE. We have PE lessons on Wednesday and Fridays. At the lessons we run, jump, pull up. We often play football, volleyball. Our girls go in for gymnastics.

T. After lessons you come back home and have dinner. We usually have 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper. What do you usually have for breakfast? Dinner? Supper?




Cereal with milk

Bacon and eggs

Omelette with vegetable

Fruit salad

Toast with jam

A cup of tea






A glass of juice




Mashed potatoes

Spaghetti with sausage

Pancakes with cream

Meat salad


 Answer the questions:

  1. What do you usually have for breakfast? Dinner? Supper?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. Do you like to cook?
  4. How do you make your favourite dish?


1.I can make bacon with eggs myself. I take some slices of bacon and 3 eggs. I fry them. I eat this with ketchup.

2. I can make fruit salad myself. I take 3 apples, 2 oranges, 2 bananas and cut them. I add some cream. I mix it.

3. I can make tea myself. I take some hot water, tea, sugar and add some lemon.

T. After dinner you wash up and have some free time. What do you usually do during your free time? Show us without words what you like to do


Are you drawing?

Are you playing football?

Are you riding a bike?

Are you playing computer games?

Are you cooking?

Are you singing songs?


Yes, I am/ No, I am not


T. Your free time is over. And mum asks to help her about the house. Match the parts of word-combinations, and answer the question: How do you help your parents?



To clean

To wash

To water

To cook

To go

To look

To do

To sweep

To tidy up

The flowers

The room



After pet

The meals

The flat

The ironing

The floor


Physical exercises

Let’s play sports,

Let’s have fun!

We can jump,

We can run,

We like football,

We can swim,

Let’s play team games,

Let us win!


In the evening

(scrambled sentences)

1. evening the in music to listen and homework my do always I

2. my dog and walk the yard in friends my with I play sometimes

3. TV every evening and watch books read interesting I

4. puzzles solve crossword computer games and usually I play

5. I often to phone friend my we and our problems discuss

6. in the basketball evening I attend a sport setion


T. Read the article and make up questions

(work in group)

In Britain children go to elementary school at the age of five. They start secondary school at eleven. Pupils go to school from Monday to Friday. School starts at 9 o’clock. There is a twenty-minute break at 10.30 after the second lesson. Pupils eat t school. Afternoon lessons starts at 1.45 and finish at 3.45. After school some pupils play sport or go to school clubs. At home pupils have to do their homework. They all study the same subjects. But at the age of 14 British children pass an exam. Then they can choose the subjects they want.

ІІІ. Homework

ІV. Results

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 лютого 2022
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