Тема: Іжа різних країн світу
Обладнання: картки за темою «Іжа різних країн світу», пластмасові овочі та фрукти, риба.
Хід уроку
І. Greeting
T: Good morning, children!
Ps: Good morning, teacher!
T: Take your places.
II. Warm up
T: Answer my questions, please!
III. Homelesson check
T: What was your hometask for today?
IV. Presentation
T: Today we'll speak about dishes from around the world!
T: Listen and repeat.
We see deryny. Repeat: deryny. (puntas de filete from Mexico, barramundi from Australia…)
T: Open your vocabularies and write down these new words.
4. Робота в підручнику.
T: Now, please open your books (Ex. 1, p.81, Smart Junior)
Let's listen this text, then read and translate.
T: What food can you see on the table?
What’s your favourite Ukranian dish?
Учні працюють в групах і розповідають про свої улюблені страви української кухні.
T: Guess, please, draw your favourite dish and tell about it.
V. Practice
1. Morning exercises.
T: I see you are tired. Let's rest. So, stand up and make a circle. Let's sing together.
Діти виконують рухи під пісню «Hokey-pokey».
2. Group work.
T: You are two teams. Your task is to guess what you put into your dish. I made ingredients for the first team and ingredients for the second team.
Один учень зачитує інгредієнти страви від імені своєї команди.
3. Відгадування загадок.
T: Let's play a puzzle game «What am I?» (діти відгадують загадки про овочі та фрукти).
VI. Ending the lesson
T: Let's repeat what new words have we learnt today.
(Deryny, puntas de filete, barramundi …)
T: Did you like our lesson?
What was interesting for you at our lesson?
What was difficult for you today?
VII. Hometask
T: Your hometask for the next time is to learn new words.
T: The lesson is over. Good bye!