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Урок з англійської мови до теми “HOLIDAY PLANS”, 4клас (підручник “Quick Minds”) Тема: “WEATHER. MY HOLIDAY PLANS”
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови до теми “HOLIDAY PLANS”, 4клас  (підручник “Quick Minds”)


Мета уроку:

Навчальна: актуалізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал та навчати учнів оперувати ним, практикувати використання структури “be going to” ; удосконалювати комунікативні навички; продовжувати формувати уміння читання, письма та усного мовлення, розуміти і передавати інформацію іноземною мовою

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку, зорову пам'ять, критичне мислення, вміння аналізувати і логічно та послідовно викладати свої думки за темою

Виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, культуру поведінки при спілкуванні, вміння працювати у групах, почуття доброзичливості та взаємодопомоги.

Обладнання: демонстраційний та роздатковий матеріал, ТЗН

Тип уроку: Практичне застосування знань, умінь і навичок.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.1.Привітання . Організаційний момент

“Hello song”

 - Sit down who likes sunny weather /windy weather etc.

1.2. Читання правил роботи в класі

- Let’s read rules of our class and follow them

  • I listen to my teacher attentively
  • I raise my hand to share ideas
  • I am polite and friendly
  • I help my classmates
  • I think before I say something


1.3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

- Today we are going to speak about holiday plans.  We’ll revise the words, read, listen, write, sing and play at our lesson. At the end of the lesson you will be able to talk about your holiday plans according to the weather.

1.4. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

1) Tongue twister

- So, first of all let’s train our tongues

Whether the weather is good,

Whether the weather is bad,

You’ve got to put up with the weather

Whether you like it or not


2) Song

- And now let’s sing a song about the weather

It is sunny, jump and run,

Ride a bike, it is fun!

It is hot, the sea is blue,

I can swim and so can you!

It is raining, watch TV

Stay at home, drink some tea!

It is cold, skate and ski,

Make a snowman, look at me!


II. Основна частина уроку.

Активізація та закріплення лексичного матеріалу. Тренувальні вправи.

2.1. Мовленнєва зарядка.

1) - What’s the weather like today? T-P

2)  Graph

a) - Let’s do the survey. What’s the weather do you like? T-P-P-P

 (make a graph)










1    Met Office hot weather forecast: Soaring temperatures to return THIS week-  latest forecast | Weather | News | Express.co.uk                              Vector Illustration, Kids Playing On Winter: Make A Snowman, Ski And Ice  Skate , Card Concept. Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock  Illustration. Image 138282875.




b)  results:

     - Your favourite weather is …..

  • You like ……
  • You don’t like….
  1. - How do you think, what’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? T-P

- What are you going to do tomorrow? T-P-P-P

   2.2.   Пісня /Song “I’m going to go on a super holiday”

   -  Let’s sing what can you do on a super holiday. (PB.p38)

                                         Hey, hey, hey, I’m going to go,

I’m going to go on a super holiday,

                                         Hey, hey, hey, I’m going to go

I’m going to go on a super holiday.

         I’m going to snorkel in the sea,

                I’m going to climb the highest tree,

          I’m going to fly my lovely kite,

                         I’m going to dance all through the night.

                                          Hey, hey, hey…

              I’m going to sleep under the moon,

             I’m going to draw a great cartoon,

     I’m going to have lots of fun,

 I’m going to jump and run.

2.3. Робота з підручником  (PBp.39)

Ex.1 – reading

Ex.2 - listening

Ex.3 - writing

2.4. Фізхвилинка /Rest

2.5.  Асоціативний кущ /Mind Map «Holiday Plans» 

  • What else can we do on a super holiday?
  • Let’s make up the Mind Map. Look at the blackboard and find, read and stick the words on the topic «Holiday Plans» 












2.6. Робота в групах / Group work (групи формуються відповідно до обраної картинки)

  • Take 1 picture and your pens
  • Who has a picture with sunny/rainy/snowy weather sit according to the picture

Your task is:

  • Look at my plans for weekend
  • Make up and write down your own sentences according to the weather
  • Put the sentences in order to make a text
  • Read the text “MY PLANS”

My Plans

  • It’s going to be sunny tomorrow.
  • I’m going to go out.
  • I’m going to go to the cinema in the morning.
  • After cinema I’m going to go to café. I’m going to go have a big bowl of pasta and a big glass of apple juice.
  •  In the evening I’m going to read a book and listen to music.



…………………………………... Met Office hot weather forecast: Soaring temperatures to return THIS week-  latest forecast | Weather | News | Express.co.uk


……………………….Mother working from home, Children playing games on a tablet | Games to play,  Working from home, Kids playing or At what age can my kid go out on her own?


…………………………….in the morning


After/ then ………………………………...


In the evening………………………………



…………………………………….Met Office issues weather warnings for high winds and heavy rain in Surrey  - Surrey Live

………………………...Mother working from home, Children playing games on a tablet | Games to play,  Working from home, Kids playing or At what age can my kid go out on her own?

………………………..…….in the morning.

After/ then ………………………………...

In the evening………………………………



……………………………………..Vector Illustration, Kids Playing On Winter: Make A Snowman, Ski And Ice  Skate , Card Concept. Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock  Illustration. Image 138282875.

………………………...Mother working from home, Children playing games on a tablet | Games to play,  Working from home, Kids playing or At what age can my kid go out on her own?

………………………..…….in the morning.

After/ then ………………………………...

In the evening………………………………

2.7. Гра «Ланцюжок» / “Chain game”, (extra game)

I’m going to play computer games. – I’m going to play computer games and I’m going to ...



III. Заключна частина уроку

- Do you like today’s lesson?

1. Self-assessment. “Traffic light” Technology.

- I am satisfied with your work today. You were active.







     - And how are you now?

     - Please, lift up a Lego brick with a mood that suits you.

2. Homework


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