Урок на тему " Моє рідне місто"

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цікава розробка на основі краєзнавчого матеріалу по темі "Моє місто" вчитель наводить приклад як можна залучити учнів до активної роботи у виконанні творчого завдання
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План уроку в 6 класі з використанням краєзнавчих матеріалів вчителя англійської мови Городищенської ЗОШ I-III ст.№2 Гайдамаки Т.М.


Тема уроку: My native town.

Мета уроку:

Навчальна: удосконалити вміння усного мовлення;

вчити отримувати , осмислювати та опрацювати інформацію з різних джерел;

удосконалювати вміння аудіювання;

розвивати вміння описувати малюнки,

практикувати у читанні текстів з метою отримання загального уявлення та з метою максимально повного розуміння інформації,

Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння працювати в групах;

Розвивати творчі здібності учнів;

Розширювати пізнавальні інтереси учнів

Розвивати прагнення учнів оволодіти іноземною мовою;

Освітня:розширити знання учнів про історичні та культурні пам’ятки нашого міста.

Виховна: виховувати в учнів повагу та любов до рідного міста, до пам’яток культури, бажання вивчати його історію.

Обладнання: підручник, демонстраційний матеріал-мультимедійна презентація, фотографії з видами визначних місць Городище,роздавальний матеріал-картки з завданнями, картки з тестами.

Хід уроку

Організаційний момент:

Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Greeting and aim

Teacher: Do you know the saying “East or West home is best” We say it about the place we live in, about the people we live with, our family. At our lesson we are going to speak about these things.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Warming up

Teacher: Welcome to a short excursion. Today I want to show and describe my town. My town is Horodyshche. There are a lot of places in the town where we can spend our free time. Today we shall learn about these interesting sights. But before we come to that let us first start with the revision of the vocabulary.

Revision of the vocabulary:

Teacher: read the definitions and guess the words. According to the topic of our lesson, let’s remember the words and their definitions:

  1. A large place of land with grass and trees, where people can walk. (a park)
  2. A building where there are a lot of historical things and old pictures. (a museum)
  3. A building where you can see films. (a cinema)
  4. A large place where people can buy and sell things. (market)
  5. An area where you can see wild animals. (a zoo)
  6. A large place of land where there are the buildings around it. (a square)
  7. A large place where children study. (a school)
  8. A building where you can borrow books. (a library)
  9. A building where you can buy stamps and send letters. (a post-office)
  10. A building where you can keep your money. (a bank)
  11. A building where you can drink coffee. (a café)
  12. A place where people can buy food and different things. (a shop)



Video “City” (додаток1 Аудіювання My city)

Аудіювання тексту  і контроль розуміння тексту:


1 Поставте відео на паузу, коли побачите план міста.

2 Накресліть цей план у зошиті.

3 Прослухайте текст.

4 Зупиніть запис та напишіть у прямокутники назви будівель.


Teacher: when they finish watching the video, pupils answer the following questions:

Where is the cinema?

Where is the hotel?

Where is the post –office?

Where is the market?

Where is the cafe?

Where is the football ground?


Role play. One pupil is a tourist; another pupil is a local person. Pairs ask each other the following questions:

-Excuse me, where is the cinema?

-It is next to the shop.

-Thank you.


Teacher: now we’ll have a rest. Stand up and do some exercises, please.

Show hills of Horodyshche. They are high…higher…the highest (hands up high…higher…the highest)

Show the river of Horodyshche. It is long…longer…the longest (hands aside wide…wider…the widest)

The boys and girls of Horodyshche are fast…faster…the fastest (pupils run quickly)

They are merry…merrier…the merriest (pupils smile each other)

Teacher: today we are going to continue our work with the topic “My town”.

Answer my questions:

  1. Where do you live?
  2. What is this town like?
  3. What can attract tourists in Horodyshche?
  4. Do you know a lot about the history of Horodyshche?
  5. Can we tell the foreigners about the sights of our town?


Teacher: Now we shall see how well you know your native town. Let’s play a game.

Some pupils will read the descriptions of some places in our town and you will have to name them. The answers you will see in the pictures on the screen.

Guess your native town

Pupil 1: the educational establishment in the very center of our town where you study. (Secondary school N2)

Pupil 2: it is a building in the centre of the town. We go there to watch films. (The cinema “Zhovten”)

Pupil 3: we always depart to some other places by buses from there. (The bus station)

Pupil 4: this is the place where we can begin our travelling by train. (The railway station)

Pupil 5: the largest shop in our town where we can buy different goods: from clothes up to TV sets. (The department store “Materyk”)

Pupil 6: the cultural place where we can see the old things pictures which tell us about famous people. (The museum)

Pupil 7: the big two-stories shop where we can buy everything for our homes: furniture, dishes and many other things. (The store)

Pupil 8: The places where we can buy different food which farmers have grown themselves. (The market)

Pupil 9: the place where we can pray to God and be present at the church service. (The church)

Pupil 10: the establishment where we can keep our money and pay utilities. (The bank)

Pupil 11: the educational establishment where the children enter after finishing school to get different professions. (The technical school)

Pupil 12: the place where we can send and receive parcels, letters; buy stamps and envelopes; keep a post-box mail and press. (the post-office)


Розвиток монологічного мовлення.

Teacher: your classmates have prepared photos and short texts describing some places of our town. Speak about the places in a town. Imagine the English children come to our town. We should tell them about it. Try to make up a story using your photos.

Pupil 1 (фото1 Пожар Поліна): Hulak-Artemovsky is a talented composer

In the centre of the town you can see the monument to Hulak-Artemovsky. He was a talented composer, who created the world- known opera «The Zaporozhian Cossack beyond the Danube”. It was the first opera in Ukraine. C:\Users\TPCuserXN001\Desktop\конкурс МІСТО\1фото Пожар Поліна.jpg ”My only brother and friend”. Shevchenko thus often addressed his friend Semen Hulak-Artemovsky,File:Semyon Gulak-Artemovsky.jpg a prominent Ukrainian composer and operatic singer, author of the famous opera. Shevchenko knew and highly appreciated works by Petro Hulak-Artemovsky, poet and fabulist, who was also born in Horodyshche. Today, a memorial museum encompassing both prominent figures of Ukrainian culture functions here.             


Pupil 2: (фото 2 Лисенко Андрій)  Taras Shevchenko came to Horodyshche

Horodyshche area was the centre of the Haidamaki anti-feudal uprising known as Koliyivshchina (1768) which became the theme for Shevchenko’s poem” Haidamaki”. C:\Users\TPCuserXN001\Desktop\конкурс МІСТО\2фото Лисенко Андрій.jpg In this poem Taras Shevchenko described the beauty of our land. During his first trip to Ukraine (September 1843) Shevchenko came to Horodyshche. He also visited it twice in the summer of 1859. The town is often mentioned in the poet’s works and letters. You can see the monument to Taras Shevchenko at the hospital. It was the first monument which was erected on poet’s grave in Kaniv. This monument was done by workers of
a sugar refinery factory of our town.


Pupil 3:( фото3 Кутвіцький Мар’ян ) Horodyshche land is associated with the name of Simirenko

 Horodyshche land is associated with the name of Platon Simirenko, a sugar refinery owner and a good acquaintance of Shevchenko’s, it was he who lent the poet 1,100 rubles for publishing the”Kobzar” on the condition that the debt would be returned by copies of the book. C:\Users\TPCuserXN001\Desktop\конкурс МІСТО\3фотоКутвіцький Мар’ян.jpg

The family of Simirenko financed many branches of industry in Ukraine: sugar production, ship-building. The former house of Platon Simirenko where the poet stayed at it still stands, it being a part of the mow agricultural and horticultural scientific research station. This scientific establishment was founded by Platon’s son, Lev Simirenko, an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, author of numerous widely known varieties of fruits and vegetables.

 When Shevchenko visited Platon Simirenko, little Levko was only four years old. He was the author of the well-known species of apples called Rennet Simirenko. In 1846 a sugar-refining machine building plant, on  which the equipment for sugar industry was produced, and in 1851 first metallic steam boat ”Ukrainian” was erected by brothers Yakhnenko and Simirenko.

XIX century was really “golden” age of rapid industrial and trade progress for Horodyshche. ”Simirenko’s capitalism”, which gave a free work, better condition of life, medicine, education, culture in the condition of serfdom.

Pupil 4: ( фото 4 Назарян Анжела) The church of Saint Mykhaylo

C:\Users\TPCuserXN001\Desktop\конкурс МІСТО\фото 5Назарян Анжела.jpg

  The town inherited rich history and culture. Among its architectural and cultural monuments you can visit the church of Saint Mykhaylo. This church of brick and concrete was built in the manner of German Gothic Cathedrals.  It is a beautiful gothic building. It was founded in 1844 by the princess Katherine Balashova. She was a niece of the count Mikhailo Vorontsov. He had two projects which were presented by famous architect Torricelli. The church has a beautiful iconostasis of Exaltation of the Cross.

After restoration in 1989 it was opened. Many people of Horodyshche like to visit and to pray in this church.


Pupil 5: (фото5  Голуб Дмитро) Not far from the railway station you can see the museum of Ivan Le. He was a famous Ukrainian writer. He wrote many novels which became popular among the Ukrainian and Russian readers. One of the best works of this writer is the novel “The Maple Leaf”. He wrote about the common people. His famous novel” The Maple Leaf” tells about heroic struggle of Ukrainian C:\Users\TPCuserXN001\Desktop\конкурс МІСТО\4фото Голуб Дмитро.pngpeople in the Second World War.



Horodyshche is my native land

I .Whom monument is this?



II. Where can you see this monument?


III. Finish the sentences:



IY. Read and act out the situations:

1. Describe the place where you live and say how your town is growing. How has it changed?

2. Say what you know about the people of your town. Say how many people live in your town, where they work, what they do on holidays and how they spend their free time.

3. Describe some old buildings in your town and say what you know about their past.

4. Do you know any people in your town who are Heroes of the Great Patriotic War? Do veterans of war come to your school to talk to the pupils?

5. Speak about winter (summer) sports in your town.

6. Discuss why people from other places come to your town.

7. Explain why people from other countries come to our country and what they want to learn about it.

8. Where do the roads out of your town lead to? Name the towns and villages you can get to by different roads.

9. Describe the clothes people wear in your part of the country at different times of the year.

10.”East of West, home is best” is an English proverb.

Speak about the good things you can say about your place (town, village, and district)

11. What do you know about history of town?

III. Ending of the lesson

  1. Home task: Teacher: at home you have to write an essay “Are there any places of Horodyshche that you don’t like? Which ones and why?”
  2. Summarizing: Teacher:  our time is almost up. Today we have spoken about some historical facts of the development of Horodyshche.

Teacher: Horodyshche is a nice place to live in. If you come to my town you'll find people here warm and friendly. Most people are hard-working and optimistic. The life in our town is quiet and peaceful. You are welcome to visit my native and beloved town, to see its historical treasures and to meet its kind-hearted people.


What can you say about this lesson?

Was it interesting or boring?

What knowledge did you get during this lesson?

Whose work did you like the most? Why?

Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are… good bye!  See you late! 







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