Тема: Nature Protection. Global Warming. Healthy way of life.
Обладнання: телевізор, малюнки, плакати з висловами та прислів’ями, роздатковий матеріал, графіки, проведеного опитування, відеозапис пісні “I saved the World Today” (мінус), міні-підручники, відеоматеріали на flesh-drive.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: економіка, географія, хімія, зв’язок із загальношкільною проблемою “Healthy school”.
Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизація знань.
Хід заняття
І. Організаційний момент. Вітання. Завдання на модуль.
Вступне слово вчителя.
T. Mankind long believed that Earth would remain much the same. Now we know Nature is under threat. One country’s pollution can be every country’s problem. So we all need to work together to safeguard our environment. (All together).
What’s the aim of our lesson, how do you think?
(Учні розмірковують над метою уроку, чому вони сьогодні навчаться).
ІІ. Фонетична зарядка.
T. The motor of the lesson is: ”Look after this Planet, it’s only one we have”.
(The appeal of Prince Philip of Britain, President of the World Wide Fund for Nature).
Повторення разом клятви Землі та висловів відомих людей.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth.
Problems to discuss. (Міні-підручник, с. 3).
ІІІ. Повторення ЛО до теми, складання mind-map.
(Міні-підручник, с. 3).
IV. Answer the questions.
What is Acid rain (Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Rainforest, Ecology, Ecosystem)?
Відповіді учнів.
V. Make up the dialogue.
Cor. I know that some pupils of our group are the members of ecology club. What problems demand world action nowadays?
Pupil 1. The most urgent problem concerning the people of the whole world is an ecological one.
Cor. Ecology! What does it mean?
Pupil 2. Ecology is the science that studies the conditions of the habitat of man, animals and plants.
Cor. What can you tell us about the environment?
Pupil 3. The environment is everything around us. It includes all living beings and everything that is not alive, such as the soil, the air and the water.
Cor. Do you study the problems of the environment at your ecology club?
Pupil 4. We study these problems. When there is a problem, we try to find out why. Then we look for the ways to stop the problem.
(Міні-підручник, с. 4).
VI. Your home task was to make a poll charts among the 9th formers.
We used the next questions.
Who (always, sometimes or never)
Кожна група демонструє результати опитування серед учнів 9-х класів у вигляді діаграм.
VII. Video 1. Land Pollution.
T. Watch video and answer the questions.
(Міні-підручник, с. 5).
VIІІ. Бесіда про Green Peace.
(Міні-підручник, с. 7).
Look through the text and speak about the organization.
IX. Обговорення проблем в групах.
(Міні-підручник, с. 5).
X. Video 2.
T. The next video we are going to watch concerns one of the greatest problems nowadays-global warming. While watching, try to find the answers to the questions. (Read).
(Міні-підручник, с. 6).
XI. T. Your task was to find the information about scientist’s researches as for preventing global warming?
T. Scientists offer a wide variety of ways concerning global warming. Some of them are exotic.
P1. For example, scientists in engineering geology offer to protect the Earth from global warming with the help of grant mirrors that will reflect light back into space they are proposed to be placed on orbital satellites.
P2. The researchers put forward the ideas of growing light – loving crops.
P3. Spraying sea water in the clouds to create a reflective effect.
P4. Painting the streets and roofs while.
P5. Sucking greenhouse gases from the air.
P6. Pumping heat into the oceans.
XII. T. Imagine that you are the minister of Environment Protection in Ukraine.
What would you do to protect our environment? If you were the minister of Environment Protection in Ukraine, what would you do?
I would…
P1. Protect our woodlands from cutting out.
P2. Place colour containers for sorting garbage.
P3. Build more garbage-recycling factories.
P4. Reduce releasing harmful gases into the air.
P5. Introduce special movement for calling for nature protection.
P6. Make special filters for water purification.
XIII. T. Now think about now we can help our Nature.
(Учні пишуть на відбитках долонь, що вони можуть зробити і наклеюють на дошці під зображенням плакату планети в долонях).
T. And now, in the conclusion, say all together what can we do to live healthy and happy live on our beautiful planet?
Учні хором:
XIV. T. You know that our schools is partici pating in the project Healthy School.
P1. Our group tries to keep on healthy way of life because to be healthy is cool.
Video. (Учні групи записали відео на англійській мові про здоровий спосіб життя (на стадіоні – заняття спортом, в їдальні – споживання здорової їжі)).
XV. T. We’ve had a great job today, now let’s have fun, sing a song. (I save the world today).
Учні співають під фонограму, на екрані демонструється. альманах з видами тематичних малюнків.
XVІ. Домашнє завдання.
Write a short composition about an environment in our town.
XVШI. Підсумок уроку.
T. You have worked well and I give you the next marks…
Thanks for you work.
Mini text-book
Nature Protection
and Healthy Life
the 9th form
The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Civilization is being poisoned by its own waste products.
William Ralph Inge
Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light – be careful – she is saying. To take care of your planet is to take care of your own house.
Dalai Lama
What is Acid rain (Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Rainforest, Ecology, Ecosistem)?
Cor. I know that some pupils of our group are the members of ecology club. What problems demand world action nowadays?
Pupil 1. The most urgent problem concerning the people of the whole world is an ecological one.
Cor. Ecology! What does it mean?
Pupil 2. Ecology is the science that studies the conditions of the habitat of man, animals and plants.
Cor. What can you tell us about the environment?
Pupil 3. The environment is everything around us. It includes all living things and everything that is not alive, such as the soil, the air and the water.
Cor. Do you study the problems of the environment at your ecology club?
Pupil 4. We study these problems. When there is a problem, we try to find out why. Then we look for the ways to stop the problem.
“Green Peace” organization was founded in 1970 for protecting the ecology of our planet. The aim of its creation is in the organization’s name.
Already after a year its establishment the organization was recognized by the world and after 25 years its branches were opened in more than 50 countries.
The first action of the “Green Peace” was the organization of protest against the nuclear tests on the French island Mururoa in the Pacific Ocean.
The pollution of the atmosphere is a global problem now. The members of the “Green Peace” call the world’s monopolies to stop polluting the air and ruining the ozone layer.
Now “Green Peace” is fighting for giving up nuclear tests in the world. One of the main spheres of activity of the “Green Peace” is the protection of animal world. It is known that more than one hundred kinds of animals had disappeared from the Earth’s face.
Today, the name “Green Peace” is connected with the following words – PEACE and LIFE on the HEALTHY PLANET. We call on you DON’T LET THE WORLD DIE!
(Огляд ролика, підготовленого учнями про здоровий спосіб життя)