Урок на тему "Популярне мистецтво.Музика в нашому житті"

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Розробка уроку з роздатковим матеріалом по темі "Популярне мистецтво.Музика в нашому жмтті".Включає завдання для опрацювання лексичного,фонетичного матеріалу,завдання на розвиток мовленнєвих навичок.Містить завдання для опрацювання в групах,для складання діалогів.Також включає вправи на розвиток навичок аудіювання та письма.При роботі в кпасі використовуються ІТ засоби.Урок навчить дітей висловлювати власні думки,сприяє виховувати естетичний смак,розвиває вміння працювати в колективі.
Перегляд файлу

YPOK — AVICKyciR 3 eneMeHTaMv1 AOCTliAhCHHR B 90 Knaci TeMa: nonYJlfipHe MVICTeUTBO. MY3klKa B Hal-UOMY h<VITTi.


1. 3aKpinv1TM neKCVIMHVIV1 Ta rpaMaTYIMHhV1 MaTepian;


3.                 P03BVIBaTV1 HaBVIMKV1 iHUJOMOBHOro cniJIKYBaHHR; ycHoro Ta nnceMHoro MOBneHHR;

4.                 BVIXOBYBaTL4 ecTeTnqHVIV1 CMaK;

5.                 P03BVIBaT1,1 BMiHHR npaLA}0BaTY1 B KoneKTMBi Ta rpyni. Xia yp0Ky:

l. Introduction. Greeting

Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. Sit down. Are you ready to start? So let's begin. (Listening to the song "Yesterday"). Nice tune, isn't it? Do you know what is it? Who is the singer?

So the plot of our lesson deals with one of the most popular arts of nowadays — music.

In the course of our Lesson we'll revise some words and expressions you will need for discussion. We'll play some short dialogues concerning you tastes in music. We will listen to the short text about music styles and do some exercises as far as reading and grammar are concerned. Listen closely to your friend and to the teacher. Good luck. ll. Warming-up

Answer my questions:

1) Where do you go if you want to enjoy arts?

2) Do you like to go to these places alone or with your friends?

3) What kinds of arts are the most popular nowadays?

So music, of course, is one of the most popular arts nowadays. To speak about music you will need some words and expressions. Make sure that you know them. Listen to my definition and give your English equivalents:

1) Someone who writes music or plays musical instruments (a musician);

2) Someone who makes up songs and music (a composer);

3) Someone who sings (a singer);

4) A group of people who play different instruments in the theatre or the concert hall (orchestra);

5) A group of people who play popular music (a band);

6) A group of people who gathered to listen to music (audience); 7) To play for the audience (to perform).

The word of music is marvelous and appealing. Do you agree with me? Do you like to listen to music? What kind of music do you prefer listening to? Whom of the well known performers (singers, groups) do you like to listen to?

So tastes differ as the famous English proverb says. And there are different kinds of music. Can you name them? How can you call in one word all these genres of music? Now listen to the short musical extracts and name genres of these compositions.

(Listening: Classical, blues, rock-and-roll, rock, disco, folk, jazz) I l l . Listening comprehension.

So let's listen to the short story about music styles and do some tasks.

l. Choose the correct item

1) Classical music includes the music of the ... century

a) 17th, b) 19th, c) 21th; 2) Light ... is easy to listen.

a)Classical; b) pop; c) dance. 3)Light music includes ... tunes.

a)old;               b)strange;        c)popular.

4) Jazz was first played by Negro groups in the ...

a) Africa; b) Northern America; c)Southern USA. 5) Pop music is modern music played mainly on ...

a)pianos; b)violins; c)electric guitars. 6)Background music is any music used as a background for ...

a)conversation;            b)listening;      c)dancing IV. Speaking.

Now work in pairs. Role-play short dialogues according to these cards (pupils are making up dialogues).

Card 1.

One of you is the mother and another is a daughter. Card 2.

Two sisters of almost of the same age. One of you has a strong character, another has a weak character.

Card 3.

Two musicians. One of you is a member of a pop group; another is a member of the orchestra of classical music.

Card 4.

In the musical shop. One of you is a shop-assistant, another is a customer. Card 5.

A pop singer and his fan.

Card 6.

One of you has just come from Egypt. Another one hasn't left Ukraine. Discuss musical tastes in Egypt and in Ukraine. V. Reading.

Do you know what music is popular in great Britain among young people now? We will work with the text which deals with the English pop-star. But now listen to the music and try to guess who is this star?

Let's work in groups. Half of the class is in group A, the other half is in group B. Your part of the article has some gaps. Look at the gaps in your article and think of what questions you should ask to find the missing information.

Check your understanding by choosing the best answer for these multiple choice questions.

1.Sting began his world wide tour with his album...

a)"Police"                               c)"Sister Moon"

b)"Mercury Falling"               d)"Fragile"

2.  During his early years he was an informal leader of ...

a)hippies         c)rockers

b)punks           d)modes.

3.  He was the leader vocal and played the .

a)piano            c)guitar

b)violin           d)harp

4.  His first album proved that he was ...

a)Strong man               c)independent man

b)weak man                d)lazy man

5.  Sting left "Police" because it was ... for his developing gift.

a)big                b)small            d)funny           c)boring

           104 • Topic i2. Music                                                       FORMS 7-8

Music Styles

Nowadays we can find a variety of music types. Each person can choose his favourite one and enjoy it. The oldest and the most famous type is classical music. There is a tendency to use classical music with particular reference to the music of the past, including the 19th century.

Light classical is used for short classical works which are easy to listen to because the composer's aim was simply to entertain.

Serious music is sometimes used as a synonym of classical music, folk music and jazz.

Light music includes light classical music, popular tunes and-sough-from-differentsources, bothtraditional and-new, dance music, film music and so on.

Jazz was first played by Negro grpups in the Southern USA ill the early 20th century. It's characterized by improvisation and strong rhythms, called traditional jazz. Modern jazz is performed by large bands for dancing and it is much influenced by the blues.

Pop music is modern music of an uncompleted character, played mainly on electric guitars and drums often with one singer.

Dance music is a type of music used for dancing including jazz and pop music.

Background music is any music played softly as a background for conversation, It can be heard in public places: hotel foyers, airportsnsupepmarkets etc.

Chamber music is orchestral, written for a chamber orchestra, but the category also includes works for smaller groups of solists.

Activity 1. Learn these words for a dictation. a variety — p03MaiTTH/pa3H006pagvre a tendency -an aim — Merra/qejlb folk music — Hap0AHa MY3mca/Hap0AHa51 MY3b1Ka a source -- AxepeJIO/VICTOt1HVIK


a to a to backgr softly convo chamt



7 stron perf band infli

Article for Group A there was an unusual event greeted by the fans with the enthusiasm. Sting began his worldwide tour from a new "Mercury Falling" album. Two concerts took place in 2. Not a single seat stayed


Sting is an artistic nickname of English composer, singer and musician 3.

During his young years he was an informal leader in the British movement 4. . Later Sting became a musician and took part in the new wave group "Police". He was a lead vocal and played the guitar there. During three years of its existence the group produced 5.

hits and the most famous "Russians" among them.

Sométimes he looked and felt much wiser then he could really be in these years. Sting left "Police" that for that time was quite small for his developing gift. He was no longer an angry youth, he was a wise man on his own. His first album' proved his independence and the scale of his abilities.

Article for Group B

In 1996 there was an unusual event greeted by 1.

with enthusiasm. Sting began his world wide tour from a new "Mercury Falling" album. 2.

concerts took place in Ukraine. Not a single seat stayed vacant.

3. is an artistic nickname English composer, singer and musician Gordon Sumner.

During his young years Sting was an informal leader of the British movement of "modes". Later Sting became a musician and took part in the new wave group 4.

He was the lead vocal and played the guitar there. During the three years of its existence the group produced several hits and the most famous "Russians" among them.

Sometimes he looked and felt 5. then he could really be in these years. Sting left the "Police" that for that time was quite small for his developing gift. He was no longer an angry youth, he was a wise man on his own. His first albums proved his independence and the scale of his abilitieso

VI. Practicing grammar.

Now I'll give you some grammar cards with a short extract from the text about jazz. So the task is fill in the gaps with necessary forms of the Passive voice. Vll. Summing-up. Home Assignment

Thank you very much for you excellent work. I think that you were glad to discuss your tastes in music. I hope that you have learned some interesting facts and information. Your home task is to make up a project about your favourite group or singer.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 лютого 2019
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