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Читання текстів англійською мовою та визначення True/False – це корисна вправа, яка допомагає учням покращити розуміння мови, розширити словниковий запас, розвинути логічне мислення та підготуватися до майбутніх іспитів. Це навичка, яка буде корисною не лише у школі, а й у реальному житті.
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Natural disasters are events that can cause many problems and dangers. They are a type of hazard that can happen anywhere in the world. When a natural disaster occurs, it can be a big threat to people's lives and homes. For example, a typhoon is a strong storm that can hit countries near the ocean and cause a lot of rain and wind. It can also lead to a flood if too much rain falls.

A tsunami is another dangerous event. It is a huge wave that can hit coastal areas after an earthquake occurs in the sea. This wave can damage buildings and roads. In places like Ukraine, natural disasters can be different. Ukraine might not have tsunamis, but it can still face other issues like forest fires and even floods.

Drought is when there is not enough rain for a long time, which can lead to famine because crops cannot grow without water. This is especially hard for farmers, as it affects food production. In some areas, a tornado can occur, which is a spinning column of air that can destroy everything in its path.

People need to learn how to respond to these events. There are ways to make buildings more resistant to earthquakes, so they do not fall easily. During floods, communities can build walls or barriers to prevent water from entering homes. In order to prevent a famine, it is important to have storage of food and water when drought conditions start.

In some areas of Ukraine, people have to deal with underflood issues, where the water is close to the surface and can damage crops and houses. By preparing and understanding how these disasters work, communities can stay safe and reduce the harmful effects of natural events.

І. Which Title Fits Best?

1Natural Disasters: Understanding Risks and Preparedness

2Storms and Waves: A Global Challenge

3Ukraine's Environmental Challenges and Water Management

Correct answer: 1


ІІ.  If the statements True or False

  1. Natural disasters can only occur in specific areas of the world.
  2. A typhoon can cause a lot of rain and wind in countries near the ocean.
  3. A typhoon cannot lead to flooding.
  4. A tsunami is a large wave caused by a storm in the ocean.
  5. Ukraine experiences tsunamis regularly.
  6. Forest fires and floods are natural disasters that can happen in Ukraine.
  7. Droughts can lead to famine because crops cannot grow without enough water.
  8. Tornadoes are calm air movements that do not cause damage.
  9. People do not need to learn how to respond to natural disasters.
  10. Buildings can be made more resistant to earthquakes.
  11. During floods, communities cannot build barriers to prevent water from entering homes.
  12. In Ukraine, underflood issues can occur, where water is close to the surface and can damage crops.


  1. False – Natural disasters can happen anywhere in the world.
  2. True – Typhoons are strong storms that cause rain and wind in coastal areas.
  3. False – A typhoon can lead to flooding if too much rain falls.
  4. False – A tsunami is caused by an earthquake in the sea, not a storm.
  5. False – Ukraine does not experience tsunamis, but it faces other natural disasters.
  6. True – Ukraine can face forest fires and floods, though not tsunamis.
  7. True – Droughts reduce water availability, which affects crop growth.
  8. False – Tornadoes are spinning columns of air that can destroy everything in their path.
  9. False – It is important for people to learn how to respond to natural disasters.
  10. True – Buildings can be designed to withstand earthquakes.
  11. False – Communities can build barriers during floods to keep water out of homes.
  12. True – In some areas of Ukraine, underflood issues can damage crops and houses.



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