Клас 9 Дата
Підтема: Відомі вчені України Розвиток навичок аудіювання
Навчальна мета:
Розвиваюча мета: Розвивати мовну інтуїцію, пізнавальні інтереси учнів,уміння логічно мислити.
Освітня мета: Знайомити учнів з досягненнями української науки.
Виховна мета: Виховувати зацікавленість до вивчення англійської мови, як засобу розширення світогляду учнів.
Обладнання: Текст для читання «Ukrainian scientists and invertors»
Текст для аудіювання , портрети вчених
Хід уроку
І Вступна частина уроку.
T: Today we are going to continue our talk about Ukrainian inventors and their inventions. We shall be able to remember the inventions we use every day and get the information about some of the famous inventors. It’s difficult to imagine our life without inventions because the y make our life easier, and more comfortable. Many things didn’t appear, they were invented.
T: Do you know famous Ukrainian inventors and scientists? Who are they?
Pupils name the inventions and inventors
T. Say what you use when you want to:
1) enjoy listening o music (a radio)
2) get useful information (computer)
3) travel fast (plane)
4) be treated with antibiotic (medicine)
5) watch films (TV)
6) make photo (camera)
7) stay connected (phone)
8) have a travel and stop where you want (car)
II. Основна частина уроку.
T: Now you are going to read the text about Ukrainian inventors and scientists. Be careful and be ready to match the inventions with the inventors and scientists.
Here are the words:
Punishment – покарання
Vessel – судно, корабель
Nuclear - ядерний
Many Ukrainian inventors and scientists have made a great contribution to the world science for the benefit of Ukraine.
Mykola Kybalchych (1853-1881) was born in the Chernihiv Region. He died at the age of 28, but he managed to create a great deal. While waiting for capital punishment after an attempt upon Alexander II life he prepared in a prison cell an original design of an aircraft with rocket engine.
Petro Kapitsa (1894-1984) was a noted scientist in the field of nuclear physics and technologies of super powerful magnetic fields. Petro Kapitsa was awarded with the Nobel Prize for his works. He was a Ukrainian who made a great contribution into development of physics working in England and Russia.
Anatoly Oleksandrov (1903-1994), another Ukrainian inventor and scientist, was working in the field of nuclear physics. He was born in the village of Tarashcha not far from Kyiv. Anatoly Oleksandrov took part in the creation of nuclear technology. Under his supervision the first in the world atomic-powered vessel was created.
Serhiy Koroliov (1907-1966) was born in the city of Zhytomyr. He was an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering. In 1924 he finished a professional technical school in Odesa. In 1924-1926 he studied in Kyiv Politechnic Institute. In 1930 he graduated from Moscow higher technical school and at the same time he finished Moscow pilot school.
Under his supervision new rockets were designed and launched. Among them were ballistic and geographical rockets , rockets-carriers and spacecraft ‘’Vostok’’ and ‘’Voskhod’’ , the first automatic interplanet station ‘’Zond’’. The spacecraft designed under his guidance made real the flights to Venus and Mars and walking in the outer space.
(HO 1)
rocket engine
matic Interplanet station “Zond”
3) Anatoliy Oleksandrov c) the theory of super powerful
magnetic fields
4) Serhiy Koroliov d) the first in the world atomic-
powered vessel
Учням пропонується дати відповідь на питання:
Which invention mentioned in the text you consider the most important? Tell about it , giving your reasons.
Word List
Consul - консул
Nice – м. Ніцца
To his credit – на його рахунку
Electric welding - електрозварювання
Boltless – без кріплень
Soviet – радянський
While – listening activities
One can name many outstanding scientists in Ukraine, but I'd like to tell about the man, whose name is known all over the world. This is Eugene Paton. He was born in the family of Russian Consul in Nice France in 1870. He was a graduate of Dresden Polytechnic Institute, Germany But when he came back to St Petersburg as a famous engineer (architect), he suddenly changed his mind as to his occupation. He became a student of St Petersburg University being a famous engineer and having the project of the Dresden railway station to his credit.
In a year, he passed all the exams and go: a degree of a railway engineer. Paton was the first to found the Soviet school of bridge-building. He was awarded the title of the Honourable member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He decided to change his profession when he was 60. "The wish to serve the people made me to take up the new job — the electric welding," he said.
He became the founder of the first institute of the electric welding in the world. When he was 80, he headed the design anc construction of the first boltless bridge -Kyiv. The bridge is 1150 metres long and is called after Paton. The Research Institute of Electric Welding is called after Paton too
Post – listening activities
h) He headed the construction of the first wooden bridge in Kyiv. i) The bridge is 900 metres long. j) The name of Paton has been given to the bridge and Research Institute in Kyiv.
2. Listen to the biography of Paton again and answer the questions.
e) How old was Eugene Paton when he headed the design and construction of the first boltless bridge in Kyiv?
a)Fill in with the words from the box.
rocket, tested, engineering, scientist, developing, industry, graduated, space, founders, research |
Academician Serhiy Pavlovych Korolyov, the famous (1)... and designer of space-rocket systems, was born in the city of Zhytomyr in the family of a teacher. From 1927 he worked in the aircraft (2)... . In 1930, without leaving his job, he (3)... from Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School and finished a flying school in Zhytomyr in the same year.
After a meeting with Tsiolkovsky and studying his ideas, Korolyov became a (4)... enthusiast. He was one of the (5)... of modern space-rocket engineering1.
In 1933, when the Group for Studying Jet Propulsion1 was organised, and the first experimental rockets were made and (6)..., Korolyov took part in its work. Since then on Korolyov devoted himself to (7)... space-rocket engineering. In 1957 the first Earth satellites in the world were put into orbit with the help of the systems he had designed2 and the far side of the Moon was photographed.
He controlled the spaceships, in which man first flew into (8)... and from which he walked out into space.
Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the work in (9)... institutes and design offices which specialise in the sphere of space-rocket (10)... .
b) Answer the questions.
Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past, Present, Future Simple Passive Voice.
III. Заключна частина уроку
Summing up. Conclusion.
T. Our lesson is coming to the end. Did you enjoy it? You were very active and hard working. I give you the following marks …
Your home task: work individually. You are going to prepare part of an exhibition about the work of famous scientist or inventor. This could take the form of pictures, things they have said, their great ideas, etc.
Additional material
Past Passive
+ V3
Were Penicilin was discovered by Alexandr Fleming
To be
am was
is were
a) an original design of the aircraft with rocket engine
b) rockets and spacecraft, the first automatic Interplanet station “Zond”
c) the theory of super powerful magnetic fields
d) the first in the world atomic-powered vessel
Mykola Kybalchych
Petro Kapitsa
Anatoliy Oleksandrov Serhiy Koroliov