Урок на тему "Українська та британська кухня"

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Урок на тему "Українська та британська кухня" 10 клас. Учні можуть дізнатися багато цікавих фактів про українську та британську кухню.
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Урок №                                                             


Клас: 10

Тема уроку:  Харчування

Підтема уроку:  Українська та британська кухня 

Практичні задачі: навчити читати вголос текст з вилученням основної інформації; ознайомити учнів з лексичними одиницями;

Освітні задачі: розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів, вчити учнів мовленнєвої взаємодії з партнерами по комунікації в парах, формувати культуру мовлення.

Розвиваючі задачі: розвивати пам'ять, здатність до здогадки, увагу; стимулювати пізнавально-комунікативну мотивацію; розвивати культуру усного мовлення;

Виховні задачі: виховувати культуру спілкування; підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Тип уроку: формування знань, умінь і навичок.

Обладнання: підручник, додатковий матеріал, проектор.



Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент.

1. Привітання.

- Good morning, children! Sit down, please!

Who is on duty today?

What the date is it today?

What date of the week is it today?

Is anybody absent today?

What is the title of the topic we are learning now?


2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Teacher: Good morning! How are you? It’s high time to begin our lesson.

Will you smile? Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. So, don’t be shy. Let’s start. We speaking about British and Ukraine food today.

George Mikes, one of the English famous authors, once said, “On the continent people have good food, in England people have good table manners”; but the food we are going to talk about is well-known all over the world.



ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


2. Словникова робота.


3. Виконання вправ.


Ex. 1. Read the text

British National Cuisine

National cuisine in Britain has remarkably changed in recent decades. It is caused by the fact that people come there from all over the world and bring with them their culinary secrets, their new recipes, their food and sauces. So in all supermarkets in Great Britain one can find vegetables, fruit and spices from all corners of the world.

Do you know what the British have for breakfast? Every morning they have a light breakfast after a first cup of tea. This light breakfast is prepared very early and is considered to be a separate meal. English light breakfast consists of toasts with marmalade, tea or coffee,plus scrambled eggs with beacon, sausages, porridge or cereals with orange juice.

Next meal is between 12 and 14 o’clock. It’s time for a substantial meal – lunch. At this time they have a cup of tea and some tasty cookies which are sold in on London streets in small kiosks. As a rule lunch consists of sandwiches. That’s why at this time of the day the British go to fast-food restaurants where they have hot-dogs or fish in chips (fish filet in bread crumbles with sauce), and French fries and pickles as a garnish.

 Between 15.00 and 18.00 they have tea, which is an English tradition. They drink Traditional English tea in offices, at home, in cafe confectioner’s shops, and they always drink it with scones and muffins. Scones are small round biscuits that are usually cut in halves and eaten with butter or cream. Muffins are small cake in paper wrappings.

Dinner in Britain may be taken at 19.00 (then it is called dinner) or at 23.00 (then it is called supper) and the time depends on the plans for the evering, weather people would stay at home after work or go out to relax. For dinner the British prefer to have something like chicken soup with onion, soup with mutton with vegetables or vegetables, soup with meat. For a garnish the British have traditional Yorkshire pudding. All Englishmen consider Yorkshire cuisine the best in the country and are really proud of it.

   And what is national cuisine in other countries? Let’s compare some! French cuisine is elegant and festive. The Chinese is exotic, the Russian is tasty and healthy, it is easy to cook and you don’t need to have much skills and specific ingredients.

Ex. 2. Let’s revise words connected with food. Try to find the superfluous word out.

1. water, coke, bread, wine, juice;

2. boil, bake, fry, bowl, grill;

3. salty, pepper, spicy, sweet, bitter;

4. slice, cut, chop, stew, peel;

5. dish, meal, bowl, plate, cup;

6. potato, carrot, plum, cabbage, beet.

Key: 1. bread, 2. bowl, 3. pepper, 4. stew, 5. meal, 6. plum.



Ex. 3. Read the text

Ukrainian Cuisine

  Among the first impressions for all the visitors who come to Ukraine is its national food. Ukrainian cuisine is diverse and unique. It has a rich history and is very popular in Slavic countries. There are a lot of tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine but the most famous one is perhaps the borscht. It is a vegetable soup, made of beets, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. They also add garlic, onion, dill and meat. There are many varieties of this dish. Every housewife in Ukraine has her own recipe of borscht. Next on the list is the vinegret salad – salad of beetroot with sunflower oil and vinegar. People also add cooked and chopped potatoes, sauerkraut or pickles, onions, herbs and carrots.

     Breads and wheat products are also important for Ukrainians. For example, they cook traditional wedding bread called “Korovai”, which is a symbol of national hospitality. Easter cake is known as “Paska”. The recipe of paska varies from place to place, but it usually includes milk, butter, eggs, sugar and raisins. Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar – compote, made of dried apples and pears. Those, who like fish, would appreciate ukha. It’s a clear soup, made from various types of fish, for example, bream, catfish or ruff. For the main course Ukrainian guests especially like varenyky or pirohi. They are small pastries or dumplings, which can be stuffed with mashed potatoes, cheese, cherries or strawberries. Of course, everyone knows about Ukrainian salo. Nobody leaves Ukraine not having tried one.

Ex. 4. There are a lot of proverbs connected with food. Your task will be to make these proverbs complete

1. Every cook praises...                                 a) over the spilt milk.

2. Dry bread at home is better...                    b) into the fire.

3. Too many cooks...                                     c) the kettle black.

4. Out of the frying pan...                              d) his own broth.

5. Don't put all your eggs...                           e) lessen your meals.

6. The proof of the pudding is...                    f) than roast meat abroad.

7. His bread...                                                g) in the fire.

8. There is no use crying...                            h) is buttered on both sides.

9. Half a loaf is...                                           i) into one basket.

10. The pot is calling...                                  j) better than none.

11. The fat is...                                               k) spoil the broth (soup).

12. To lengthen your life,                              l) in eating.

Key: 1-d, 2-f, 3-k, 4-b, 5-i, 6-1, 7-h, 8-a, 9-j, 10-c, 11-g, 12-e.



Ex. 5. Read the text


Ode to borsch

       1. In Ukraine, a meal would be incomplete without a soup course. Be the family rich or poor, soup is a daily "must". Soup never boils with a full boil but simmers gently for hours. Hearty soup, enriched with chunks of meat constitutes the basic meal of any peasant family.

       2.  The varieties of soups are as numerous as the cook's imagination is capable of dreaming up. An ingenious homemaker is able to cook a delicious soup from available products, even when the supplies are low. Though Ukrainian soups are numerous, each having its own name, basically they belong to one or another of the following classifications: vegetable, fish, broth, cereal, cream or milk.

      3. Borsch with its many variations is the most popular as well as the national soup of Ukraine. The true old country style borsch is a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predominating. It has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. That's why Ukrainian borsch is a substantial dish, and a meal in itself.

      4. Ukrainians have several varieties of borsch, depending on regional and personal preferences and on the season of the year. The spring borsch made of tender young vegetables is favoured by all. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of sorrel leaves. Mild tartness in borsch gives it a specific character.    

      5. The finishing touches to borsch vary with local and personal tastes. Some like it slightly thickened with a tablespoon of flour or raw egg yolks. Others achieve the same results by cooking a finely diced potato along with the vegetables. To finish borsch in a traditional way, most old country cooks mash together a bit of salted pork with some raw onions to a smooth paste. They claim that without this final touch, borsch lacks its character.

      6. Borsch has one great virtue for a busy homemaker. It can be made a day in advance and reheated without any loss of quality. In fact, experts of borsch are convinced beyond any doubt that a reheated borsch from a previous day is more flavourful than when eaten the same day it is made.


Ex. 6. Match the paragraphs with their headings.

A)  How to finish borsch

B)  Varieties of borsch

C)  A good feature of borsch

D) The necessity of soup for Ukrainians

E)  The diversity of soups

F)  The national soup of Ukraine

1) _______ 2__________ 3___________ 4_________ 5__________ 6___________

Key: 1 D,  2 E,  3 F,  4 B,  5 A,  6 C.


Ex. 7.  Read the text more carefully and choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. In Ukraine, a meal would be imperfect without ....

           a) a soup course

           b) a borsch course

           c) a "kasha" course

2. When the supplies are low, an ingenious homemaker....

           a) is able to cook a delicious soup from any products he can find at home

           b) is not able to cook a delicious soup from available products

           c) has to buy at the market all the necessary ingredients to cook a delicious soup

3. The true old country style borsch is....

           a) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with carrot predominating

           b) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with beets predominating

           c) a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predominating

4. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of....

           a) nettle leaves

           b) sorrel leaves

           c) burdock leaves

5. To finish borsch in a traditional way, most old country cooks mash together a bit of....... to a smooth paste.

           a) salted pork with some raw sorrel

           b) salted beef with some raw garlic

           c) salted pork with some raw onions

6. Borsch can be made a day in advance and reheated....

           a) without any loss of quality

           b) with loss of quality

           c) with trebling of quality

Key: 1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a.


Ex. 8. Find translation

1. To fall in love with

2. Depends on the mood

3. A recipe

4. I could not resist

5. The whole family gathers

6. To serve with

7. Make sth out of nothing

8. An essential dish

9. To share an advice on sth

10. To taste delicious

a) невід'ємне блюдо

b) рецепт

c) я не могла чинити опір

d) бути неймовірним на смак

e) подавати з чим-небудь

f) збирається вся родина

g) закохатися в

h) поділитися порадою з приводу чого-небудь

i) залежати від настрою

j) зробити щось з нічого

Key: 1.g, 2. i, 3. b, 4. c, 5. f, 6. e, 7. j, 8. a, 9. h, 10. d.


Ex. 9. Insert the missing words

products, Ukrainian, happens, types, beautiful, cooking, restaurant, Italian, visiting, dinner.

My Favourite Food

     My name is Alex. I’m 15 years old. I live in one of the most 1._____________ cities of Ukraine, in Kyiv. My family is quite small. I have got a mother, a father, a younger brother and a cat. My mum is usually responsible for 2.______________ and for buying necessary food. She prepares breakfast, lunch and 3._______________ for all of us. Sometimes my father also cooks. It usually 4._________________ at weekends. Both of my parents are good cooks, which is why we prefer eating home-made food. However, sometimes we can also eat out. My father reserves a table in some 5.________________  or cafe and we spend a great evening together. It usually happens on special occasions.

     My favourite food is pizza. I like all kinds of pizza and other 6.________________ dishes. For my birthday, my parents always try to arrange a pizza party. There are times when we simply order pizza for lunch or dinner, just because there is no time for cooking.

     Out of my mum’s home cooking I prefer 7.___________ borscht. It’s a special red cabbage soup, which is tastier to eat with sour cream. Borscht is a traditional Russian and Ukrainian dish and many foreigners want to try it when 8.______________ these countries.

In general, I can say that I am a good eater. I like many 9._______________ of food, among them fruit, vegetables, sweets and cakes, etc. However, there are some products which I don’t like eating. They are mushrooms and fish. My mother knows about it and she tries not to use these 10.________________ in dishes.

Key: 1. beautiful, 2. cooking, 3. dinner 4. happens, 5. restaurant, 6. Italian, 7. Ukrainian, 8. visiting, 9. types, 10. products.


Ex. 10. Translate the text into Ukrainian

Main Features of Ukrainian Cuisine

1) Significant consumption of dishes from flour and cereals, in particular dishes made from rye and wheat flour, pies, dumplings, pancakes, bread with poppy and honey.

2) Predominance of boiling and stewing over frying, salting over smoking.

   3) Complex heat processing of products for cooking second courses (boil then stew or fry, or slightly fry then stew).

4) Special non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages of Ukrainian cuisine are mead, kvass, sbiten, compote.

5) Sliced vegetables rather than a crushed mixture in salads, vinaigrettes. Salads and vinaigrettes were brought from Western Europe in the 19th century.

6) Variety of tastes is achieved by combining different types of heat processing, using different fats and local traditional spices such as onions, garlic, horseradish, dill, parsley, cumin, thyme, and others. Black pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon appeared in the 16th-17th centuries.

7) Daily consumption of liquid hot and cold first courses based mainly on vegetables: borscht, okroshka, other soups.

8) Wide use of pork and fat, sour cream, sunflower oil, eggs.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання.

- What was our lesson about?

- What activities did you like best of all?

- Your marks are……….


2. Домашнє завдання.

Thanks for your excellent work during the whole lesson. Open your daybooks and write down your homework.

Your homework for the next time is ……………


3. Закінчення уроку.

Stand up please. The lesson is over. Goodbye, children!


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 січня 2019
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